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For those who bottle feed. How many bottles do you own?

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Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


For those who bottle feed. How many bottles do you own?

I don't know why, but I feel like we don't have enough. Just curious how many you have? I feel like I'm ALWAYS washing a freaking bottle.

Posted 7/30/06 2:10 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My Everything

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Re: For those who bottle feed. How many bottles do you own?

We had 6 small ones and 4 large ones. I haven't bought anymore. I just wash them after I use them.

Posted 7/30/06 2:19 PM


Member since 10/05

4796 total posts


Re: For those who bottle feed. How many bottles do you own?

I started w/ 13. I had four 4 oz and nine 9 oz (only use Avent). I have 8 now, and Kevin takes 3 bottles/day.

Posted 7/30/06 2:20 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: For those who bottle feed. How many bottles do you own?

I think that I have 11...9 8 oz and 2 4 oz.

Washing bottles is a mans job. I don't wash no bottles...

I can hear the sound of bottles being scrubbed right now...its a sweet sweet sound.

Posted 7/30/06 2:42 PM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: For those who bottle feed. How many bottles do you own?

I have 8 full size 8 oz bottles. I had bought a bunch of the smaller 2 or 4 oz sizes but he only used those for a few weeks.

Posted 7/30/06 2:45 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

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Re: For those who bottle feed. How many bottles do you own?

Posted by dottiemchugh

I have 8 full size 8 oz bottles. I had bought a bunch of the smaller 2 or 4 oz sizes but he only used those for a few weeks.

Same here. Its such a waste to get the smaller bottles, even when the baby is not taking alot per feeding. We have a few 4 oz ones that are now just sitting in the cabinet b/s he takes 5 oz per feeding now.

Posted 7/30/06 2:47 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: For those who bottle feed. How many bottles do you own?

6 8 oz bottles, 1 4 oz, and I think I had 3 8 oz Wide Necks (I found some in the consignment store) but now I only use the standards....

we use 3 bottles a day

Posted 7/30/06 3:27 PM

Mommy to 2 boys!

Member since 5/05

4565 total posts


Re: For those who bottle feed. How many bottles do you own?

9 8oz bottles and he takes 4 bottles per day.

Posted 7/30/06 3:40 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: For those who bottle feed. How many bottles do you own?

I have 9 - 8oz. bottles and 4-4oz bottles. I run them through the dishwasher once a day so I am thinking of getting a few more - because DD is at 3.5 oz. right now so the 4ozbottles wont be good for much longer. Ill probably get another 3pk. of the 8oz. (I use Dr Browns) becausd I feel like I dont have enough and cant keep up with them...
ETA I use about 7 bottles a day

Message edited 7/30/2006 3:52:36 PM.

Posted 7/30/06 3:51 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: For those who bottle feed. How many bottles do you own?

I have 8 6oz. bottles (she only takes 3.6-4oz. at a time). I think I will go and buy two more sets of the 9 oz. bottles because eventually we'll need them anyway, and at least I'll have extra bottles on hand. It's just annoying scrubbing them all the time! I would have JT do, but he's usually too busy changing the dirty diapersChat Icon

Posted 7/30/06 4:13 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: For those who bottle feed. How many bottles do you own?

12- 8 oz bottles(Dr Browns) do at least 1 dishwasher load a day....always doing bottles Chat Icon

Message edited 7/30/2006 5:14:45 PM.

Posted 7/30/06 5:13 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

7395 total posts


Re: For those who bottle feed. How many bottles do you own?

I have 12. 9 of the 4oz and 3 of the 8oz. I had 6 and 3 before last week. DD was up to 3 5oz bottles and 2 4oz bottles per day. After going to the ped, he recommended giving her 1/2 of her feeding at a time to try to reduce her spitting up. So, I went and bought a couple more 4oz bottles figuring that I would only be using those. Well, after a day, I realized that was not working for her so we are back to giving her full feedings at a time. I alternate 5oz and 4oz. I have another box of 8oz bottles in the closet that I am about ready to open. When I do, I think I'll do away with all of the 4oz bottles. I think I have to up her feedings to all 5oz.

