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Fight or Flight

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You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

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Fight or Flight

When face with danger or extremem fear...

Which response do you use more?

Posted 7/7/05 9:29 AM
Long Island Weddings
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I'm getting old

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Re: Fight or Flight

Never been in extreme danger (please God keep it that way) so i cant answer

Posted 7/7/05 9:37 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

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Re: Fight or Flight

flight, I am no good in an emergency situation. I lose my cool quick.

Posted 7/7/05 9:38 AM


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Re: Fight or Flight


Posted 7/7/05 9:38 AM

Horray for 3 boys!!

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Mikey, Greg & TJ's Mommy

Re: Fight or Flight

Actually... that is one thing I can do. Fight. I have been in some pretty terrible situations and I can always keep my cool, speak to 911 etc. I guess it comes from my years being a lifeguard.

But if it's a situation like someone is attacking me/rob me then they say it is alwasy better to run.. so I"ll be running!!

Posted 7/7/05 9:45 AM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: Fight or Flight

I've never been faced with extreme fear, but I had two car accidents within a month from each other many years ago, and the 1st one (ever), I reacted with 'flight'... my car was fine, but I didn't even want to drive home, I was so shaken! The 2nd one, I reacted with 'fight!'... this old lady slammed into me (and she tried to make it seem like it was MY fault), and totaled the side of my car... I was livid!

Posted 7/7/05 10:00 AM

Twin mommy

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Re: Fight or Flight


Posted 7/7/05 10:02 AM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: Fight or Flight

Posted by KPtoys

Never been in extreme danger (please God keep it that way) so i cant answer

doesn't necessaarily have to be extreme danger...

Ex. you are fearful of you run or do you squash?

Posted 7/7/05 10:23 AM

My Boys!

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Re: Fight or Flight

It depends on the case. If it's a spider, I'll beat the crap out of it to make sure it's dead! If it's a snake, I'll run like Forrest Gump!

Generally, I'm a wuss and have to go with "flight".

Posted 7/7/05 10:57 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Fight or Flight

it depends -

if it's a spider, i squash.

When it was 9/11 and I didn't know where my Dad was, I just cried like a baby.

Posted 7/7/05 10:59 AM

Straight up nasty

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Re: Fight or Flight

My grandmother died, yes died on my dining room floor one Thanksgiving day. Slumped to the floor and was not breathing. I couldn't compose myself for one second while on the phone with the paramedics. Totally lost it. Thankfully someone gave them the specifics to our location and they got grandma breathing. It was absolutely horrible and I know that I have no cool whatsoever in emergency situations.

Posted 7/7/05 11:51 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: Fight or Flight

Posted by ambersmom

It was absolutely horrible and I know that I have no cool whatsoever in emergency situations.

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Posted 7/7/05 11:52 AM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: Fight or Flight

When I was about 12 years old, I was home alone, and the intercom went off. When I answered it, someone said "I'm going to get you! I'm going to get you!" in this Freddy-like voice. I started freaking out. 2 mins later, someone rings my doorbell, and I immediately freak out even more... crying, hiding under the bed, the whole bit. The person is ringing on the doorbell, and pounding on the door. I freak out even more... called the cops "someone's trying to get me!", screamed out of the window of my bldg "someone's trying to get me, HELP ME!". Then the banging on the door stops.

To make a long story short, my brother was coming home with his friend from a baseball game, and asked his friend to buzz me... and he was the culprit trying to scare me... When my brother came up, he thought I couldn't hear him because I wasn't opening, and started banging on the door. Cops showed up and everything... and I'm sure everyone who heard me screaming out the window thought I had mental issues... mind you, I was just caught with a prank,.. what a WUSS! Chat Icon

Posted 7/7/05 2:05 PM

Support Cancer Research

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Re: Fight or Flight

I'm always the one keeping it together when everyone else is freaking out, but the minute the danger/situation is over I crumble.

It's like my emotions get put on pause and after everything is cool again they come back with full force.

Posted 7/7/05 4:48 PM

Disney cruise bound!

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Re: Fight or Flight

Just like leighla I usually keep my cool in frightening or emergency situations then fall apart later on.

Posted 7/7/05 5:33 PM

i run for bacon

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20584 total posts


Re: Fight or Flight

Both but mostly fight.

Posted 7/7/05 5:34 PM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: Fight or Flight

I just had a really bad/dangerous accident happen in Aruba 2 weeks ago on our HM- we rented a Hobie Cat- the wind took us way too fast- damn thing flipped over sending me in the air to come down head first( back of head) on the sail hitting the metal bar- cut up my leg and then pushed me into the water- the current was soo strong I was being pushed away from the hobie and DH- who grabbed on to the hobie that I grabbed onto the only thing I saw a rope to hold on and to swim back to him- after of 5 minutes which seem really long when your out far in the ocean bleeding hearing about recent shark attacks- he flipped it back up- well that string I was holding onto was the main sail line so we couldnt sail back to shore-- It was tangled so I was waving and waving with DH saying no one can see us we are too far- our instinct to fight kicked in and he held the sail to get us close enough to shore for someone to finally see us- after 20 min help finally arrived- when they tied the hobie to their boat the sail tacked and slammed me right on the forehead causing an instant lump- huge right above my right eye- DH was going to take me to the hospital but I refused still get pain in that area- I was banged up, cut up and bruised all over- people prob thought he beat the sh*t out of me- I looked that bad-
Believe me- I wanted to cry but my head kept saying what the hell is crying gonna do- think think you have to get back to shore and I saw that I had to help- I had to steer b/c DH had to use all of his strenght against the wind to hold the sail !

I will NEVER get on one of those things again!!!!!

Posted 7/7/05 6:50 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Fight or Flight

Never been in any situation I would have to choose either

Posted 7/7/05 7:44 PM

Information Goddess

Member since 5/05

4149 total posts


Re: Fight or Flight

flight. I just want to run away from a bad situation.

Posted 7/7/05 9:23 PM

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