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Family Law Lawyer needed

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Member since 2/06

4346 total posts


Family Law Lawyer needed

I need reccommendations quick - my mom is at the end of the line with my brother.

Quick backstory - my 22 year old brother is a drug addict. We're not sure exactly what he is doing, but we know he's using and drinking. My mom has threatened over and over, and has tried to kick him out - but then he *magically* changes his ways, and since he's mommy's little boy, she gives in.

Now though, she has HAD IT. He has stolen from her, and my 18yo sister numerous times. He is not violent, but if you push his buttons you can definatly get him to be.

My mom doesn't know what to do, and is looking for a Family Law Lawyer to get advice and figure out what rights she has and what if anything she can do to get my brother into a program....

Please FM me with ANY mom is in Nassau County and would need to deal with the courts here, but is willing to travel to a lawyer whose office is anywhere on the island.


Posted 9/24/08 1:10 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 12/07

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Re: Family Law Lawyer needed

I would say to talk to a specialist/drug & alcohol counselor about the programs. I don't know how much a lawyer would be able to tell you.

And I think since your brother is 22, I don't think your mom has any "rights" to him because he is an adult.

Posted 9/24/08 2:00 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: Family Law Lawyer needed

I agree with the above poster EXCEPT if he is going to harm himself or others then she should notify Stonybrook and they would pick him up for a 24 hr evaluation.

Posted 9/24/08 8:08 PM

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