Funky smell in pee diapers?
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Member since 12/06 9289 total posts
Name: Mommy
Funky smell in pee diapers?
DD had a funky smelling pee pee diaper this morning. What do you think it is? Should I call the ped? It has happened one other time this week but never before that. All her other diapers are fine. Could it be something she ate the night before?
Posted 8/13/09 10:00 AM |
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Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
Re: Funky smell in pee diapers?
it could definitely be food related - did she have asparagus?
Posted 8/13/09 10:03 AM |
Mommy of 2!!!

Member since 5/08 2083 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Funky smell in pee diapers?
i could have written this post myself, the same thing is going on with my dd, some diapers smell, others dont. is she on any medication? my dd is taking something for an ear infection so im thinking thats whats causing it.
Posted 8/13/09 10:05 AM |
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Member since 12/06 9289 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Funky smell in pee diapers?
Posted by headoverheels
it could definitely be food related - did she have asparagus?
no but she did have broccoli..... maybe that is it.
Posted 8/13/09 10:07 AM |
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Member since 12/06 9289 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Funky smell in pee diapers?
Posted by steph7308
i could have written this post myself, the same thing is going on with my dd, some diapers smell, others dont. is she on any medication? my dd is taking something for an ear infection so im thinking thats whats causing it.
nope no medication....
Posted 8/13/09 10:08 AM |
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Member since 9/08 2223 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Funky smell in pee diapers?
I read somewhere that an ammonia smell can be a teething... I can't remember where though
Posted 8/13/09 12:31 PM |
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Member since 1/06 19197 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Funky smell in pee diapers?
Stinky pee can also be a symptom of a UTI.
Posted 8/13/09 3:21 PM |
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