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Florida girls....

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Check out my cool glasses

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Florida girls....

Perhaps you could help me...DH and I are in the talking phases of maybe moving to Florida...we would like to be in Sarasota/Bradenton area as that's where his parents are. Is it feasable to get a nice house, built recently (within the last 5 years or so) in the 200-250K range? If so...can you send me any websites that are good to check? Thanks.

Posted 8/2/05 10:03 AM
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Re: Florida girls....

YAY! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Come on down!!!
Check sites like and they should be good starter sites to see what's available.
I believe the Sarasotta area is a bit expensive (gorgeous though!) but I could be wrong.

Posted 8/2/05 10:11 AM

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Re: Florida girls....

Hey kim
I just looked for some houses in those areas. It seems that 200-250 will get you about 1600-1700 square feet and 2/3 bedrooms.
There are other beautiful places in florida though unless you specifically want to say within a certain number of miles to dh 'rents.

Posted 8/2/05 10:16 AM

Check out my cool glasses

Member since 5/05

8135 total posts


Re: Florida girls....

Posted by DebG

YAY! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Come on down!!!
Check sites like and they should be good starter sites to see what's available.
I believe the Sarasotta area is a bit expensive (gorgeous though!) but I could be wrong.

Thanks Deb...are there other areas near there that are no so expensive but also nice? We would go a little further north...I guess that's towards Tampa and Clearwater. I don't know much about Florida....

Posted 8/2/05 10:16 AM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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Re: Florida girls....

Let's start with a map of the place so you know what you're looking at

External Image

Posted 8/2/05 10:18 AM

Check out my cool glasses

Member since 5/05

8135 total posts


Re: Florida girls....

Cool....that helps...thanks.

Where are you located?

Posted 8/2/05 10:20 AM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

Member since 5/05

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The cure IS worse!

Re: Florida girls....

I am in winter park which is close to the orlando dot.

Posted 8/2/05 10:21 AM

Check out my cool glasses

Member since 5/05

8135 total posts


Re: Florida girls....

Posted by DebG

Hey kim
I just looked for some houses in those areas. It seems that 200-250 will get you about 1600-1700 square feet and 2/3 bedrooms.
There are other beautiful places in florida though unless you specifically want to say within a certain number of miles to dh 'rents.

DH just wants to stay within a reasonable drive to his parents...and he prefers the gulf side of Florida.

Posted 8/2/05 10:30 AM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

9731 total posts


Re: Florida girls....

Brandenton isn't that far from Tampa/Clearwater- we drive to the outlets all the time from my grandparents house....
You might also look in New Port Richey- my aunt and my uncle both have houses there and it appears to be rather affordable.

Posted 8/2/05 10:38 AM

1 year already!!

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3360 total posts


Re: Florida girls....

My dad lives down there so here just a few of the "neighborhoods" I know in the Tampa/Clearwater area -

Treasure Island
Tierra Verde
Palm Harbor
St. Pete Beach

I think you and your DH would have to figure out where you'd be working - the above towns are about a 40 minute drive from downtown Tampa (where most of the office buildings are)

Good luck!

Posted 8/2/05 10:48 AM

Check out my cool glasses

Member since 5/05

8135 total posts


Re: Florida girls....

Posted by Donna

My dad lives down there so here just a few of the "neighborhoods" I know in the Tampa/Clearwater area -

Treasure Island
Tierra Verde
Palm Harbor
St. Pete Beach

I think you and your DH would have to figure out where you'd be working - the above towns are about a 40 minute drive from downtown Tampa (where most of the office buildings are)

Good luck!

Ohhh....DH would love to live in or near Treasure Island. Thanks...I'll check these out.

Where we would be working...well, that's part 2 of the search. If we can agree on an area and house prices...before we actually go down to look or buy anything...we will look for jobs. ladies are awesome!

Posted 8/2/05 10:51 AM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

9731 total posts


Re: Florida girls....

Palm Harbour is nice.
my grandparents lived in a house there for like 6 years.. now they are in Dunedin which is a super cute little town by clearwater.

Posted 8/2/05 11:33 AM

But I love the Snow!

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Re: Florida girls....

we just went down to Florida to look at houses. We went to Naples and Cape Coral. which is south. Becareful when looking at thouse houses. The houses are beautiful. BUT usually you buy the house and then have to buy the lot. Some of the lots cost 80,000.00. The houses we looked at were in the range of 300,000 but then you add a lot and its the same price as here.

This site has houses and builders in whatever area you want

Posted 8/2/05 11:42 AM

1 year already!!

Member since 5/05

3360 total posts


Re: Florida girls....

Posted by Sassyz75

Palm Harbour is nice.
my grandparents lived in a house there for like 6 years.. now they are in Dunedin which is a super cute little town by clearwater.

I thought there were tons of great houses & towns on Gulf Blvd (I drove that from Clearwater Beach south to Treasure Island)

Posted 8/2/05 11:50 AM

Check out my cool glasses

Member since 5/05

8135 total posts


Re: Florida girls....

Posted by june262004

we just went down to Florida to look at houses. We went to Naples and Cape Coral. which is south. Becareful when looking at thouse houses. The houses are beautiful. BUT usually you buy the house and then have to buy the lot. Some of the lots cost 80,000.00. The houses we looked at were in the range of 300,000 but then you add a lot and its the same price as here.

This site has houses and builders in whatever area you want

From the stuff I've been looking at on are planned communites so they include the lots. They do specify ones where the lot is not included and it ususally says "build on your own lot" or something like that.

I've been searching the Tampa/Clearwater area and the sorrounding ones that you girls listed above....finding some good stuff, so now it will be onto the job search!

Posted 8/2/05 11:54 AM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


Re: Florida girls....

Really Kim. Thats what I wanted. Lots of people dont like that. In different places they are called different things. subdivisions, Deed restricted, HOA. Sometimes its a community and you have to pay a fee. But i like that.

That is why we decided to not move there. They didn't have subdivisons and i liked them.

Posted 8/2/05 11:56 AM

Check out my cool glasses

Member since 5/05

8135 total posts


Re: Florida girls....


Posted 8/2/05 12:02 PM

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