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fun dessert test!

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Member since 5/05

12823 total posts


fun dessert test!

If all of the desserts listed below were sitting in front of you, which   would you choose? Pick your dessert, then look to see what Psychiatrists think about you! After taking this dessert personality test, forward this e-mail on to others, but when you do, be sure to put your choice of dessert in the subject box above.
  (Sorry you can only pick one)

  Angel Food Cake


  Lemon Meringue

  Vanilla cake with Chocolate Icing

  Strawberry Short Cake

  Chocolate on Chocolate

  Ice Cream

  Carrot Cake

  NO, you can't change your mind once you scroll down! So think carefully what your choice will be!

  OK - Now that you've made your choice, this is what research says about you!

  ANGEL FOOD CAKE... Sweet, loving, cuddly. You love all warm and fuzzy items. A little nutty at times. Sometimes you need an ice cream cone at the end of the day. Others perceive you as being childlike and  immature at times.

  BROWNIES... You are adventurous, love new ideas, are a champion of under dogs and a slayer of dragons. When tempers flare up, you whip out your saber. You are always the oddball with a unique sense of humor and direction. You tend to be very loyal.

  LEMON MERINGUE... Smooth, sexy, & articulate with your hands, you are an excellent after-dinner speaker and a good teacher. But don't try to walk and chew gum at the same time. A bit of a diva at times, but you have many friends.

  VANILLA CAKE WITH CHOCOLATE ICING... Fun-loving, sassy, humorous. Not   very grounded in life; very indecisive and lack motivation. Everyone   enjoys being around you, but you are a practical joker. Others should be  cautious in making you mad. However, you are a friend for life.

  STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE... Romantic, warm, loving. You care about other people and can be counted on in a pinch. You tend to melt. You can be   overly emotional at times.

  CHOCOLATE ON CHOCOLATE... Sexy; always ready to give and receive. Very   creative, adventurous, ambitious, and passionate. You can appear to have  a cold exterior but are warm on the inside. Not afraid to take chances.   Will not settle for anything average in life. Love to laugh.

  ICE CREAM... You like sports, whether it be baseball, football,   basketball, or soccer. If you could, you would like to participate, but   you enjoy watching sports. You don't like to give up the remote control.   You tend to be self-centered and high maintenance.

  CARROT CAKE... You are a very fun loving person, who likes to laugh. You are fun to be with. People like to hang out with you. You are a very   warm hearted person and a little quirky at times. You have many loyal  friends.

so what are you?
i forgot to put mine! brownies!
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Message edited 5/17/2005 11:20:19 PM.

Posted 5/17/05 11:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

6265 total posts


Re: fun dessert test!

I said cake with chocolate icing...but, I'm not sure I agree with everything they say...

However, if all of those really were in front of me at would be really hard to choose one...

Posted 5/17/05 11:17 PM

Pookie Love

Member since 5/05

20229 total posts


Re: fun dessert test!

Strawberry shortcake - to a tee!!!Chat Icon

Posted 5/17/05 11:57 PM

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