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Entertaining an 8 week old?

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Life is good!

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Entertaining an 8 week old?

I honestly do not know what to do with her! I sing songs, try and play with toys. She likes to watch baby einstein but I hate putting her in front of the tv so much- but that seems to be the only thing that will keep her attention for more then 2 minutes.

Posted 1/23/06 1:45 PM
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Re: Entertaining an 8 week old?

Message edited 12/16/2011 6:06:05 PM.

Posted 1/23/06 2:14 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Entertaining an 8 week old?

Yeah, that is a tough age. Katherine only started holding things to play with them around 15 weeks. What I would do when she was smaller (and still do actually) is sit her in her bouncy seat wherever I was. For example, if I were washing her bottles or the dishes I would talk to her and explain what I was doing. Same thing with lunchtime, I would describe how to make a sandwich, etc. then we would "have lunch" together. So basically, I just involve her in my daily activities.

Posted 1/23/06 2:43 PM

My Everything

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Re: Entertaining an 8 week old?

Miranda loves to just relax on a pillow (like if an adult were laying on one) so I put her on the pillow next to me and just hang out with the laptop and interact with her when she'sloooking for it otherwise I let her play with herself.

Posted 1/23/06 3:27 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: Entertaining an 8 week old?

I think I rotated her between baby einstein videos and noggin viewed from her bouncer (she liked blues clues early on), relaxing in her boppy time, the baby einstein playmat and the swing....

Posted 1/23/06 7:34 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/05

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Re: Entertaining an 8 week old?

IMO, an 8 week old does not need TV. They don't need much "entertainment" either. They are still very young and they get overstimulated very easily, so it is important that they have plenty of down time. Think about it...they are brand new to the world, so even just focusing on an inanimate object is hard work to them!!!

Honestly, I would use this time (during the early weeks) wisely and do things you need to do around the house, etc. Get organized before returning to work, write thank you notes for the new baby gifts you've gotten, etc. There will be plenty of time in your future that you will not be able to look away from that child...and you will wish for these "easy" days back!Chat Icon

Posted 1/23/06 8:46 PM

Life is good!

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Re: Entertaining an 8 week old?

Posted by Claud

IMO, an 8 week old does not need TV. They don't need much "entertainment" either. They are still very young and they get overstimulated very easily, so it is important that they have plenty of down time. Think about it...they are brand new to the world, so even just focusing on an inanimate object is hard work to them!!!

Honestly, I would use this time (during the early weeks) wisely and do things you need to do around the house, etc. Get organized before returning to work, write thank you notes for the new baby gifts you've gotten, etc. There will be plenty of time in your future that you will not be able to look away from that child...and you will wish for these "easy" days back!Chat Icon

That sounds great, except all those things are hard to do with a baby in your arms! I can not put Katie down when she is awake (or asleep usually!).

Posted 1/23/06 9:14 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Entertaining an 8 week old?

I was thinking about this more....we used to play on the gym mat as well. I would get down on the floor with her and talk to her about the colors and shapes of things we were looking at. I would also read to her sometimes.

Have you thought about trying a sling for Katies. Moms out here love them over a Bjorn.
You can get some inexpensive ones of ebay. I am going to buy one of the clearance ones from

Wearing babies is also very good for them over places them in devices all the time. It can be soothing so maybe that would help you "hold" Katie but have you hands free.

Posted 1/23/06 9:25 PM

Mommy to 2 boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Entertaining an 8 week old?

My son likes the Baby Einstein Gym, the acquarium swing and he's obsessed with ceiling fans. He can look at them for hoursChat Icon He also enjoys just hanging out in the boppy. I talk and sing to him a lot too, which he loves. He talks back all the timeChat Icon

Posted 1/23/06 9:28 PM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: Entertaining an 8 week old?

Posted by monkeybride

I was thinking about this more....we used to play on the gym mat as well. I would get down on the floor with her and talk to her about the colors and shapes of things we were looking at. I would also read to her sometimes.

Have you thought about trying a sling for Katies. Moms out here love them over a Bjorn.
You can get some inexpensive ones of ebay. I am going to buy one of the clearance ones from

Wearing babies is also very good for them over places them in devices all the time. It can be soothing so maybe that would help you "hold" Katie but have you hands free.

I have a sling, I use it a lot, but mostly when she is crying and uncomfortable. It holds her upright and helps her to fall asleep. The one I use can hold her all different ways.

Posted 1/23/06 9:38 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Entertaining an 8 week old?

I have this problem also - he spends most of his day crying with gas pains so I end up holding him to help soothe him. When he is calm I usually put him in the bouncer with the vibrate on.....that is his fav.

If he was into the videos I'd defintely put one on just to get something done but with his gas pains he'd never make it through a video.

Posted 1/23/06 10:35 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/06

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Re: Entertaining an 8 week old?

IMO, I would be spending my time holding and talking to her. Forget about housework! They are only that age once and soon she won't want to be held or cuddled. Thay grow up so quickly hold on to them tight while you can. All she'll want to do soon is play! Cherish while you can!

Posted 1/24/06 11:00 AM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: Entertaining an 8 week old?

Posted by Amanda

IMO, I would be spending my time holding and talking to her. Forget about housework! They are only that age once and soon she won't want to be held or cuddled. Thay grow up so quickly hold on to them tight while you can. All she'll want to do soon is play! Cherish while you can!

I agree- but she gets bored!
I hold her, talk to her, sing to her- but she wants more!

I am not looking for things to keep her busy so I can leave her, I am looking for things we can do together!

Posted 1/24/06 11:10 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/06

52 total posts


Re: Entertaining an 8 week old?

I really don't have any advice then. I've never really thought about entertaining an 8 week old. Hmmmm.....good question though.

Posted 1/24/06 11:45 AM

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