Posted 7/30/06 6:50 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: For those who bottle feed. How many bottles do you own?

We had about 4 4oz bottles and we have 3 8oz bottles.

It seems like everyone has so much more then us!

We also have one at FIL's and 2 at the babysitters.

Posted 7/30/06 7:08 PM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: For those who bottle feed. How many bottles do you own?

I have 5-9oz bottles (he has 6 oz every three hours from 6am to 6:30pm) and when he was smaller I had 8 4oz bottles.

Posted 7/30/06 7:10 PM

April already?

Member since 3/06

5297 total posts


Re: For those who bottle feed. How many bottles do you own?

I have lots of bottles. At my shower I got two boxes of the Dr.Browns gift set and I think each had 4 8oz and 2 4oz. I also have one advent bottle and some gerber ones that I can use if need be.

Posted 7/30/06 7:18 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: For those who bottle feed. How many bottles do you own?

We had about 10 of the 9oz bottles. Mainly because our baby was in daycare from 3 months old.

Posted 7/30/06 8:11 PM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: For those who bottle feed. How many bottles do you own?

We have a bunch- she is also in daycare and half of them have her name written on them.
We try no tto have too many, because then we don't wash them and the sink is full of dirty bottles.

Posted 7/30/06 8:41 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: For those who bottle feed. How many bottles do you own?

WOWWW I must TOTALLY be in the minority because I think Id have an anxiety attack in any of your kitchens Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Clutter, chaos, overflow and wayyyyy too many bottles ! Chat Icon that would just stress me out.

The first time around I followed the "what they say" stuff when we registered and were new at everything. Although we still washed bottles as soon as the baby was done with them, we had quite a number (maybe 4 big ones, 2-3 small ones?) and that was WAYY too many for me.
We were making bottles and storing them in the fridge.

It got real old real fast. With # 2 (or maybe even w # 1, but a few months later). IT was 3-4 bottles around at most. We make the bottle, and wash it asap, super hot water and soap. and at the end of the day, they went in the dishwasher. But I NEVer let them pile up, that would drive me insane.

Now with # 3, I plan to have 1-2 small bottles and 2 big bottles. thats it. Im either using it or not, its clean or has formula in it. I just dont see the reasoning behind having so many bottles.

I think I posted this a while back too, we went to johns cousins house, she has a SINK FULL of bottles.. I was like
Chat Icon Chat Icon she said she dumps em in all day, does one big wash at nite etc. SHe asked my opinion, I told her what I wrote above Chat Icon and a few months later she said she TOTALLY changed it around, has 2 bottles out if even 2, and washes it as she uses it, and thats that. SOOOO much less clutter, Im not a neat or clean freak by any means, but certain things that CAN Be avoided, clutter, makes me nuts
Chat Icon

Hey you asked my opinion Chat Icon

Posted 7/30/06 8:55 PM

My Precious Angel

Member since 9/05

1093 total posts


Re: For those who bottle feed. How many bottles do you own?

I have 6 of the 4oz and 4 of the 8oz

Posted 7/30/06 10:41 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: For those who bottle feed. How many bottles do you own?

9 total.

I have six 8-oz bottles and three 4-oz bottles (Dr. Brown's). I don't use the 4-oz anymore, but will save them for when she can take a little water in the bottle.

Posted 7/30/06 11:11 PM

My munchkins

Member since 5/05

5010 total posts


Re: For those who bottle feed. How many bottles do you own?

10 - 8oz 16- 4oz bottles

i also have a sterilizer. dont like to spend most of my day cleaning them.

Posted 7/30/06 11:13 PM


Member since 5/05

6079 total posts


Re: For those who bottle feed. How many bottles do you own?

We only had (2) 4oz and (4) 9oz, washed them immediately after he finished eating.

I couldn't stand letting bottles curdle or soak in the sink all day so I only needed 4 in case we were out for the day.

Message edited 7/30/2006 11:19:41 PM.

Posted 7/30/06 11:17 PM

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