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Family Problem!!!

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My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Family Problem!!!

DH just upset me. I was talking yesterday I how I would like to fly down to Florida next month and surprise my dad for fathers day. DH said, great whatever you want. Then all of a sudden today, I told him I found a round trip flight for $200 right into Melbourne where my dad lives, and he says Oh, you can't go, because we will have my stepson and DH has a side job on early Sunday mornings from 2 in the morning til 8 and he doesn't want to leave my stepson alone in the middle of the night, so I can't go. I found that to be sooo insensitive of him. I have not seen my dad since September when he moved and we are going to see him at the end of this month for a couple days. Instead of saying to me go, see your dad, I'll take off for that day, like he did once before for something with his family, he says I can't go. I am so ticked off at him. So I should not go see my FATHER on Father's Day and be stuck here because he has to work a few hours on a Sunday morning, and then I will be a moody biatch all day because he will be with his son and I am sure we are going to go out with my FIL. Sorry I guess I am just venting. I think he is just going to have to take off. I am not going to sacrifice seeing my dad for fathers day. Ok, vent over!!

Posted 5/10/05 7:28 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Waiting for Lil' M....

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Re: Family Problem!!!

Posted by Mrs-Boop

DH just upset me. I was talking yesterday I how I would like to fly down to Florida next month and surprise my dad for fathers day. DH said, great whatever you want. Then all of a sudden today, I told him I found a round trip flight for $200 right into Melbourne where my dad lives, and he says Oh, you can't go, because we will have my stepson and DH has a side job on early Sunday mornings from 2 in the morning til 8 and he doesn't want to leave my stepson alone in the middle of the night, so I can't go. I found that to be sooo insensitive of him. I have not seen my dad since September when he moved and we are going to see him at the end of this month for a couple days. Instead of saying to me go, see your dad, I'll take off for that day, like he did once before for something with his family, he says I can't go. I am so ticked off at him. So I should not go see my FATHER on Father's Day and be stuck here because he has to work a few hours on a Sunday morning, and then I will be a moody biatch all day because he will be with his son and I am sure we are going to go out with my FIL. Sorry I guess I am just venting. I think he is just going to have to take off. I am not going to sacrifice seeing my dad for fathers day. Ok, vent over!!

I agree with you. You should see your dad. Its fathers day, and your dh should be with his son.

Posted 5/10/05 7:33 PM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Re: Family Problem!!!

Thank you!! Considering he knows how much I miss my dad, it just stunned me a little when he said it!! Chat Icon

Posted 5/10/05 7:44 PM

designer mutt

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Re: Family Problem!!!

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Posted 5/10/05 7:44 PM

I love my Katie Bug

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Re: Family Problem!!!

Yes you should see your Dad and he should take off work and be with his son.

Posted 5/10/05 8:01 PM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

12023 total posts


Re: Family Problem!!!

Wow...that stinks. I think you need to be nice about how you feel and explain that you would love to spend time with your dad. Hoep it works out for you!

Posted 5/10/05 8:09 PM

Married for 9 yrs!!!!!!

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Re: Family Problem!!!

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Posted 5/10/05 8:34 PM

Life is good!

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Re: Family Problem!!!

Book the tickets and go- let him make other arrangements.

Posted 5/10/05 9:34 PM

2012--A year of new beginnings

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Re: Family Problem!!!

Can someone else babysit for a little while? Does he have a sister or brother around? HOw about his dad?

That isn't fair to you!!!! Chat Icon

Posted 5/10/05 10:12 PM


Member since 5/05

4898 total posts


Re: Family Problem!!!

I'd speak to him about it, he probably doesn't realize how much this upset you.

Chat Icon

Posted 5/10/05 10:26 PM

Ready for the sun!

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Properly perfect™

Re: Family Problem!!!

Talk with him Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon and then no matter what go see your Dad!Chat Icon

Posted 5/10/05 11:17 PM

Making big changes

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Re: Family Problem!!!

Posted by OscarTheGroom
I agree with you. You should see your dad. Its fathers day, and your dh should be with his son.

I agree Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/10/05 11:24 PM

and Dylan too!

Member since 5/05

4331 total posts


Re: Family Problem!!!

Posted by SoinLove

Posted by OscarTheGroom
I agree with you. You should see your dad. Its fathers day, and your dh should be with his son.

I agree Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Me too!Chat Icon

Posted 5/11/05 7:00 AM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: Family Problem!!!

What about a compromise....Go a week early to see your dad...NOW THAT would be a BIG surprise!

And then be back for your DH...

That is what i would do....I would feel bad that my DH couldn't see his son on fathers day...And i think if you went a week before or after dad's day to see your dad...It would be just as great as if you went on Fathers's day

Posted 5/11/05 7:08 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

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Re: Family Problem!!!

Ithink you should still go see your dad its fathers day and you should b with your father especially since you haven't seen him in quite sometime. He has his son and he should take offto spend fathers day with his sone you should not have to sacrifice something you want to do.

Posted 5/11/05 12:58 PM

Stop 2 smell the roses

Member since 5/05

2048 total posts


Re: Family Problem!!!

Posted by Redhead

What about a compromise....Go a week early to see your dad...NOW THAT would be a BIG surprise!

And then be back for your DH...

That is what i would do....I would feel bad that my DH couldn't see his son on fathers day...And i think if you went a week before or after dad's day to see your dad...It would be just as great as if you went on Fathers's day

Thats a really good idea too!

Posted 5/11/05 4:58 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

46292 total posts


Re: Family Problem!!!

Posted by Redhead

What about a compromise....Go a week early to see your dad...NOW THAT would be a BIG surprise!

And then be back for your DH...

That is what i would do....I would feel bad that my DH couldn't see his son on fathers day...And i think if you went a week before or after dad's day to see your dad...It would be just as great as if you went on Fathers's day

I really like this idea!Chat Icon Your dad will be very surprised and both you and DH will be happy with the outcome.

Posted 5/11/05 6:20 PM


Member since 5/05

6265 total posts


Re: Family Problem!!!

Go see your dad...even if DH does not come with you.

Chat Icon

Posted 5/11/05 6:27 PM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Re: Family Problem!!!

Thank you everyone for your advice. I spoke with my DH before and told him that I really wanted to surprise my dad for his first Father's Day away from us and I asked him to please just take off from work so I don't have to stay home the whole weekend just to babysit on Sunday in the middle of the night. He said he was sorry for jumping so quickly to say that and to of course book the flight and surprise my dad. I am so happy and can't wait to see my dad's face when I ring his door bell on Father's day weekend!!Chat Icon

Posted 5/11/05 6:50 PM

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