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First week 2nd grade?

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LIF Zygote

Member since 7/08

31 total posts


First week 2nd grade?

Yikes! I've been teaching 4th grade for 5 years and now I'm teaching 2nd grade this Sept. What kinds of things do you do the first week of school? I'm nervousChat Icon They seem so little!

Message edited 7/24/2008 10:14:31 AM.

Posted 7/24/08 10:13 AM

summer fun!

Member since 3/06

4962 total posts


Re: First week 2nd grade?

The first week is all about routines...we go over them and over them
First day we do ice breakers, put away supplies, tour the classroom - alot of getting to you know you stuff
During that week we make a constitution and all the kids sign the rules we make

Posted 7/24/08 10:29 AM

Leah's here!

Member since 9/07

5404 total posts


Re: First week 2nd grade?

Posted by jes81276

The first week is all about routines...we go over them and over them
First day we do ice breakers, put away supplies, tour the classroom - alot of getting to you know you stuff
During that week we make a constitution and all the kids sign the rules we make

We did all of this, too, when I taught second grade (honestly, I do scaled down versions in K, too!) We do some art projects, too, that mix getting to know you with I get stars and have them put one thing about themselves in each point. I have them make the classroom alphabet (1-2 letters per child)...if I think of anything else, I'll let you know..second graders are so much fun, though! Oh, and I also do a lot of read alouds and get talking...

Posted 7/24/08 5:02 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

2697 total posts


Re: First week 2nd grade?

We do all this too...establish class rules and routines, set up their desks and notebooks. Do some welcome back worksheets and read starting school books.

Posted 7/24/08 10:01 PM

Life is Good!

Member since 7/07

7979 total posts


Re: First week 2nd grade?

I did my student teaching last fall in 2nd grade. Something we did the first week was a birthday graph. I found a cupcake coloring page and had all of the children write their name on the front and color it. Then I used butcher paper to make all 12 months in rows. The kids then used their glue sticks to glue their cupcakes on the row their birthday month was. My cooperating teacher had questions to go along with it (which month has the most, least, how many birthdays are in the summer months, etc.), but I'm sure you could make up questions to go with it!

Posted 7/25/08 4:24 PM

Life is berry good!

Member since 5/05

1229 total posts


Re: First week 2nd grade?

Go over classroom routines. The first week of school our class would come up with classroom rules and then trace our hands and glue them onto the chart paper. We'd do a birthday graph and also an all about me poster to hang up in our classroom for meet the teacher night. The second week of school would be all about explaining homework, writing a heading, writing on skinny lines and slowly introducing independent reading. Oh, the first few days we'd also spend time labeling and getting our supplies organized.

Posted 7/25/08 10:28 PM

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