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Elementary Self-Contained Teachers

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LIF Infant

Member since 8/07

75 total posts


Elementary Self-Contained Teachers

Hi everyone! I am a new teacher and got a job teaching a 4th grade self-contained class.

Would any elem spec ed teachers be willing to share their daily schedule/routines and/or offer any tips or advice? Please!?!?

I'm very nervous!! Thanks so much!!

Posted 8/27/07 11:46 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/07

333 total posts


Re: Elementary Self-Contained Teachers

I am an elemetary self-contained teacher also, but I teach K/1. Whatever you need help w/ let me know.

Posted 8/27/07 3:59 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/07

75 total posts


Re: Elementary Self-Contained Teachers

Thanks for replying!! I know I need to assess the students the first week, is there a formal assessment I should be using or do it informally?

Posted 8/27/07 4:21 PM

~We Did it~

Member since 7/06

6718 total posts


Re: Elementary Self-Contained Teachers

i would def reccomend sticking to a strict routine everyday, changes in schedule can really throw off some kids with special needs

Posted 8/27/07 5:35 PM

Be happy

Member since 5/06

1359 total posts


Re: Elementary Self-Contained Teachers

I am fourth elem ed, but work with the special ed teacher at my level. Im not sure if I can help, but FM if any q. Chat Icon

Posted 8/27/07 8:04 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/07

333 total posts


Re: Elementary Self-Contained Teachers

Def strict routine, rules of the class posted where the kids can see...

You will need to speak to your literacy coach/math coach at your school regarding assessment. You should have some kind of reading assessment to determine their reading levels, if you not, you can do a running record.
You will know more about your students when you read IEP's...
I hope I am answering your questions. FM me if you need any help.

Posted 8/27/07 8:21 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/06

194 total posts


Re: Elementary Self-Contained Teachers

I am a 5th grade special ed. inclusion teacher, but I have taught self-contained.
Is it a 12:1:1 or 15:1 or lower
First you must establish a routine from day 1 with self-contained. I would continue the same routine for the rest of the year.

I would check with the reading/math teachers about what type of assessment to give. In my district all students needs to be benchmarked which is a running record and as far as math goes if the math teachers do not give you anything then I would create something on my own..
FM me for any questions

Posted 8/27/07 8:43 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/07

739 total posts


Re: Elementary Self-Contained Teachers

Hi there! I am also teaching a self-contained fourth grade special education class this year. At least we can swap ideas now!

Posted 8/27/07 9:00 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/07

75 total posts


Re: Elementary Self-Contained Teachers

Thank you everyone for your replies! I guess I will know more when I see their IEPs.

I was thinking of starting a writing sample with them the first day or two, and basically a lot of review in the other subjects.

Posted 8/28/07 10:06 AM

She's here :)

Member since 4/07

3238 total posts

Mrs. Yank

Re: Elementary Self-Contained Teachers

I taught SC for 3 years... my suggestion is to repeat and review rules everyday. Also have clear rewards/consequences- make sure you stick with them!!! Have hands on and engaging small group activities that they will do.

4th grade is a tough grade - in our last school they were fully aware that they were the "special ed" kids, and had a lot of self esteem issues because of it. I would maybe talk with your guidance counselour and be prepared to answer there questions (Why are we in Special Ed? etc).

I agree with KelR you'll definately have to assess their reading levels, maybe you might want to make a baseline math test. Once you have their academic levels you can start to group them. IMO small group instruction is the best way to manage a SC class- esp if you have varied disabilities.

If you have a para- MAKE SURE YOU USE THEM!!!!

Best of LUCK!!!

Posted 8/28/07 11:08 AM

Becoming a Big Brother!

Member since 5/07

2541 total posts


Re: Elementary Self-Contained Teachers

So glad you posted this. I was about to ask the same question. I've been special ed a couple years but this is my first year with self-contained. (And fourth grade.) Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!! Chat Icon

Posted 8/28/07 3:16 PM

My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06

8198 total posts


Re: Elementary Self-Contained Teachers

I'm elementary self contained, but I'm in a k-2 Hearing Impaired class.
We have a routine we stick to everyday and so far, everything is going smoothly (school started Monday; i live in NC)
any help you need, just ask

Posted 8/28/07 6:07 PM

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