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Member since 8/06 13803 total posts
Name: Jeannie
Does It Ever..
... just stop your breath? Looking at your children, listening to them chatter on about friends, school, sports.. and realizing how far they have come? Sometimes I catch myself just looking at them and wondering how time managed to slip by without me really noticing it. One minute they need help tying their shoes and the next they are telling you they are going to go jump in the shower.. by themselves. One second they won't let go of your legs.. the next minute they won't hug you in front of their friends.
I don't MISS them being babies.. but it's like watching a miracle in progress. Seeing your babies grow into actual people with personalities that just develop more and more and get stronger and bigger. And realizing.. you helped create that.
My little monkeys will be in 4th and 2nd grade next year! in 2 years Robbie will be in MIDDLE school!! Where DOES the time go?
Posted 6/8/10 7:18 AM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: Does It Ever..
It does.... all the time. My kids are just 6 and 4, having had birthday's last month... It's crazy. Last night I was helping DS memorize a poem he is reciting at his Kindergarten graduation ceremony and he just floored me that he could memorize this whole paragraph! And then when we got ready for bed, he read me a book. My baby boy no longer needs me to read to him
Posted 6/8/10 8:20 AM |
Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05 12165 total posts
Re: Does It Ever..
Yes, all the time. I look at their little bodies and think, 'Wow, I did that..." And the people into whom they're, it IS just overwhelming. Especially now that my older DD will be fiive (FIVE?!?) in September and is graduating from Pre-K tonight ( ) I just realize how the passage of time just speeds up exponentially the moment you become a parent.
A miracle...that's about right.
Posted 6/8/10 9:28 AM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Message edited 9/1/2011 4:20:40 PM.
Posted 6/8/10 10:17 AM |

Member since 8/06 13803 total posts
Name: Jeannie
Re: Does It Ever..
Posted by nrthshgrl
BTW, did I ever tell you how much I love that our kids are the same ages?
If only Noah had been a girl.. we could have had a 2fer wedding.
Posted 6/8/10 10:31 AM |
My Girl

Member since 7/06 3395 total posts
Name: Tara
Re: Does It Ever..
Posted by Eireann
Yes, all the time. I look at their little bodies and think, 'Wow, I did that..." And the people into whom they're, it IS just overwhelming. Especially now that my older DD will be fiive (FIVE?!?) in September and is graduating from Pre-K tonight ( ) I just realize how the passage of time just speeds up exponentially the moment you become a parent.
A miracle...that's about right.
Five was a very hard Birthday for me too. I don't know why, but I guess it really means that they are grown up!
What really gets me on almost a daily basis is Ava's hands.. I am with Brody all day- he will be 2 in Spetember. I am holding and wiping his chubby, baby hands all day. Then at night when Ava is in the tub and I wash her hands, they are big hands, people hands...she doesn't have those baby hands any more, she is all grown up and doesn't need me as much!! Can you tell I have PMS??!!
Message edited 6/8/2010 11:24:25 AM.
Posted 6/8/10 11:23 AM |
Member since 7/07 7639 total posts
Re: Does It Ever..
Message edited 11/27/2011 6:00:40 PM.
Posted 6/8/10 2:40 PM |
Roll Tide!

Member since 8/08 3169 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Does It Ever..
I get driven around by my child. We're looking at colleges.
Next year, I won't have any children in elementary school. (Until Lily starts in 4 years)
Posted 6/8/10 4:04 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 11767 total posts
Re: Does It Ever..
I love it! DS was a late talker and I was nervous at first. My ped kept telling me "don't worry, there will be a day that you wish he would stop talking"
I still think about that comment when DS starts blabbing on about something and I sit back and enjoy it!
Posted 6/8/10 4:34 PM |
And so it goes....

