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For those of you who had the stomach virus...

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Member since 5/05

18919 total posts


For those of you who had the stomach virus... did it start? I have had a sore throat all day, which has gotten progressively worse, and no appetite (totally weird for me). I now have a low-grade fever. My friend/co-worker had a scratchy throat and little appetite yesterday, and ended up with the virus this morning, so I'm nervous! We share an office and went to a movie and dinner (of which neither of us ate much) last night. Chat Icon

Posted 1/23/08 7:49 PM


Member since 11/05

5666 total posts


Re: For those of you who had the stomach virus...

Do you ever get strep throat? I know it is going around bad right now.

Posted 1/23/08 9:16 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2479 total posts


Re: For those of you who had the stomach virus...

My Dh had it and it just hits you l
He felt like he had the chills and that ws about it.
Next thing I knew, 3 am and the virus hit.
He didn't compain about the symptoms you described.
Feel better!

Posted 1/23/08 9:22 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

2984 total posts


Re: For those of you who had the stomach virus...

i had it last year but didn't have any of the symptoms you're describing. here is what i posted for Kara a few weeks ago...

i had the virus earlier in the season. it hit me at 3am on a friday. i woke up with horrific stomach pains and vomited a LOT. i kept waking up through the night and had bad diarrhea as well.

i did not get out of bed until noon on saturday - so that's about 36 hours in bed. i had chills and sweats and was shaking and very weak. it really was the worst stomach pain i have ever felt.

i didn't go to the doctor because i could barely walk to the bathroom, but by saturday evening it seemed to have passed

Posted 1/23/08 9:47 PM

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