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Finally a little light at the end of the Rainbow...

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I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Finally a little light at the end of the Rainbow...

DS is starting to show some signs of progress. I'm starting to see some wet diapers, about 2-3 during the day. Not as much as usual but still an improvment.

No vomitting since Thursday.

And no Diarrhea attacks since 5:30/6ish last night. He pooped twice today and it looked a little pasty. A little bit of Diarrhea maybe but definitely more pasty looking.

He's appetite is still not all here. He's eating very little but at least something is going into his system. How long does it usually take for the appetite to come back?

The best part...he's showing signs of acting like himself again. He's smiling and crawling. Yesterday I brought him downstairs to my mom's and he was happy to be in his walker again and to see his favorite toys...Chat Icon

And he was happy to be with my mom again. Earlier in the week he didn't even want to be with her. Now he was following her around in the walker raising his hands up for her to pick him up and he was smiling.

Message edited 4/22/2007 5:09:45 PM.

Posted 4/22/07 5:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: Finally a little light at the end of the Rainbow...

glad to hear he is ok.
Just slowly ease into foods again, his tummy still may feel a little upset, but sounds like he is feeling better, and having a wet diaper is a sure sign.
YEAH MATTHEWChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/22/07 5:25 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Finally a little light at the end of the Rainbow...

I am so glad that he is feeling a little bit better. Stomach viruses SUCK!!

Posted 4/22/07 5:38 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Finally a little light at the end of the Rainbow...

Posted by Melbernai

I am so glad that he is feeling a little bit better. Stomach viruses SUCK!!

They sure do!

Posted 4/22/07 5:52 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Finally a little light at the end of the Rainbow...

Posted by Diane

glad to hear he is ok.
Just slowly ease into foods again, his tummy still may feel a little upset, but sounds like he is feeling better, and having a wet diaper is a sure sign.
YEAH MATTHEWChat Icon Chat Icon

Should I still continue with the BRAT diet? What I have been doing is giving him 2 tbsp of rice cereal and 2 of fruit (either Applesauce or Banana) in the morning. Then in the afternoon, a little bit of pastina with plain broth and some fruit if he'll take it. Sometimes he'll only have a few spoonfuls of fruit. Then in the evening I repeat what I do in the morning.

I'm still putting the florastor in his food and still using the Similac Isomil Soy DF milk. Should I continue on with this for the next couple of days or for the week?

Posted 4/22/07 5:57 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Finally a little light at the end of the Rainbow...

I must have jiinxed it because he had a big Diarrhea explosion earlier this evening...Dammit just go away already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Could it be that he had pastina in a lot of broth? I just don't know anymore. I gave him 2 tbsp of rice cereal and 2 of banana and he ate that up. Then I took an actual banana and ripped a piece off, mushed it up and he ate the whole thing. Nothing will bind this kid! Geez!!!

Posted 4/22/07 8:38 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: Finally a little light at the end of the Rainbow...


this little tummy bug just LOOVES that little boy and wont go away and visit someone else! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/22/07 11:25 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Finally a little light at the end of the Rainbow...

Posted by anna


this little tummy bug just LOOVES that little boy and wont go away and visit someone else! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Leave my little boy alone stomach bug!!!

Posted 4/23/07 9:57 AM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: Finally a little light at the end of the Rainbow...

I'm so glad he's finally getting better.

Posted 4/23/07 10:00 AM

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