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LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 3014 total posts
February mommy check in..........
How many of us are still around? I'm due the 21st but I can't stand the waiting.
How is everyone feeling?
Posted 2/16/08 11:42 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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My 4 girlies

Member since 2/08 9702 total posts
Name: Valerie
Re: February mommy check in..........
m not due till July i just wanted to pop in and say good luck!!
Posted 2/16/08 11:47 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 5/05 187 total posts
Name: j
Re: February mommy check in..........
Due the 25th...have pretty much had it lol being that its 5AM and I cant sleep 8 more days, 8 more days Feel well all
Posted 2/17/08 4:55 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 1/06 211 total posts
Name: lauren
Re: February mommy check in..........
due the 26th. i cant sleep i just hope it this week like my dr says
Posted 2/17/08 8:01 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/07 96 total posts
Name: Jill
Re: February mommy check in..........
I'n due on the 19th. I feel very achy and I'm ready for this baby to come out! Hang in there everyone!
Posted 2/17/08 9:40 AM |

Member since 10/06 3013 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: February mommy check in..........
Still here too! I'm due on Saturday. I really hope she's on time!!! But considering that I'm always late to everything, I think she'll be late (as some sort of cosmic justice)!
Posted 2/17/08 10:38 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 3014 total posts
Re: February mommy check in..........
Good luck to everyone. I hope to see everyone on the parenting board next week:).
Posted 2/17/08 10:50 AM |

Member since 10/06 3013 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: February mommy check in..........
Posted by ckone
Good luck to everyone. I hope to see everyone on the parenting board next week:).
Thanks! Good luck to you and all the other Feb. mamas too! I hope this is a labor-filled for you all!
Posted 2/17/08 10:55 AM |
Feeling Blessed
Member since 6/07 2963 total posts
Re: February mommy check in..........
Posted by Chica
Still here too! I'm due on Saturday. I really hope she's on time!!! But considering that I'm always late to everything, I think she'll be late (as some sort of cosmic justice)!
ITA - I'm the one who is always late in my family, so I'm sure DS will arrive late...he's supposed to get here on Sunday and I feel like a gigantic woman right now... Hoping he comes within the next 7 days so we don't have to get induced....
Posted 2/17/08 1:31 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/06 997 total posts
Name: Rachel
Re: February mommy check in..........
Im due date + 1 right now..and hanging in there. The last few days are the toughest especially if you are late. I just cant wait any longer for this little one to arrive. I go to the doctor tomorrow for a NST and hopefully she ll tell me i made progress and the baby will be here within 24 hours....well see.
Good luck to all of you!!
Posted 2/17/08 9:21 PM |
The cutest!

Member since 1/07 2495 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: February mommy check in..........
i was due on the 23rd and went to the dr on the 6th where they told me that my blood pressure was high and i had protein inmy urine - signs of preeclampsia. Since i am diabetic they wanted to induce me. My ds, Luke Robert, was born on 2/8 at 1:15 a.m., 8 pounds, 2 ounces, 21 inches long. After many hours of labor, I was only 5 cm. dilated and he was not moving down so I had a c-section. Not exactly what I was hoping for - hours of labor and then a section! I delivered in the city at Columbia because I wanted the best NICU unit because I was diabetic and there was a high chance that he could be sent there after birth for monitoring. As it turns out, he was/is perfect! All the doctors were so impressed with how great he was. They said that he his test results were better than all the rest of the babies they delivered that week. It was funny because I picked Columbia for the NICU unit, but he never had to go - he went straight to the regular nursery. I, on the other hand, had to go to the high risk wing for the night because of the diabetes and preeclampsia. Ironic!! I have to say, I worked really hard to keep my blood sugars under control, eat well and exercise. In fact, I went to the gym the night before I went to the hospital. I am so thrilled he is here and healthy. He sleeps well and eats well and is not fussy at all! My DH thinks this is his way of thanking me of for taking care of myself these last 9 months
Posted 2/18/08 10:07 AM |