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Hair cut...What age can you bring them?

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Member since 5/05

1854 total posts


Hair cut...What age can you bring them?

Kevin's hair is getting a little out of control and I don't want to try to cut it myself. I'm not sure he'll sit still for a haircut though.

Should I just let it go or try to bring him to one of those kiddie haircut places?

If you've gone to one of the Kiddie Haircut places, which one did you go to and did you like the service?

Posted 7/8/06 11:15 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Hair cut...What age can you bring them?

We took Andrew just after his first birthday last year. We took him to the regular barber my DH uses, and they were great. He sits in a car or rocket chair and he was so good. I wanted to bring him to a kiddie haircut place, but DH said no way to spending that much money on a few snips of his hair Chat Icon He's been a regular at the barber since.

Posted 7/8/06 11:42 AM


Member since 4/06

2784 total posts


Re: Hair cut...What age can you bring them?

I have done both and honestly DD gets a better haircut at the adult shop. I didn't necessarily mind spending the $ at the kids place but they never cut it short enough and 3 weeks later it was in her eyes again. The last two times I have taken her to a place called The Hair Cuttery.

Posted 7/8/06 3:38 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Hair cut...What age can you bring them?

I took Emily to Hair Play in Hicksville on Levittown Parkway about a month ago -- so at 8 months. Her hair was just getting so long and uneven in the back so we just had them straighten it up in the back.

It was $13 for the haircut, which came with a photo, certificate and a lock of hair. I was very happy with it and the woman was very nice. She put on cartoons and Emily got to sit in a Red Race Car, which she loved!!

Posted 7/8/06 8:35 PM

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