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Embryo quality multiple time IVF'ers please come in!

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LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

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Embryo quality multiple time IVF'ers please come in!

How have your embryos varied from cycle to cycle? Long story short we were forced into doing two cycles back to back due to a lab error.....the first time my embryos were never graded the second time they looked good on day three so they moved us to a day five transfer where the embryos looked more like day four.......this resulted in a BFN and nothing to freeze. We have slight male factor and MTHFR on both me and DH. We have been taking metnax for the past week. DH's DNA fragmentation came back looking good! (Since the last cycle dh has been on antioxidants and a variety of vitamins this may have helped).

My question is has anyone had poor embryos one cycle and much better embryos another cycle? Also has anyone done two cycles back to back? I've read this isn't recommended.....TIA!

Posted 10/8/13 9:47 AM
Long Island Weddings
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So in love with my little girl

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Re: Embryo quality multiple time IVF'ers please come in!

I did two IVFs back to back a few years ago. The first resulted in a BFN and we froze the remaining 7. The Dr suggested a new fresh cycle was the best chance of getting a baby so we did it right away. This time our embryo quality was better and we transferred 2 really great looking embryos and I had my DD. There was 1 more good looking embryo on Day 3 but it didn't make it to a Day 5 freeze.

The first IVF cycle I was overstimmed and almost had OHSS. I think my eggs developed too quickly and that was what impacted our embryo quality. The second IVF cycle they lowered my meds a lot, by at least half I think and I progressed much more normally.

We need to do IVF for MF infertility. Hope this helps!

Posted 10/8/13 10:33 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

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Re: Embryo quality multiple time IVF'ers please come in!

Thanks for your did a three day transfer?

Posted 10/8/13 11:34 AM

So in love with my little girl

Member since 1/10

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Re: Embryo quality multiple time IVF'ers please come in!

Yes, both times we did a 3-day transfer

Posted 10/8/13 12:49 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

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Re: Embryo quality multiple time IVF'ers please come in!

Posted by blustar214

Yes, both times we did a 3-day transfer

Thanks for sharing!!

Posted 10/8/13 3:07 PM

3 under 3?!

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Embryo quality multiple time IVF'ers please come in!

Yes, my first iVF I stimmed for too long and my quality was poor. Tht cycle was a BFN. My 2nd IVF was a little better and we ended up with 2 good embryos, resulting in DS. My third cycle I stimmed for 8 days and my quality and fertilization was much higher.

Different cycles can yield totally different quality.

Posted 10/8/13 3:26 PM

Baby Boy is Here!

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Embryo quality multiple time IVF'ers please come in!

I have done 3 IVFs. First 2 cycles, we had slow growing embryos that were poorly graded (Cs and Ds). For this cycle, we were able to get a 4-AA and a 3-BA. I am currently 11 weeks pregnant.

Don't give up hope! We were so close to throwing in the towel, but luckily gave it one more shot.

Posted 10/8/13 4:47 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

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Re: Embryo quality multiple time IVF'ers please come in!

Thanks so much ladies!!! This is good to hear!!

Posted 10/8/13 4:55 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/12

3656 total posts


Embryo quality multiple time IVF'ers please come in!

I can tell you more when I get the grades of my embryos on my 5 day transfer on Friday. I am doing two fresh cycle IVFs back to back. My first IVF last month I had 2 early blasts transferred on day 5. They were slow growers. I was upset that they couldn't be graded. They were watching 2 more which didn't make it to freeze on day 6 because they were graded CC and BC. Last cycle we had 5 fertilize and this cycle 9 fertilized. I am hoping for way better results this time. I'll let you know when I find out more this week. I think things can vary from cycle to cycle. This cycle no BCP and a higher dose of stims gave us more eggs.

Posted 10/8/13 8:06 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

3340 total posts


Re: Embryo quality multiple time IVF'ers please come in!

Posted by babydreams21

I can tell you more when I get the grades of my embryos on my 5 day transfer on Friday. I am doing two fresh cycle IVFs back to back. My first IVF last month I had 2 early blasts transferred on day 5. They were slow growers. I was upset that they couldn't be graded. They were watching 2 more which didn't make it to freeze on day 6 because they were graded CC and BC. Last cycle we had 5 fertilize and this cycle 9 fertilized. I am hoping for way better results this time. I'll let you know when I find out more this week. I think things can vary from cycle to cycle. This cycle no BCP and a higher dose of stims gave us more eggs.

Thank you! Good luck!

Posted 10/8/13 9:27 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/09

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Re: Embryo quality multiple time IVF'ers please come in!

My first ivf I stimmed for a long time due to slow response. My embryos were not great quality. I trf 2 so so on day 5 and the other 3 did not make it. Cycle was bfn, I had surgery for my endo. Changes doctors. This cycle I had almost triple the eggs. Trfd to perfect 8 cell embryos on day 3 and froze 9. I just got a bfp.
Good luck!!

Posted 10/8/13 11:27 PM

Two Little Rosebuds

Member since 8/09

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Re: Embryo quality multiple time IVF'ers please come in!

Are we including a change in protocol from cycle to cycle? If not, I would say one should expect to get roughly the same outcome. But most of the time when we go in for a second round after a failure, there's some tweaking, and yeah, that tweaking might improve embryo quality.

Posted 10/9/13 5:26 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

3340 total posts


Re: Embryo quality multiple time IVF'ers please come in!

Posted by bookworm

Are we including a change in protocol from cycle to cycle? If not, I would say one should expect to get roughly the same outcome. But most of the time when we go in for a second round after a failure, there's some tweaking, and yeah, that tweaking might improve embryo quality.

Thank you! Yes some changes have been made Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/9/13 6:58 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/10

2245 total posts


Re: Embryo quality multiple time IVF'ers please come in!

Posted by ShhhTTCin11

Yes, my first iVF I stimmed for too long and my quality was poor. Tht cycle was a BFN. My 2nd IVF was a little better and we ended up with 2 good embryos, resulting in DS. My third cycle I stimmed for 8 days and my quality and fertilization was much higher.

Different cycles can yield totally different quality.

smiliar situation; first IVF stimmed for too long, BFN and nothing to freeze. Second IVF stimmed for less and it worked! got my twin girls from that cycle and i have 6 frozen!

Posted 10/9/13 1:37 PM

Love multiplies, not divides

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Embryo quality multiple time IVF'ers please come in!

First ivf I transferred two. One was a b/c and one was too early to grade. 2nd ivf I was out on metformin and dh on Clomid actually to better the embryo quality. I transferred 2 on day 6. 6aa and 6ab and have dd from that.

Posted 10/10/13 7:06 PM

Love multiplies, not divides

Member since 11/12

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Embryo quality multiple time IVF'ers please come in!

And I also took July and August off and went on a vacation in July. I needed a break.

Posted 10/10/13 7:07 PM

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