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Exposure to RSV... Freaking out!!!

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

751 total posts


Exposure to RSV... Freaking out!!!

I am so frightened right now. I just got off the phone with my friend, Melissa. She had a baby one week before me (the baby is two months now). My daughter is 7 weeks old. The kids were together last Wednesday afternoon- the four of us were walking about. I just found out that her daughter was hospitalized since Thursday night with RSV and pneumonia. I am so scared that Cari is going to come down with this. I called her ped and asked if there was something to do proactively. He said just to watch for coughing. Well, she seems fine and is not coughing. But I am so scared.... So many thoughts are running through my mind.

How contagious is this? When would the symptoms show? I swear I am having my first heart attack. My husband has asthma and the thought of her hooked up to a nebulizer is making my heart palpitate. I am having my first nervous breakdown!!!Chat Icon

Message edited 10/31/2005 10:18:40 AM.

Posted 10/31/05 10:16 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My 3 Miracles!

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Re: Exposure to RSV... Freaking out!!!

My son wasn't as young as your baby, but he got RSV from daycare. He was 10 months old and we had to spend the night in the hospital the day after Thanksgiving last year. It was horrible. We were giving him nebulizer treatments ALL the time, they gave him steriods, he was on oxygen, etc. Try keeping a 10 month old still with all this crap on him! Since he had the RSV he gets really bad chest colds. I brought him into the hospital because he was home from daycare and running a fever really high. It was at least 104.0, and he was taking a breath almost every second. He was also wheezing when he breathed. I was scared to death. We had to continue the nebulizer treatments when he got home and every time he gets congested we have to use it. Chat Icon About it being contagious, I believe they get it through saliva, sneezing, etc. My son got it at daycare so obviously it's really contagious. Hopefully your little one won't get it. Just keep an eye on them for a fever, rapid breathing, and wheezing. Good luck!

Posted 10/31/05 10:32 AM

Straight up nasty

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Re: Exposure to RSV... Freaking out!!!

Posted by CaidensMommy

My son wasn't as young as your baby, but he got RSV from daycare. He was 10 months old and we had to spend the night in the hospital the day after Thanksgiving last year. It was horrible. We were giving him nebulizer treatments ALL the time, they gave him steriods, he was on oxygen, etc. Try keeping a 10 month old still with all this crap on him! Since he had the RSV he gets really bad chest colds. I brought him into the hospital because he was home from daycare and running a fever really high. It was at least 104.0, and he was taking a breath almost every second. He was also wheezing when he breathed. I was scared to death. We had to continue the nebulizer treatments when he got home and every time he gets congested we have to use it. Chat Icon About it being contagious, I believe they get it through saliva, sneezing, etc. My son got it at daycare so obviously it's really contagious. Hopefully your little one won't get it. Just keep an eye on them for a fever, rapid breathing, and wheezing. Good luck!

I remember when Caiden had RSVChat Icon

My Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon 's go out to you that your little one stays wellChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 10/31/2005 10:33:58 AM.

Posted 10/31/05 10:33 AM

Live in the Present

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: Exposure to RSV... Freaking out!!!

RSV....Respritory Synatical Virus

Preemies are more susceptable to RSV...because if they were on Oxygen or had tubes down their throats they will having scaring on their lungs.

Since your son is only 7wks it is possibly that if he comes down with RSV he will need to spend a few days in the hospital.

You are right to feel nervous...we almost lost my nephew to RSV...(he was a preemie)
and when my son was born I told the hospital I will not take him out of the NICU unitl he has recieved the synagis shot....(a shot they give preemies once a month during the RSV season to help decrease the risk of RSV)

I would call your son's DR. and tell them that he was exposed to RSV. The sooner they catch it the better the outcome....if if he is showing no signs of being sick.

Some other ways to avoid it in the future are....

1. Always wash your hands before handling the baby

2. Never let someone who is sick near the baby....even if that person thinks they are at the tail end of a cold.

3. Don't take the baby out just for the sake of getting out of the house through the winter...ex)skip the MALL

4. Try to limit visits with School age children....children are more likly cariers of illness than adults.

5. School and Church/Temple are the most likely place to catch a try to avoid bringing the baby during the winter.

6. Don't kiss the baby's hands...since they put their hands in their mouths all the time....and if as parent you feel that you might be coming down with something...try to avoid kissing the baby....I know this is hard.

7. Buy some if you feel like you are getting sick or you were someplace were everyone was can help avoid getting yourself sick.

I have alot of info on RSV at home....I read everything I could find...its not a joke to baby.

lots and lots of hugs and prayers.

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Posted 10/31/05 11:03 AM

so outrageous

Member since 7/05

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Re: Exposure to RSV... Freaking out!!!

my daughter had it last year she was 2 months! none of my other children caught it thought. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/31/05 11:18 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: Exposure to RSV... Freaking out!!!

Posted by momAGAIN

my daughter had it last year she was 2 months! none of my other children caught it thought. Chat Icon Chat Icon

I was thinking the same. My 7 month old niece had it bad last year, hospitalized...but my 2 yr old niece is in the same daycare and did not catch it.

Posted 10/31/05 11:25 AM

Love her so much <3

Member since 5/05

15567 total posts


Re: Exposure to RSV... Freaking out!!!

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Posted 10/31/05 12:05 PM

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