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Fruit & veggie questions- for my 2y/o

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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1063 total posts


Fruit & veggie questions- for my 2y/o

When he was a baby, he ate ALL of the jarred fruits, no problem.. pretty much inhaled them..

My son does not and will not eat any fresh fruit except for apples (slices) and bananas... OCCASIONALLY, at my dads, (and ONLY at my dads) he will eat a couple of grapes.. Recently I tried the Cups of fruit and he will eat them, but I don't like the fact they have so many preservatives in them..

He also has not been eating his veggies.. He used to love peas and carrots, corn and broccoli.. and even green beans.. now, he will only eat corn and sometimes the top of the broccoli.. peas and carrots he kinda pushes around the plate..

He has been SUCH a picky eater and the DR told me not to push him, or force him, but he cant live off of PB&J and frenchtoast!!!!
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How do I get him to eat fresh fruit and veggies?????

Posted 10/1/05 1:52 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

15167 total posts


Re: Fruit & veggie questions- for my 2y/o

Patrick refuses all fruit except if it's in jam/jelly or yogurt form. LOL! It drives me nuts.

As for veggies he eats only carrots & parsnips mainly. i usually mash them up w/ potatoes & gravy.

Posted 10/1/05 3:58 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: Fruit & veggie questions- for my 2y/o

Marissa really don't eat regualr fruite unless its in yogart except she love pineapple and regualr apple sauce. What I do and it seems to work ais take a chunk of the fruit and put it in one of those hand held strainer things something like the picture below but it has a handle for them to hold onto it

Image Attachment(s):
Posted 10/3/05 2:12 PM


Member since 5/05

6079 total posts


Re: Fruit & veggie questions- for my 2y/o

Aidan will eat any kind fruit, but the he has recently started boycotting veggies even though he loved them for months.

So I keep offering them to him, he pushes away, and I don't force it, but I will always offer it on his tray/plate. He's eating some things that may have been rejected before this way.
I also sneak them into things when he will not notice. Like green beans smushed into yogurt, or I just made Zucchini Bread and he loved it.

Another idea is Apple butter on toast. Does he like applesauce?

Or thin little cucumber "fries" (I just slice cucumbers into sticks) Aidan likes these and while I don't think that cucumbers are that high in the nutritional value area its better than real fries, etc. I do the same with baked sweet potato fries.

Posted 10/3/05 10:56 PM

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