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Member since 5/05 4369 total posts
Name: Karen
dont know what to do about my leg
i got woken up on wednesday morning with a wonderful pregnancy charlie was sooooo muscle was cramped up for a little while, but then it was fine. Throughout the day i could still feel that my leg was a little sore. Now, 2 days later, my leg is killing me...i mean, it is so sore that i cant even walk right.
Has anyone gotten this before? What can i do for it? I cant imagine having to go through this again
Posted 7/20/07 6:45 AM |
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Member since 6/05 4919 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: dont know what to do about my leg
I jumped out of bed about 10 or 15 min ago with one of those cramps Now, I cannot tell where it was.
I would ask your Dr if there is anything you can do Maybe you can sretch your leg a certain way to relieve the spasms and cramping. I am not sure
DId you try massaging it?
Posted 7/20/07 6:53 AM |
soooo in love:)

Member since 5/05 4369 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: dont know what to do about my leg
i tried, but just the slightest touch to that area hurts.
i had a charlie horse maybe 2 months ago, but it felt nothing like this afterwards!
Posted 7/20/07 6:59 AM |
Our prayers were answered:)

Member since 6/05 4919 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: dont know what to do about my leg
I am not sure, I guess I would ask the dr then. OUCH
Posted 7/20/07 7:08 AM |
My two best friends!

Member since 11/06 5879 total posts
Name: Debbie
Re: dont know what to do about my leg
Try putting a heating pad on it for about 10 mins.
Posted 7/20/07 8:01 AM |
Blessed x 3

Member since 6/05 2460 total posts
Name: Laurie
Re: dont know what to do about my leg
I had that lst Saturday and it lasted a few days, the soreness. I wouldn't put anything on it though after reading the girl who died from the ben gay... Maybe just a heating pad?
Posted 7/20/07 8:04 AM |

Member since 5/05 10767 total posts
Name: Me
Re: dont know what to do about my leg
Soreness is common. I get this a lot and the soreness alsts for a few days. Try a heating pad and try massaging it (no matter how much it hurts) .. you need to work out the knot. In the long run it will feel better faster.
Posted 7/20/07 8:32 AM |
Re: dont know what to do about my leg
I used to get these before I was pregnant (most likely from my back problem) and yes, sometimes, days later, it would be even more sore. Try and stretch out the muscle gently, not pushing yourself and use a warm compress. Point your toes to the ceiling, that should help.
Posted 7/20/07 8:45 AM |
Then there was 2

Member since 3/06 5696 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: dont know what to do about my leg
charlie horses are a part of pregnancy try stretching your foot towards your belly NOT the opposite way! if you stretch it say towards the wall it can give you more pain. i had read that somewhere. do that a few times a day and that should help.. i hope so for your sake. hang in there i have had alot of charile horses so far
Posted 7/20/07 10:37 AM |
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Member since 1/07 9537 total posts
Name: The One My Mother Gave Me ;-)
Re: dont know what to do about my leg
Before I got PG I would get those on average once a month. The only thing that gets rid of the pain is to soak a washcloth in hot water (as hot as you can stand it), wrap it around the sore area for @ 15 minutes, then have DH massage the sore area afterwards. You'll probably have to do this every day for three days, but it will make it feel better.
Posted 7/20/07 10:40 AM |