Member since 9/05 2217 total posts
Re: Does It Ever..
All the time - it's often little moments that I want to freeze like yesterday - we were in Target I turned around and Jack was standing in the aisle reading a book. I flashed back to him in that same store at about 2.6 sitting in the cart reaching for a Thomas train.
I try to remember to hold on tight because it moves soooo fast.
Posted 6/9/10 9:28 AM |
Mom of Three
Member since 9/05 7900 total posts
Name: "MOMMY!!!"
Re: Does It Ever..
Of course! And I am so grateful when I can appreciate those moments instead of missing them. My DD who is finishing Kindergarten was reading a book to my 4 yr old earlier. I had to take a pic bc they were so cute. And I am amazed at her reading skills. She went into Kindergarten not reading and is coming out a really good reader, I was impressed as h*ll!
Sometimes I see a pic of my DS #1 and he is wearing a shirt than now fits DS #2 and I want to cry bc I feel like 3 1/2 years went so fast. Was I there? Really present the whole time? That happens in so many ways the clothes thing brings old memories up so fast.
Posted 6/9/10 5:15 PM |
Re: Does It Ever..
I'm not like this with my oldest too much. However, she was always a tomboy and never into girly things. She always has more boy as freinds than girls b/c she is rough and tough. She has always hated the phone etc. Recently she befriended a few new girls, is now on the phone and doing girly things more than ever. When I realized what was happening my heart sank. She is growing up and I can't stop it.
My little ones I can't even think about them growing up. Yesterday I got some hand me down cloths that were size 6. They are a 3t now. Looking at size 6 made me I can't even imagine!
Posted 6/10/10 8:40 AM |
Mom of Three
Member since 9/05 7900 total posts
Name: "MOMMY!!!"
Re: Does It Ever..
Posted by chmlengr
It does.... all the time. My kids are just 6 and 4, having had birthday's last month... It's crazy. Last night I was helping DS memorize a poem he is reciting at his Kindergarten graduation ceremony and he just floored me that he could memorize this whole paragraph! And then when we got ready for bed, he read me a book. My baby boy no longer needs me to read to him
Unbelieveable! It seems like just recently that A was sleeping on my carpet at the huge GTG
Posted 6/10/10 9:15 AM |
Where does time go?
Member since 12/05 9747 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Does It Ever..
Posted by Eireann
Yes, all the time. I look at their little bodies and think, 'Wow, I did that..." And the people into whom they're, it IS just overwhelming. Especially now that my older DD will be fiive (FIVE?!?) in September and is graduating from Pre-K tonight ( ) I just realize how the passage of time just speeds up exponentially the moment you become a parent.
A miracle...that's about right.
girl, you said it perfectly. I just look at her and tell her all the time how lucky I am to be her mommy.
Posted 6/10/10 12:58 PM |
car seat tech & geek :-)

Member since 2/06 4346 total posts
Name: P
Re: Does It Ever..
I've been doing this a LOT lately. DD is 11 and graduating elementary school in a few weeks. I can't imagine her in middle school and it scares me !! She's grown so much (although she is a little peanut still) and I am amazed everyday at what a great girl she is. Come December I get to start all over with another little one though !! That scares me too !!
Posted 6/11/10 10:49 AM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Does It Ever..
Posted by chmlengr
And then when we got ready for bed, he read me a book. My baby boy no longer needs me to read to him
ugh, miki does this now. I beg for her to let me read to her and she says "no mommy, you relax, I will read it to you"
Posted 6/11/10 2:51 PM |
My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07 13625 total posts
Re: Does It Ever..
Posted by avamamma
Posted by Eireann
Yes, all the time. I look at their little bodies and think, 'Wow, I did that..." And the people into whom they're, it IS just overwhelming. Especially now that my older DD will be fiive (FIVE?!?) in September and is graduating from Pre-K tonight ( ) I just realize how the passage of time just speeds up exponentially the moment you become a parent.
A miracle...that's about right.
Five was a very hard Birthday for me too. I don't know why, but I guess it really means that they are grown up!
What really gets me on almost a daily basis is Ava's hands.. I am with Brody all day- he will be 2 in Spetember. I am holding and wiping his chubby, baby hands all day. Then at night when Ava is in the tub and I wash her hands, they are big hands, people hands...she doesn't have those baby hands any more, she is all grown up and doesn't need me as much!! Can you tell I have PMS??!!
5 is going to hit me very hard....I am not coping well
Posted 6/11/10 10:17 PM |