Does youre DS DD have gas on formula ?
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My lil Princess... ;)

Member since 7/06 1590 total posts
Name: Christine
Does youre DS DD have gas on formula ?
My Dd Is 3 weeks old on Enfamil, drinks about 3 to 4 ozs every 2 hrs and is very crankie, has alot of gas (both ways) and has time periods that cant sleep b.c she is so uncomfortable, and it really starting to drive me nuts.
The Dr told me to put a pillow under the mattress so the air wont sit in her stomach and It worked for about a day and now I am looking for some new ideas.
Today she slept for about 1 hr at a time in my arms or swing.
Is anyone else having the same situation ?
Posted 9/21/06 10:41 PM |
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Mommy to 3 boys!

Member since 5/05 4114 total posts
Re: Does youre DS DD have gas on formula ?
Did you try the mylicon drops? My ped recommended them for my son if he got gassy. So far he's been ok, though, haven't had to use them. It might be worth a shot for your daughter.
Message edited 9/21/2006 10:47:12 PM.
Posted 9/21/06 10:46 PM |
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Member since 11/05 2209 total posts
Re: Does youre DS DD have gas on formula ?
Message edited 2/8/2007 3:35:30 PM.
Posted 9/22/06 8:00 AM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: Does youre DS DD have gas on formula ?
This is what would happen to Ava and how we found out she had a milk allergy. Maybe try a gentler formula with some pre-digested proteins. It will be easier on her little tummy.
Posted 9/22/06 8:14 AM |
Making big changes

Member since 5/05 16541 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Does youre DS DD have gas on formula ?
Christopher had HORRIBLE gas when he was a newborn and we ended up switching formula a few times because of it. Enfamil Gentlease was our magic formula and Dr. Brown's bottles were our magic bottles. The combination of the two gave us a whole different baby.
Posted 9/22/06 9:04 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/06 614 total posts
Name: Nate
Re: Does youre DS DD have gas on formula ?
DD is 3 1/2 months and has been very gassy and cranky during feeding since a couple of weeks old. We have tried gas drops and gentlease formula and neither worked. Now we finally found out she has acid reflux and I feel so bad that I let it go so long. Everyone was telling me it was just gas and all babies go through it and grow out of it. My advice is that if gas relief attempts don't work, look for another cause for the discomfort. Good luck.
Posted 9/22/06 7:30 PM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: Does youre DS DD have gas on formula ?
She was bad with Enfamil/Similac and found relief with Nestle Good Start...
Posted 9/22/06 10:50 PM |
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