Extreme Couponing features LI woman
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Bring on the glitter and bows!

Member since 6/08 15158 total posts
Name: Kim
Extreme Couponing features LI woman
From the FB of:
Long Island CouponQueen
"""YAY!!!! I can finally tell you guys!!!! Make sure you tune into TLC's Premiere Episode of Extreme Couponing on Tuesday, November 13th at 10/9c" !!! The very first episode!! I am the VERY first episode!!! You guys see how I do it here...now you really get to see me in action! I want you to tell all of your friends to tune it too! One of the toughest places to coupon in the country, so you don't want to miss this episode! ;)""""
Incase you want to tune in!
Posted 11/2/12 12:23 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/10 777 total posts
Re: Extreme Couponing features LI woman
Posted 11/3/12 7:18 PM |

Member since 7/12 4287 total posts
Re: Extreme Couponing features LI woman
I have a question.
When I see people on TV with 100 coupons for whatever product...where the heck do they get the coupons???
Do most extreme people buy the coupons???
Posted 11/6/12 11:33 AM |
mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06 11426 total posts
Name: Ali
Re: Extreme Couponing features LI woman
oh yay! can't dvr it yet... but can't wait.
Posted 11/6/12 7:35 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 11767 total posts
Re: Extreme Couponing features LI woman
Posted by Paramount
I have a question.
When I see people on TV with 100 coupons for whatever product...where the heck do they get the coupons???
Do most extreme people buy the coupons???
On the show they show them buying many newspapers, buying/trading on coupon groups, dumpster diving (in recycling bins), neighbors giving them.
Posted 11/10/12 10:46 AM |
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