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Member since 12/07 2205 total posts
Name: Stephanie
does anyone else not feel or look pregnant
Im 12 weeks 4 days and i dont feel pregnant or look pregnant. I have an occasional cramping here and there but other than that im feeling totally normal. I need some reassurance that im still pregnant. LOL Does this sound dumb. I wish i could feel the baby but i have a while to go for that from what i read. Thanks for letting me whine.
Posted 8/5/08 11:12 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 1/06 5193 total posts
Name: MaryBeth
Re: does anyone else not feel or look pregnant
although I don't look pregnant yet (only 8wks)....I feel ichy every single day almost all day.....consider the fact that you feel good a blessing!!!
Posted 8/5/08 11:15 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/07 644 total posts
Name: Dena
Re: does anyone else not feel or look pregnant
I am with you on this.....I am 13 1/2 weeks and I also feel nothing. I heard the heartbeat at the dr. on Friday but other than that I wouldn't even know it!! I can't wait to start feeling something!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 8/5/08 11:17 AM |
Member since 5/05 24989 total posts
Re: does anyone else not feel or look pregnant
I def don't feel PG but I look PG. Well really I look fatter then usual so I just wear maternity tops now
Posted 8/5/08 11:19 AM |
<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06 19197 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: does anyone else not feel or look pregnant
I only feel pregnant because I'm still nauseas alot and VERY tired. I'm fairly certain I'm not showing yet even though my clothes are no longer fitting. I'm heavy to begin with and thanks to my PCOS I have ALOT of belly fat to begin with. I don't anticpate showing for quite a while.
Posted 8/5/08 11:21 AM |
this is what it's all about

Member since 11/07 3321 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: does anyone else not feel or look pregnant
it will take a while. if this is your first pregnancy you might not start showing until you are 5 months.
i am 19wks, never experienced morning sickness and can prob. still get away with not looking pregnant if you didnt know. i started feeling the baby move around week 16- slight pokes here and there. and around week 18 they were much stronger and frequent.
i would say this is the first time i really feel pregnant now that i feel movement. it is so exciting!!!
good luck!!
Posted 8/5/08 11:21 AM |
Love my boys!!!

Member since 8/07 5148 total posts
Name: Laura
Re: does anyone else not feel or look pregnant
i am 18 weeks today and just really starting to show
in terms of feeling pregnant - not really I dont really feel anything
Posted 8/5/08 12:03 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 4/08 574 total posts
Re: does anyone else not feel or look pregnant
I did not look or feel PG for the entire 1st trimester last PG. I did not pop until 24 weeks. It was crazy but I definitely understand about being nervous not feeling it. 
This time, I wish
Posted 8/5/08 12:05 PM |
My Dream come true!

Member since 12/07 2205 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: does anyone else not feel or look pregnant
Posted by asecretposter
I did not look or feel PG for the entire 1st trimester last PG. I did not pop until 24 weeks. It was crazy but I definitely understand about being nervous not feeling it. 
This time, I wish
AWWW i hope you feel better. The end of first trimester is near and hopefully all your MS will come to a comlplete HALT.
Posted 8/5/08 12:08 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 4/08 574 total posts
Re: does anyone else not feel or look pregnant
Posted by sweetbabydreams
Posted by asecretposter
I did not look or feel PG for the entire 1st trimester last PG. I did not pop until 24 weeks. It was crazy but I definitely understand about being nervous not feeling it. 
This time, I wish
AWWW i hope you feel better. The end of first trimester is near and hopefully all your MS will come to a comlplete HALT. Thanks I hope so too!
I will tell you that my last PG was like a dream. I had energy & felt better than I did when I was not PG. It was the weirdest thing! I actually rented one of those dopplers so I could hear the HB whenever I wanted b/c it drove me nearly insane that I did not "feel" PG.
Posted 8/5/08 12:19 PM |
Two Under Two Mommy

Member since 3/08 10420 total posts
Name: Momx100
Re: does anyone else not feel or look pregnant
I don't look pregnant but I feel miserable (morning sickness and fatigue).
Posted 8/5/08 12:20 PM |