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Feeling on Mom's who go back to work....

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Feeling on Mom's who go back to work....

who don't financially need to? USUK questions about being a SAHW got me thinking how we feel about woman who do this?

I know I for me I financially can be at SAHM but will most probably go back to work because i need to. I worked hard to get where I am today and love my job so I can't see leaving when I have a baby.

I also think for me I need the socialization of adults and work. Sometimes that makes me think I am bad to think that way, but that is just me.

What are your opinions?

Posted 1/18/06 1:49 PM
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Re: Feeling on Mom's who go back to work....

I think it is great!

Posted 1/18/06 1:50 PM

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Re: Feeling on Mom's who go back to work....

I also think it is great. However, if you choose to stay at home, that's great for you, too. I'm all for women doing what makes them happy!

ETA: I feel fortunate that I have found a career that I really enjoy. As much as I love my family, my own interests and goals outside of my family are very important to me, and I could not give that up, not for children or a husband or anything. However, that is just me, personally. Working is something that gives ME self-worth and meaning, but that's part of how I choose to define myself. Not everyone thinks that way.

Message edited 1/18/2006 1:57:37 PM.

Posted 1/18/06 1:53 PM


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Re: Feeling on Mom's who go back to work....

Personally, even if we could afford it, I would probably go back. Even though I feel very secure in my marriage, things still happen. I always feel badly for women who have to go back into the workforce after spending years away from it. That must be a hard adjustment.

I need to have a job. It reminds me that no matter what happens, I have a good salary and excellent benefits and it will always be there for me. It makes me feel safe.

Posted 1/18/06 1:53 PM

She's 7!!!

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Re: Feeling on Mom's who go back to work....

I think its great. A woman's place is anywhere that she wants to be.

Posted 1/18/06 1:54 PM


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Re: Feeling on Mom's who go back to work....

Posted by Shellyesq

I think its great. A woman's place is anywhere that she wants to be.

Great Quote....I was not sure what some people felt because someone told me the mother's club in my town looks down on woman who work. Chat Icon I wouldn't join them but i thought that was wrong....especially with this being LI and the cost of living!!!

Posted 1/18/06 1:55 PM


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Re: Feeling on Mom's who go back to work....

I'm now a SAHM. I love it and wouldn't change anything. However, when Jared goes to school, I go back to work. I really miss it.

I like that quote though!!Chat Icon

Posted 1/18/06 1:57 PM


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Re: Feeling on Mom's who go back to work....

I'm a SAHM too, and I really enjoy it. I never thought I'd be staying at home, after all, I worked my a$$ off for 10 years to get my Masters and my PE license, I thought I'd never want to give it up.

I applaud moms who stay home and those who work. Its what's best for them that makes a happy family.

Posted 1/18/06 2:01 PM

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Re: Feeling on Mom's who go back to work....

Posted by chmlengr

I'm a SAHM too, and I really enjoy it. I never thought I'd be staying at home, after all, I worked my a$$ off for 10 years to get my Masters and my PE license, I thought I'd never want to give it up.

Thanks for posting this. I am working on my masters and hope to sit for the PE in the next few years. I will probably go back to work if I have children, but I like hearing you say that you are OK with staying home too.

I also think a woman should do what is best for her and her family. My mom was home and never went back to work and I loved knowing she was there for us. I also know people who say that if their mom didn't go back to work, she would have driven them all nuts. I think moms can do a much better job as a parent when they feel happy and fulfilled, in whatever way that presents itself.

Posted 1/18/06 2:23 PM

I need a nap!

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Re: Feeling on Mom's who go back to work....

I think a woman's identity is encompassed by a lot of different roles. I know a lot of women who have gone back to work, not just for money, but for the identity it helps them define. Personally, while I would like to be a SAHM, I think at some point I would need something else to benefit my mind.

Posted 1/18/06 2:30 PM

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Re: Feeling on Mom's who go back to work....

I'll preface this with the fact that I'm a working mom.

For me, if I was completely finanically set with my OWN money, then maybe I wouldn't work. The fact is that one day all of our marriages will end whether through divorce or death. I feel that it would be irresponsible for me not to go back to work or have my own financial means of supporting myself and my child - without relying on DH's or family money.

I also like the idea of teaching my daughter that she needs to be financially independent.

Posted 1/18/06 2:32 PM


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Re: Feeling on Mom's who go back to work....

