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Game of Thrones finale! (Possible spoilers!)

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Mrs. O'Connor

Member since 6/10

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Game of Thrones finale! (Possible spoilers!)

What did everyone think?!

I loved it. I was a little afraid that they'd do the ending very cheesey, but I think they did a great job. I haven't read the second book, but I definitely will before the next season starts.

Posted 6/20/11 9:32 AM
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Re: Game of Thrones finale! (Possible spoilers!)

Spring 2012 - REALLY?!?!?!?!?!? My kid, who isn't even born yet will be nearing his first birthday when that show comes back on Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Khal Drogo - no need to die - too hot and bad a$$ to die. WTFFFFF with the dragon eggs?!?!!?

King Jeoffrey - He's just gotta go. Period. I hope it's his intended wife that kills him too.

Now, what was with that old man? The scene where he did some stretches after the prostitute left - who did he "change" into??!?

Posted 6/20/11 9:38 AM

Mrs. O'Connor

Member since 6/10

12821 total posts


Re: Game of Thrones finale! (Possible spoilers!)

Posted by Ayne11

Khal Drogo - no need to die - too hot and bad a$$ to die. WTFFFFF with the dragon eggs?!?!!?

King Jeoffrey - He's just gotta go. Period. I hope it's his intended wife that kills him too.

Now, what was with that old man? The scene where he did some stretches after the prostitute left - who did he "change" into??!?

I was pretty bummed about Khal Drogo. I actually loved him and Daenarys together- she owned being Khaleesi. Chat Icon And I didn't see it coming at all. Before I finished the book I even said to my husband "He can't die, she's not a threat without him." George R.R. Martin made me eat my words.

Yeah, I hope Sansa grows a pair and kills Joffrey very slowly and painfully... or I'd prefer if they kept him as a slave- death is too easy. He even makes his mom look like a nice lady.

I have no idea who that guy was! I asked the same thing- apparently he's a council member, but he's pretending to be old and frail but what? Why? And why is it important?!'

I can't wait to see her cross the sea and bust some skulls with her dragons though. Chat Icon

Posted 6/20/11 9:44 AM

So in love with my little boy!

Member since 1/10

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Re: Game of Thrones finale! (Possible spoilers!)

Posted by Ayne11

Now, what was with that old man? The scene where he did some stretches after the prostitute left - who did he "change" into??!?

He is Grand Maester Pycelle - according to the website, he "provideds counsel, wisdom and medical attention to the kings". He is the one that is on the council and gave Ned the book that Jon Arryn was reading before he died - the book that Ned used to figure out that Joffrey wasn't Robert's biological son based on the hair color. I'm still on book 1, but based off that scene, I feel like he's going to be an important character. I think he knows A LOT more than he leads onto because of all the kings that he has served.

ETA - I never answered the question about what I thought. I thought it was good, but a bit weak for a finale. Meaning, last week, when Ned died, my jaw dropped to the floor because it was just totally unexpected. I didn't have the same reaction to last nights episode. The thing with Daneryes and the dragons didn't shock me all that much because I knew something had to be up with her with all the hints throughout the season with fire and heat never having an effect on her. I was a bit surprised that Drogo died though - and HOW he died! I loved them together.

I'm also surprised they didn't go more into Robb and Jon. I felt that was left very undone. Obviously, I get why - it leaves a number of doors open to explore next season. I'll def be reading book 2, 3 and however many other prior to next season though!

Message edited 6/20/2011 10:21:23 AM.

Posted 6/20/11 10:14 AM


Member since 1/09

18021 total posts


Re: Game of Thrones finale! (Possible spoilers!)

Posted by Coosie

Posted by Ayne11

Now, what was with that old man? The scene where he did some stretches after the prostitute left - who did he "change" into??!?

He is Grand Maester Pycelle - according to the website, he "provideds counsel, wisdom and medical attention to the kings". He is the one that is on the council and gave Ned the book that Jon Arryn was reading before he died - the book that Ned used to figure out that Joffrey wasn't Robert's biological son based on the hair color. I'm still on book 1, but based off that scene, I feel like he's going to be an important character. I think he knows A LOT more than he leads onto because of all the kings that he has served.

Ahhh Thank you!

Posted 6/20/11 11:54 AM

Square head cutie pants

Member since 3/06

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Re: Game of Thrones finale! (Possible spoilers!)

Posted by Ayne11

Now, what was with that old man? The scene where he did some stretches after the prostitute left - who did he "change" into??!?

He 'acts' more frail than he is around everyone else because he knows so much and has seen so many kings come and go

As for what i thought about the finale.. well, i've read all the books (and can't wait for the 5th to come out next month!) so all i can say is it was exactly as i thought it would be Chat Icon

the books all end just like that.. no real ending to a storyline, just like an ending to a chapter. Which only makes you want to keep reading more and more!

Posted 6/20/11 5:05 PM

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