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Member since 6/06 4546 total posts
Name: SNV
EBF Moms Nursing Question...
Do any of you have an 8 week old or older child who nurses for one hour?
My DS is still taking a long time to nurse during the day and I thought he was supposed to be taking less time now that he is getting older.
Posted 8/29/07 6:49 PM |
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Member since 5/05 7027 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: EBF Moms Nursing Question...
At that age DD was definitely nursing at least 20-30 per side... It started getting less probably around 3 or 4 months if I remember correctly...
Posted 8/29/07 6:57 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06 699 total posts
Name: Latrice
Re: EBF Moms Nursing Question...
thats seems very long...DD nurses for about 10 minutes now on both side and she will be 4 months..but we never nursed for 1 hr.
Posted 8/29/07 7:25 PM |
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Member since 12/06 23090 total posts
Name: C
Re: EBF Moms Nursing Question...
My DD is 8.5 weeks and usually nurses about 25 minutes or so from each side, and the last side can go even longer. She eats 7-8 times a day, and except for overnight, she's hungry usually 3 hours after the start of her last feeding (i.e. start a feeding at 6pm, start next at 9pm).
Sounds normal to me.
Posted 8/29/07 7:56 PM |
needs to update her avatar pic
Member since 6/05 10212 total posts
Name: Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)
Re: EBF Moms Nursing Question...
DS would generally nurse for 20 minutes per side. 1 hour doesn't seen too weird to me
Posted 8/29/07 8:15 PM |
Balancing act on a highwire

Member since 5/05 1292 total posts
Name: a
Re: EBF Moms Nursing Question...
YES! Sometimes he'd go for hours (during a growth spurt). I remember the days of nursing one side for 30min, then the other then the other etc.
Now he's 20 minutes total at 8 months for first AM and last PM meal and 10-15min during the day...
It gets better!
Posted 8/29/07 8:53 PM |
Happy Little Girl

Member since 5/05 3830 total posts
Name: Thia (Cynthia)
Re: EBF Moms Nursing Question...
It depends on the child.
For our entire nursing history, my DS has nursed for 10 minutes on one side. Sometimes it's even 5 or 7 minutes (on the one side)! The only time he nurses longer is in the evenings sometimes or when he wants it to put him to sleep and he's a little over-tired. (And he is growing like a weed, his poops look fine, so I have never worried that he doesn't nurse long enough.)
As you can see from the responses, there are so many variations.
Posted 8/29/07 8:55 PM |
Mom to two boys :)
Member since 5/05 3384 total posts
Name: Jola (pronounced Yola)
Re: EBF Moms Nursing Question...
Lately this week my DS has been eating 30-50 minutes as well...
before this week is was max 30 minutes..
Posted 8/29/07 9:18 PM |