My salary is piddly squat compared to hubby (and I'm an attorney! Chat Icon ) so I by no means have to work. But, I want to teach to my daughter that she can do whatever she wants and that she should have her own career goals in life. Also, though, I know I would be such a huge disservice to her if I stayed at home with her all day - I'm not cut out for SAHM. I need the stimulation from work, the interaction with adults and just time to do my own thing.

Posted 1/18/06 2:45 PM

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Re: Feeling on Mom's who go back to work....

I think a liberated woman is the one who does what SHE feels is right for her and her family. Not what society dictates.

My SIL works at a day care (and is a HUGE know it all) and she is always saying disparaging things about working moms who don't need to work financially. It really annoys me -- what is right for one person isn't necessarily right for others. She left her "wonderful job in corporate America" (she did the books for a manufacturing firm in Freeport but according to her, she was the cojones) to raise her 2 daughters..and she judges anyone who doesn't make the same decidion she did.

I say live and let live, to each his or her own.

I know a lot of women who NEED to work once they have kids, just to get away once in a while. For me, perfect would be to work part time. That's part of the reason I decided to start my own business, in the hopes of becoming a mom some time soon (Chat Icon ).

Message edited 1/18/2006 2:59:35 PM.

Posted 1/18/06 2:59 PM

LIF Infant

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Re: Feeling on Mom's who go back to work....

I have the best of both worlds...Kids are in school....Have my own company so I work around there schedule....I am there when they are off the bus and it makes me very happy....Chat Icon

Posted 1/18/06 3:06 PM

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cause you are gray.

Re: Feeling on Mom's who go back to work....

Message edited 9/16/2011 1:09:27 AM.

Posted 1/18/06 3:10 PM

Mommy of 3!

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Re: Feeling on Mom's who go back to work....

I agree that a woman should do what makes her happy and feels good- and either way, it doesn't make her a worse or better mom.

Personally, when we have a baby one day Chat Icon I think I would rather be a SAHM, but it isn't an option for us....who knows though, maybe when a baby comes I will change my mind....

Posted 1/18/06 3:26 PM

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Re: Feeling on Mom's who go back to work....

Considering I plan on being one of them, I think it is great! I just could not see myself staying home. My mom did and I give her all of the credit in the world- she is amazing. As a teacher, I would almost feel like it would be a waste to stay home. Teaching is definitely a great career for a working mother!

Message edited 1/18/2006 5:28:38 PM.

Posted 1/18/06 5:26 PM

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Re: Feeling on Mom's who go back to work....

I am one of them. I just had my daughter in September and returned to work in December. I am financially able to stay home, but chose not to at this time. I am a teacher and I LOVE my job. I never pictured myself doing the SAH thing and I give a tremendous amount of credit to those who do; it's actually a lot tougher IMO!

Now, having said that, I am very lucky to have family watch my daughter and do plan on staying home after I have my second.

Posted 1/18/06 5:35 PM

Feel better my little guy!

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Re: Feeling on Mom's who go back to work....

Posted by Ali1
I also think for me I need the socialization of adults and work. Sometimes that makes me think I am bad to think that way, but that is just me.

What are your opinions?

I agree the socialization is very important. I also think for me I want to have the identity of being a successful career woman as well as a Mom. I work with someone who stayed at home till the kids were in high school and has reenetred the workforce. It has been very difficult.

I commend all SAHM. Like I always say it is an absolute selfless act. I don't know if I can do itChat Icon

Posted 1/18/06 6:21 PM

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Re: Feeling on Mom's who go back to work....

I think women have to do what they feel is right for them. I feel that it is best for me and my daughter to be a SAHM and I am willing to make the sacrifices necessary to do that.
I will be going back to work 1 day a week and DH will watch her which I think is important bonding time for him.

Posted 1/18/06 6:24 PM

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Re: Feeling on Mom's who go back to work....

I think all women should do what makes them happy. I am a SAHM and I love it. I couldn't imagine leaving him all day. Although, it is hard and I miss the interaction I had at work. I worked hard to get where I was professionally but I didn't mind giving it up. I know I always have a degree and experience to fall back on. Although, once Alex is in school I might consider doing something part time.

Right now I have a son, if I was to have a daughter (IMO) I don't feel the need to work in order to teach her to be all that she can be or that by staying home I am teaching her to be dependent on a man. My mom was a SAHM and I went onto college, got a degree and worked hard. She instilled in me the importance of an education and the need to be able to self sufficient in many ways, not just financially without being a "professional" woman.

Posted 1/18/06 7:44 PM

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