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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1686 total posts
Name: jan
gyn vs. re specialist
Message edited 1/29/2007 8:24:50 AM.
Posted 11/22/05 12:01 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: gyn vs. re specialist
Has she done bloodwork to make sure you have PCOS? Has she done any ultrasounds?
Posted 11/22/05 12:17 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1686 total posts
Name: jan
Re: gyn vs. re specialist
Message edited 1/29/2007 8:25:20 AM.
Posted 11/22/05 12:20 PM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: gyn vs. re specialist
What makes her think that you have PCOS? It's very hard to diagnose sometimes and a lot of OB's jump to the conclusion that women have PCOS. They also shouldn't base their diagnosis on one blood test. At least 3 should be done to see what your insulin levels and glucose levels are.
As far as the ultra sounds, I think that, yes, they should be done. That will see if you have any cysts.
How long have you been TTCing?
Posted 11/22/05 1:23 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1686 total posts
Name: jan
Re: gyn vs. re specialist
Message edited 1/29/2007 8:25:12 AM.
Posted 11/22/05 1:41 PM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: gyn vs. re specialist
It's very hard to diagnose PCOS. If you have been trying for at least 6 months, go see a RE. You don't want to start taking meds that you don't need. There can be other reasons for your irregular periods.
Posted 11/22/05 1:47 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1686 total posts
Name: jan
Re: gyn vs. re specialist
Message edited 1/29/2007 8:25:29 AM.
Posted 11/22/05 1:53 PM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: gyn vs. re specialist
If I were you ....I would go to a RE because I would want someone that specializes in the disorder to treat me.
Posted 11/22/05 1:59 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1686 total posts
Name: jan
Re: gyn vs. re specialist
Message edited 1/29/2007 8:25:38 AM.
Posted 11/22/05 2:17 PM |
1 year already!!

Member since 5/05 3360 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: gyn vs. re specialist
After 11 months I would see an RE also. Especially if you are over 35.
I would let an RE tell me what was wrong rather than "you might have PCOS" from my gyno.
Good luck!
Posted 11/22/05 2:19 PM |
1 year already!!

Member since 5/05 3360 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: gyn vs. re specialist
Posted by calendargrl
don't you need a recommendation from the gyn? when I asked her today she said no I shouldn't go see an RE until she says so. I will discuss with her but again I don't want to waste precious time.
that's suprising! my gyno was the one telling me if you're not pregnant in 6 months go see an RE!
I have never needed a referral for an RE and I'm on my 3rd one
Why don't you for peace of mind just make an appt and go see an RE and see what he/she says. Think of it as getting a 2nd opinion.
Posted 11/22/05 2:22 PM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: gyn vs. re specialist
Call your insurance company to see if you need a referral to a specialist. If you don't, you just call and make an appointment. If you do need a referral, you just call your doctor's office and tell them you want a referral because you want a second opinion before you start taking meds for something. If they give you a hard time, it may be time to find a new doctor.
Posted 11/22/05 2:23 PM |
Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Re: gyn vs. re specialist
Calendargrl --- My OB/GYN doesn't want me to see an RE either -- why? Because he thinks he is God. Well I am 39 and you are not God and I am seeing an RE in 2 weeks.
Redstar can give you lots of advice on this one, but I have finally accepted the fact that I have fertility issues -- so I must see a SPECIALIST. A GYN is NOT a fertility specialist. It's like seeing a PCP or GP if you have heart problems -- you need a specialist.
RUN, don't walk, to an RE!!
Posted 11/22/05 2:24 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1686 total posts
Name: jan
Re: gyn vs. re specialist
Message edited 1/29/2007 8:26:03 AM.
Posted 11/22/05 2:31 PM |
Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05 2220 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: gyn vs. re specialist
Never waste your time seeing an ob/gyn when dealing with fertility issues. They have less knowledge than most people on ttc boards. They aren't trained in the endocrine system any more than, your dentist.
PCOS is an over used term. It's like saying every child with a learning difference, suffers from ADD. If you don't ovulate regularly it could be due to so many reasons. I bet, your ob/gyn, isn't even considering testing your FSH on day3 and LH. Those are critical for pcos diagnosis. Metformin is a drug that alters your glucose level. If your glucose level is fine, that drug is not for you. You can also change your diet, and lower your glucose level naturally. The leading cause of adult onset diabetes in this country is "diet".
A couple is infertile when they have been ttc for a year and under 35. If they are over 35 it's six months. That's what qualifies you to see a RE. Pregnancy loss is also part of infertility. You don't need your ob/gyn's permission to see a RE unless your insurance requires a referrel. Re's are ob/gyns with an extra three years of study, their training is intense. There are less than 1,000 Re's in this country. Ob/gyns do not want you to seek the help of a RE for selfish reasons. Doctors are businessmen/women....they don't like losing patients. Finding a good RE is difficult but to find an excellent ob/gyn is even harder. Most of them prescribe meds without any testing, and that to me is disgraceful.
Posted 11/22/05 3:02 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1686 total posts
Name: jan
Re: gyn vs. re specialist
Message edited 1/29/2007 8:26:36 AM.
Posted 11/22/05 3:09 PM |
My princess!
Member since 5/05 6548 total posts
Re: gyn vs. re specialist
I must say though..even if your glucose levels are fine, metformin is often prescribed for pcos. My re told me this herself. It is used as a treatment for pcos and usually gets one ovulating again on their own.
Posted 11/22/05 4:24 PM |
Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05 2220 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: gyn vs. re specialist
Yes, you can go on Met and have normal glucose levels but you really need to be insulin resistant for it to assist. Sometimes people have borderline glucose levels and turn out to be insulin resistant. You need to get the IGTT (insulin, glucose tolerance test). Normal glucose results are 70-90, 111 or over is impaired, 126 or over is diabetic. Insulin levels above 10 show insulin resistance.
Met makes your cells more sensitive to the insulin your pancreas secretes. When you have pcos (insulin resistance) You eat, the blood sugar rises. The pancreas secretes insulin to lower blood sugar. The cells block the insulin from getting in and blood sugar remains elevated due to this. The pancreas secretes more insulin. Extra insulin is now in the bloodstream. When the cells finally respond to the insulin the blood sugar drops back down. HOWEVER, the extra insulin is stored as fat tissue. Fat tissue is where estrogen is generated. When there is too much estrogen that can cause you not to ovulate. Sooo...the met makes your cells more readily receptive to your initial insulin excretion. HOWEVER,....if you change your diet, you can also lower your fat tissue, and ovulation can occur with out the use of metformin. Don't get me wrong, I happen to think metformin is a drug, that definitely can be very successful in ttc. In fact, many women lose pregnancies because of their insulin issues. Metformin can also speed up the process of weight loss if insulin resistance is an issue.
If you don't have insulin resistance, I am not sure how metformin can help. Unfortunately a lot of women are labeled as having pcos when in actuality they do not.
You really need to understand the reason your doctor's are prescribing the meds. You need to make sure that what the med does is what you need it to do. One girl, said, she was on clomid because her doctor said it will improve her egg quality. Doctors say the oddest things sometimes. Clomid doesn't improve egg quality. It has nothing to do with quality, clomid provides quantity.
Message edited 11/22/2005 6:13:24 PM.
Posted 11/22/05 6:08 PM |