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false alarm?

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my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


false alarm?

wow last night myheart stopped. My angel care monitor went off. It was that tick before the alarm rings. I jumped out of bed and picked him up. Iwas so nervous Iwoke him up!
He was at the edge of the crib by the bars on his side. I was wondering if he stopped breathing or was it just a false alarm. Has it happened to anyone before?

I am so nervous about him all the time..he is so precious to me! Now I know what my mother felt when she used to worry about us!Chat Icon

Posted 1/27/06 1:18 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/05

671 total posts


Re: false alarm?

I don't have that monitor but that happened to DH's cousin. She said her daughter went on to the side of the crib and so the monitor couldn't detect anything. The same thing probably happened to you.
Glad everything is ok.

Posted 1/27/06 1:22 PM

Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05

5133 total posts


Re: false alarm?

It happened to us several times - it even went past that tick and started beeping. Only once it was beeping and didn't stop until we picked him up.

It is scary but the way I see it, I'd rather have the alarm go off and find out he is okay than not have it go off. It doesn't happen that often, but if the baby is too far off the pad sometimes the alarm will sound.

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Posted 1/27/06 8:01 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: false alarm?

The other night mine started going off...I jumped up like a psycho...however the beeping woke him up, so he started crying, and I heard I knew he was ok...

He wiggled too far down on the bed...I guessChat Icon Chat Icon

Its sooo scary....I hate even thinking about having a real false alarm... I really think Id have a heart attack! I got lucky that he made noises that made me aware he was fine before my heart stop beatingChat Icon

Its hard, it really is... its a life of love joy happiness and WORRY!

Posted 1/27/06 8:15 PM


Member since 5/05

2536 total posts


Re: false alarm?

I have a friend who lost her first son to SIDS and she is currently pregnant now. She went to pick him up from Daycare and cops were their when she arrived. I spent the whole night looking at the SIDS tribute site and her dedication to her son and all the other babies. It's terrible to read these stories and I balled my eyes out. I can't even imagine. Dh picks on me because I have our video moniter set so high I listen to Jack breathing every night.

I never got an Angel Care because I didn't see how exactly it helped and dh's cousin was a micro preemie and they had one and their son was a sleeping champ but they told me they never got any sleep because their were so many false alarms.

I'm sorry you got woken up to the alarm but happy it was just false alarms.

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Posted 1/27/06 8:26 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: false alarm?

My daughter kept rolling off the pad to the point where we disconnected that part and just used the monitor because it was going off too often.

Posted 1/27/06 9:01 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: false alarm?

You can actually adjust the sensitivity of the alarm. I was gonna do the same thing but then I realized that Sidney had a favorite spot in the crib so I slightly moved the pad under the mattress in that direction. If that didn't work I was gonna make the monitor more sensitive so it would detect her movements better. Check out the explains it better than I am.

Posted 1/27/06 9:49 PM

my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


Re: false alarm?

Posted by -Laurie-

I have a friend who lost her first son to SIDS and she is currently pregnant now. She went to pick him up from Daycare and cops were their when she arrived. I spent the whole night looking at the SIDS tribute site and her dedication to her son and all the other babies. It's terrible to read these stories and I balled my eyes out. I can't even imagine. Dh picks on me because I have our video moniter set so high I listen to Jack breathing every night.

I never got an Angel Care because I didn't see how exactly it helped and dh's cousin was a micro preemie and they had one and their son was a sleeping champ but they told me they never got any sleep because their were so many false alarms.

I'm sorry you got woken up to the alarm but happy it was just false alarms.

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that is so sad...I worry all the time
did they ever find out why he died? Did he suffocate or just stop breathing?

Last night it didn't go off but I spent most of the night staring at him.Chat Icon

He keeps trying to turn on his belly at night, ahould i just leave him or turn him on his back? I dont think he will know what to do when he ends up onhis belly!

Posted 1/28/06 8:56 AM

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