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Dont know what to do about my doctor

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my beautiful baby is here :-)

Member since 9/05

1136 total posts


Dont know what to do about my doctor

I need suggestions and advice..My doctor use to be in practice with another doctor and in the 6 months of my pregnancy he has switched who he is joined with and which hospital he will be affiliated with 3 times..He has been trying to do all the appts. himself which has left him not giving the best patient care he doesnt rememeber anything doesnt even go over your file very well..I was told at the hospital when I went I have a low placenta and they were concerned about my cyst that I have and my doctor wont discuss it he tells me all the pains I have are round ligament pains yet mind you this is my 3rd pregnancy.I know what is normal and what is not and this severe pain is definately from the cyst.I dont know if I should try to switch doctors this far along because Im worried how he is not paying attention to how Im feeling..I am not the type to complain and I handle pain well but I cant seem to even walk around a store without kneeling over in pain and mind you I have two other kids to take care.Im debating if I should call one of the groups he just left which is Dr.Okeefe/Dr,Porte in rocky point and see if they will take me this far along.If anyone know anything about this group as well it would be appreciated.. TIA

Posted 8/10/08 12:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
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aka marriedinportjeff

Re: Dont know what to do about my doctor

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Go with your gut instinct. (if it were me, I'd definitely switch.) Just think, if he's so over extended that he's ignoring your placenta and cyst issues now, how will he handle delivery?

I don't know about the other practice you're considering switching to, but I can say I'm super-happy with mine... three village women's health (in back of wild by nature in setauket on 25A)

they're very punctual, professional, and have a super-good reputation. they're affiliated with SBU hospital (and maybe also a hospital in port jeff, but I don't recall).

good luck! Chat Icon

Posted 8/10/08 12:14 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/05

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Re: Dont know what to do about my doctor

Posted by mommysboy

I need suggestions and advice..My doctor use to be in practice with another doctor and in the 6 months of my pregnancy he has switched who he is joined with and which hospital he will be affiliated with 3 times..He has been trying to do all the appts. himself which has left him not giving the best patient care he doesnt rememeber anything doesnt even go over your file very well..I was told at the hospital when I went I have a low placenta and they were concerned about my cyst that I have and my doctor wont discuss it he tells me all the pains I have are round ligament pains yet mind you this is my 3rd pregnancy.I know what is normal and what is not and this severe pain is definately from the cyst.I dont know if I should try to switch doctors this far along because Im worried how he is not paying attention to how Im feeling..I am not the type to complain and I handle pain well but I cant seem to even walk around a store without kneeling over in pain and mind you I have two other kids to take care.Im debating if I should call one of the groups he just left which is Dr.Okeefe/Dr,Porte in rocky point and see if they will take me this far along.If anyone know anything about this group as well it would be appreciated.. TIA

Tough situation. I would say switch docs if you don't feel you're getting attention or care from a doc. I'm sure other practices would take you. It seems like your docs totally dismissing your concerns, you need to speak up! It's your 3rd pregnancy, you know what's normal or not. Demand answers & tests. Don't take no for a answer! As for handling pain well, that is ok for when you have a bad headache not when you are pregnant. It doesn't appear you're handling/tolerating this pain well at all, you can't get through a store without doubling over in pain?! Sounds like you need to be on bed rest, either that or start taking it much more easier! Is there anyone you can rely on to help with your other kids & going to the store? Husband, family, inlaws, friends? It could be very dangerous to try & suffer through it for both you & your baby until you have answers. Why ignore your body telling you something might be seriously wrong? Go to the hospital, they'll run tests right away. I'm sure everything will be fine, but it can't hurt to make sure. Best wishes to you. Chat Icon

Posted 8/10/08 5:20 PM

my beautiful baby is here :-)

Member since 9/05

1136 total posts


Re: Dont know what to do about my doctor

Thank you I actually did go to the hospital 2 weeks ago and they are the ones who gave me most my answers since the doctor doesnt even pay attention to his own sono tech.As for anyone helping me with the kids that unfortunately is a no my husband works in the bronx and doesnt get home till late at night hes been helping me on the weekends when hes off but I have no family to speak of around here and the only friend close by has been helping but theres just so much help you can ask for.I dont like to ask for help and this has been very hard for me as is..I have been trying to put myself on rest but with the munchkins its kind of tough.. I am going to do what you are saying though and speak up at my next appt. I have to listen to my body is right and if he doesnt listen to me then I will have no other choice to change doctors..Thanks for the advice and support

Posted 8/10/08 7:13 PM

Brotherly Love!

Member since 1/08

6209 total posts


Re: Dont know what to do about my doctor

If you don't feel comfortable, I would def. switch no matter what stage in the game you are. You need to get the best possible care! I was having issues with my doctor too and I looked for others I have an appointment with a new Dr. on the 18th. And if I'm not happy with that one either I will continue to look. You need ot do whats best for you and your baby period. Good luck!

Posted 8/10/08 9:12 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 2/08

402 total posts


Re: Dont know what to do about my doctor

My gut instinct told me to switch doctors.... and I did, at 36 weeks!!!!

If you were getting AMAZING care, I would not switch. But that does not seem to be the case at all!!! You and the little one deserve the best and most attentive care, especially with your issues. It is hard to switch, but it sounds like your doc is otherwise preoccupied at the moment.

Switching hospital affiliations three times sounds off bells and alarms for me, by the way.

Posted 8/10/08 11:54 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 10/07

405 total posts


Re: Dont know what to do about my doctor

I would def switch. IMO you need someone that will be more involved with you and your pregnancy. He doesnt sound too reliable. My friend switched from her drs to my dr at 25 weeks... you can switch anytime!

Posted 8/11/08 12:21 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Dont know what to do about my doctor

I would switch. This isn't the time for a doctor to be overlooking things because he's too wrapped up with his own career decisions.

Posted 8/11/08 5:32 AM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Dont know what to do about my doctor

Please, please switch doctors! This dr. is not looking out for your best interest. You need to speak on behalf of yourself AND the baby you are carrying who cannot do so for him/herself, so you owe it to the both of you to be getting the best care possible. I'm so sorry this is happeningChat Icon

Posted 8/11/08 5:57 AM

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