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Gestational Diabetes - VENT!!! Long...

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LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

1347 total posts


Gestational Diabetes - VENT!!! Long...

I had gest diabetes with my 1st pregnancy so I was expecting it with #2 but still not happy about it...

With #1 my gest diabetes came on so ferociously that I had to take medication to control the sugar levels. Tried glucophage for a week and moved on to insulin injections 3x a day. For nearly 20 wks I took insulin injections and went to the dr 1x per week for non-stress tests and biophysical profiles. They were VERY concerned that my #'s had been high all along and something could be wrong. Everything turned out find and ds was born 7lbs 7oz - not big at all... I LOVE LOVE LOVED my old practice (in NYC) as they handled everything in house and had a special nurse for gestational diabetes who used to monitor my diet and work with my meds accordingly.

With #2 things have been less than ideal. I was asked to take the 3hr glucose test at 10 wks which I PASSED. Took the test again at 22 wks and failed ROYALLY. My OB referred me to the gestational diabetes clinic at North Shore and I have not been able to talk to anyone for over a week. I left a message a week ago to speak with someone and no one called me back. Today (7 days later) I called back very annoyed and there was no answer as to why my call wasn't returned. I have an appt on Monday to meet with a coordinator but they are treating me like I have NEVER been through this before insisting that if they are going to treat me that I must go to their group nutritional counseling meetings. Not to be difficult but I have done this before - I am fairly familiar with the diet and how my body reacted to certain things. I will have to take DS with me to my meeting on Monday b/c they are completely unable to accomodate me at a time when I could have someone watch him.

I left a message for my OB today asking if there are any other options for treatment - maybe seeing an endocrinologist closer to home (North Shore Manhasset is a 2-hr drive for me round-trip) - but he didn't call me back. I feel like no one understands that I HAVE been through this before and they are treating me like a child - an entire week has been wasted trying to just get in touch with the people that are supposed to be helping me get this on track...

I am so frustrated and stressed - I know this isn't where i should be emotionally/physically right now...

Posted 9/15/09 8:10 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Gestational Diabetes - VENT!!! Long...

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Posted 9/15/09 8:17 PM

Love my Boys!

Member since 7/09

4440 total posts


Re: Gestational Diabetes - VENT!!! Long...

I am so sorry! Sounds very frustrating!

Posted 9/15/09 9:23 PM


Member since 10/06

3013 total posts


Re: Gestational Diabetes - VENT!!! Long...

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon That sounds really annoying!

Posted 9/15/09 9:28 PM

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