I had my ET today and all went well! We still had all 8 and they said they all looked great. They transferred 2 and froze 6. Dr. Chu was very happy with the procedure. The worst part was keeping the full bladder because they were running behind. It was very cool to watch the entire procedure and it only took several minutes!
I am very psyched but I feel like I'm not allowed be to yet! I am stuck in that excited nervous place! This two week wait is going to drag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am praying so hard for all of you girls in the 2ww! As far as testing goes, I am thinking I will HAVE to test now. They have my beta set for 8/4! Thats 16 days after my ER. There is no way I am going to be able to hold out that long. Plus, I was thinking of poas the morning of my beta just so I know one way or the other. I am not good at waiting for calls/vms.
I am praying so hard for all of you girls in the 2ww! As far as testing goes, I am thinking I will HAVE to test now. They have my beta set for 8/4! Thats 16 days after my ER. There is no way I am going to be able to hold out that long. Plus, I was thinking of poas the morning of my beta just so I know one way or the other. I am not good at waiting for calls/vms.
I was a POAS addict...I don't know if I could handle a BFN though either.