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Member since 5/05 4457 total posts
Name: Mama
Gettying rid of the Doddie (aka-pacifier)
my daughter will be 3 in march and has the pacifier in her mouth 24/7, I think it looks horrible, it has interferred with her speech ad it is just time to get rid of it. Any creative ideas to get rid of it? This morning I cut a little hole on the top of her favorite one sicne I figured if she has to use one that she is not crazy about, she will eventually forget about it on her own. What worked for you?!
Posted 10/19/05 9:08 AM |
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Member since 5/05 2536 total posts
Re: Gettying rid of the Doddie (aka-pacifier)
My friend went to build a bear and had a little ceremony and put it in the bear. So she would still have it. Another friend told her son that this was the last one and when it went missing because he misplaced it that was it.
Posted 10/19/05 9:12 AM |
2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05 4377 total posts
Name: MaMMa
Re: Gettying rid of the Doddie (aka-pacifier)
I know it may seem harsh but my mother-in-law dipped the pacifier in hot pepper!
My sister-in-law was forever attached to that pacifier but after that episode she never looked at it the same way again and ultimately never wanted to see it anymore.
Posted 10/19/05 9:19 AM |
5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05 2642 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Gettying rid of the Doddie (aka-pacifier)
My mom always made us give it to santa clause. She had told me that she spoke to santa clause and he said that if I was a big girl and wanted a new bike for x-mas that I would have to leave the binky (pacifier) on the table with the cookies and milk. It worked I left it there and in the morning it was gone and there was my new bike under the tree. She did the same thing with my brothers. so maybe find out what your daughter really wants for x-mas and tell her that t he only way santa will bring it is if she leaves it on the table for him to take cuz she is a big girl.
My one brother was attached to the bottle and my mom refused to buy anymore so he was down to the last one and he left it outside and he wanted it to go to sleep with and my mom told him he left it outside and there were bugs all over it and if he drank from it ever again he is going to have bugs in h is tomache. Yes it is mean but it worked.
Posted 10/19/05 10:13 AM |
Member since 5/05 2314 total posts
Re: Gettying rid of the Doddie (aka-pacifier)
When my sister was 3 and attached to the pacifier, she had to leave it for santa claus since she was a big girl. After she realized it was really gone she cried for a day or so, but got over it pretty quickly......
Posted 10/19/05 10:17 AM |
Re: Gettying rid of the Doddie (aka-pacifier)
Neither of my kids really used them, but I know when it was time for my neices to get rid of them, my sister told them that the "binky fairy" was coming, and since they were big girls and didn't need their binky's anymore, the binky fairy would give them to all of the new babies that needed them. (And of course the binky fairy left them a "big girl" toy )
Posted 10/19/05 10:24 AM |
Our life is complete

Member since 5/05 5909 total posts
Name: Stacey
Re: Gettying rid of the Doddie (aka-pacifier)
My friend dipped her daughters in ketchup, my SIL told my niece that the Easter Bunny needed it and when my little cousin broke his favorite my Aunt told him that they would buy him a new one on Tuesday, everyday he would wake up and ask if it was Tuesday, he forgot about it in a week
Posted 10/19/05 10:30 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/05 581 total posts
Re: Gettying rid of the Doddie (aka-pacifier)
Hey B
I had no idea you called it a doddie too!
Mom told me that when she needed me to get rid of my pacifier, she told me that the Easter Bunny took it, because the new baby coming in May was going to need it......and that new baby that came in May is your hubby - he stole my pacifier.
Posted 10/19/05 1:25 PM |
Dad you finally did it!!!

Member since 10/05 1714 total posts
Name: Brandy
Re: Gettying rid of the Doddie (aka-pacifier)
I had two that used them and with them both I told them that when the ones they had were lost that was it no more binkie. My first was heart broken and my second was ok with it. Good Luck!!!
Posted 10/19/05 1:32 PM |
Member since 5/05 4457 total posts
Name: Mama
Re: Gettying rid of the Doddie (aka-pacifier)
Posted by Bella123
Hey B
I had no idea you called it a doddie too!
Mom told me that when she needed me to get rid of my pacifier, she told me that the Easter Bunny took it, because the new baby coming in May was going to need it......and that new baby that came in May is your hubby - he stole my pacifier.
Do you call it that too?! It's an old Irish term that my family always used, we also used it to refer to someone who was "boozing it up". So, my dear hubby stole your doddie, you have every right to come over here and steal something from him now!!!
Posted 10/19/05 1:38 PM |
Re: Gettying rid of the Doddie (aka-pacifier)
I tried dipping it in condiments.. my son loves spicy food and mustard now!! LOL...
The thing that worked for us was "loosing" it.... He went to bed one night and after he fell asleep I took it and put it on the top shelf of the cabinet, and the next night he looked and couldnt find it.. and there were NO MORE, so he knew that it was the blue one or NONE... and he kept looking and gave up.. passed out in his chair!! lol... Kinda harsh, maybe.. but it wasnt a kicking screaming fight my sis went through with her girls.. GL and HTH!!
Posted 10/19/05 2:00 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Gettying rid of the Doddie (aka-pacifier)
Our way isn't going to help you unless you're just a really crazy mom.
A terrible case of cox sackie did it. When he was 20mos, he handed it to me & said "Fire hurts" Fire = pacifier. We tossed them all that week. When he asked for it back, we said "Oh, they're all gone".
Any ideas to combat thumbsucking?
Posted 10/19/05 2:21 PM |