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Had my first real freak out last night.

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Support Cancer Research

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Had my first real freak out last night.

We had the "What if" childbirth class last night where she goes over all the different scenarios:

Emergency C Sections

I turned to DH after and said "Is it too late to have a stork deliver this kid?" Chat Icon

But then I couldn't sleep last night. Chat Icon

I think I've been blocking out the "birthing" part. Now that it's quickly approaching I had a good long freak out about all of that.

Anyone else (particularly 3rd tri moms-to-be) having this?

If so, how are you coping?

Posted 4/3/07 3:52 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Had my first real freak out last night.

I went through it with all 3 kids. THe only way to get through it is to know that you don't have a choice. You KNOW the baby has to come out sometime and to know that you can handle whatever is thrown at you be it a 1-2-3 easy labor or an emergency C.Chat Icon

Posted 4/3/07 3:56 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Had my first real freak out last night.

I was just going to post something similar. Since I am now on leave, I am realizing that I actually have to give birth to this kid. YIKES.

I just try not to overthink things too much....and that everything really WILL be ok.Chat Icon

Posted 4/3/07 3:57 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Had my first real freak out last night.

If it helps at all from a BTDT mom, the anxiety of giving birth was much worse then actually giving birth. Chat Icon

Posted 4/3/07 4:11 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

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Re: Had my first real freak out last night.

Posted by shamrock124

If it helps at all from a BTDT mom, the anxiety of giving birth was much worse then actually giving birth. Chat Icon

This is so true, but unfortunately, the thought doesn't help me any now at 35 weeks--I'm freaked out of my mind!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 4/3/07 4:12 PM

Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05

16353 total posts


Re: Had my first real freak out last night.

Posted by shamrock124

If it helps at all from a BTDT mom, the anxiety of giving birth was much worse then actually giving birth. Chat Icon

That's good to know!!

Posted 4/3/07 4:39 PM

Joining Team Blue with Baby #2

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Re: Had my first real freak out last night.

I was freaking out for a while before I had the baby...especially because I REALLY didn't want a C Section and was afraid of having one...when it came down to it, I had to have one anyway and it was FINE. I am actually happy now that I had a C Section! Just try to tell yourself you don't have a choice in what happens and go with the flow!

Posted 4/3/07 4:43 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Had my first real freak out last night.

Posted by MrsPJ

I was freaking out for a while before I had the baby...especially because I REALLY didn't want a C Section and was afraid of having one...when it came down to it, I had to have one anyway and it was FINE. I am actually happy now that I had a C Section! Just try to tell yourself you don't have a choice in what happens and go with the flow!

I am freaking now about my planned C section. I am so not thrilled & I think I am totally psyching myself out about it. I actually freaked & cried a little.Chat Icon

Posted 4/3/07 4:49 PM


Member since 10/06

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Re: Had my first real freak out last night.

I am not freaking about the whole birth part, just hoping this baby is not as big as DD was.

Posted 4/3/07 5:26 PM

My girls!!

Member since 8/06

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Re: Had my first real freak out last night.

yes me totally freaking out, but letting it come day by day and not letting it be enough to make me crazy!

Posted 4/3/07 5:27 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Had my first real freak out last night.

I got a few books so I would understand the entire process REALLY well. HElped calm me down to know everything in nothings a surprise.

Posted 4/3/07 5:42 PM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

3932 total posts


Re: Had my first real freak out last night.

Posted by shamrock124

If it helps at all from a BTDT mom, the anxiety of giving birth was much worse then actually giving birth. Chat Icon

I totally agree!!!

I also had my sister and 2 friends tell me it wasn't as bad as she had expected. I went iin thinking that way and they were right!

Message edited 4/3/2007 5:45:15 PM.

Posted 4/3/07 5:44 PM


Member since 9/06

5307 total posts


Re: Had my first real freak out last night.

not there yet but i can only imagine Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/3/07 8:22 PM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: Had my first real freak out last night.

Posted by shamrock124

If it helps at all from a BTDT mom, the anxiety of giving birth was much worse then actually giving birth. Chat Icon

I couldn't have said it any better!
I was NOT one of those ladies who was hoping to deliver before my due date. I didn't want "labor vibes" at all Chat Icon I wanted this kid to take his sweet time, and if he was late so be it... I mean I felt like crap those last few weeks and was so sick of being pregnant BUT I was MORE freaked out about giving birth and so not ready at that moment to do it, I would have waited another month if I had the choice!

I remember crying hysterically ALL the way to the hospital .. not from the pain of the contractions but just becuase I was terrified and did NOT want to do it (yeah who's the baby huh?) I just thought I'd never get through it..but you do, and you will!

In the end.. it wasn't that bad at ALL (and this coming from someone who wanted an epidural in the worst way but didn't get one and went au nautral until I was 9 cm dialated Chat Icon) Yet I remember telling DH the minute after my DS was born that I wanted to do it again right away Chat Icon (yeah I think I was a little drugged up by then Chat Icon)

I think the main thing that got me through it was that I kept telling myself that so many millions of women had done what I was about to do, and in a lot of cases did it again and again... so how bad could it REALLY be Chat Icon

Posted 4/3/07 8:41 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1420 total posts


Re: Had my first real freak out last night.

I had a c-section and I honestly can say it was not bad at all......... I was more afraid of my water breaking....

Although with the c-section I didn't have a chance to think about it... my blood pressure was very high and they admitted me right away, but the c itself was not bad at all

Posted 4/4/07 5:40 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: Had my first real freak out last night.

Posted by FeliciaDP

Posted by shamrock124

If it helps at all from a BTDT mom, the anxiety of giving birth was much worse then actually giving birth. Chat Icon

In the end.. it wasn't that bad at ALL (and this coming from someone who wanted an epidural in the worst way but didn't get one and went au nautral until I was 9 cm dialated Chat Icon) Yet I remember telling DH the minute after my DS was born that I wanted to do it again right away Chat Icon (yeah I think I was a little drugged up by then Chat Icon)

Hahaha...I was 10 cm before they gave me an epidural and that was only for about 45 minutes to help me get a little rest from the contractions. I also wanted to do it again right away!

Best advice I got from my SIL...the harder you push, the faster it's over and that is all I thought of while pushing. 30 minutes later and about 10 pushes...Molly joined us. Chat Icon

Posted 4/4/07 5:49 PM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

3932 total posts


Re: Had my first real freak out last night.

I think I was close to 10cm too before I got the epidural! They hardly checked me and then as soon as the dr arrived she said ..time to push! I had it in for about an hour!

Posted 4/4/07 5:52 PM

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