My 3 Miracles!
Member since 5/05 5777 total posts
Name: Melissa
Getting them to sleep? Please help a tired mommy!
It changes every week, but lately it's been taking me 2 hours every night to get him to sleep for the night. It's exhausting! I'll give him a bottle then try to lay him down. It works for a few minutes then he's crying, I try to soothe him, doesn't work, I pick him up until he stops fussing and then put him back down, he'll fall asleep, few minutes later he'll wake up again, we go through the same process again, but this time he wants to nurse, so I do then I try to lay him down again, he'll fall asleep, wake up, etc., etc., etc. So after a little while of doing this, he's now overtired and can't fall asleep, so he'll want to nurse himself to sleep. I am soooo against doing that with this baby because I did it with Caiden and his sleeping habits were horrible, but he was so overtired, and mommy was very frustrated I caved! He used to go down fine without fussing and fall asleep on his own. I don't know what happened to stop that from happening? What can I do to make going to bed easier??? Thanks!
My girls
Member since 5/05 7027 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: Getting them to sleep? Please help a tired mommy!
Does he take a pacifier? Maybe start the sleep process earlier? I still think he is young enough to still be nursed to bed, there is time to "sleep train" him, he is only 10 weeks old.
LIF Adult
Member since 11/05 1977 total posts
Name: Cassie
Re: Getting them to sleep? Please help a tired mommy!
I agree he is too young to spoil. Does he like to be swaddled? DS used to flail his arms and wake himself up all the time and we had to contain them for him. The paci also was a lifesaver. (it still soothes him, but he doesn't NEED it to fall asleep, and if he did I"m OK w/that too...whatever works)
This is how I play basketball!
Member since 6/05 1980 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Getting them to sleep? Please help a tired mommy!
I am in the same exact situation with my 16-week old DD AND she only sleeps in the swing! Luckily she sleeps up to 12 hours at night, but getting her to sleep (at night or for naps) is impossible lately! I try music, the pacifier, putting her down early, everything! I routinely nurse her to sleep but when i transfer her to the swing or the crib, she wakes up crying. She essentially whines herself to sleep every night.
You're not alone. Please let me know if you find any solutions!