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Had a little "First-time mommy" scare yesterday...

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My life:)

Member since 6/06

9589 total posts


Had a little "First-time mommy" scare yesterday...

After breakfast in the morning I felt a gush of something "down there". When I went and looked, I saw a a big spot of clear fluid (water-like) on my undies. My husband freaked out and I called the doctor. Since she was in the hospital at the time, she told me to come in and to make sure that my water didn't break. The whole way there my husband was a nervous wreck thinking the worst...I wanted to kill him bc he was making ME nervous. I was still feeling the baby move so I wasn't THAT concerned but just wanted to make sure that all was well...

We got to Beth Israel and went to L&D...I got hooked up to the monitors and we listened to the baby's heart beat (140) and we listened to him move around and kick. They checked me out (did a vaginal exam to make sure my cervix was properly closed (OMG the dr stuck her whole hand in there Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon) to make sure that my water didn't break, and did another sonogram to check that there was enough fluid in my amniotic sac...well thank God all was well. It was confirmed that our baby is very healthy, active and growing well...and the fact that he is a "he" lol...

Since I've been having a lot of discharge, this must of been a "clear" version of the discharge and nothing to be alarmed about in the future. My doctor was happy that we came in to see her despite the fact that the L&D got "slammed" yesterday (there were so many women in labor)...

Posted 5/21/07 9:58 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

11618 total posts


Re: Had a little "First-time mommy" scare yesterday...

OMG- you poor thing. I'm so happy you got confirmation that everything was OK.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/21/07 10:18 AM

Love my Babes

Member since 8/05

5889 total posts


Re: Had a little "First-time mommy" scare yesterday...

Glad everything is ok. ON slippery days sometimes it can be hard to tell whats "normal" for a pregnant woman and whats not.

Posted 5/21/07 10:19 AM

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