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LIF Adult

Member since 6/16

989 total posts



How was Halloween trick or treating for you?
My son is ASD, 6 years old. He was very excited. He did our block with the babysitter when he got home from school then went a block over when Dad got home from work.
He was so excited and was looking forward to it all. Then he was running to a house and fell. We got through it. Then about 15 minutes later he fell again. He told me that Halloween was ruined and he wanted to go home. Poor thing. We should have just called it a day when he finished our block after school. He's not good for 45 minutes of walking.
How was it for you you guys?

Posted 11/1/17 12:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/17

2249 total posts


Re: Halloween

My husband took our DS because I had to work. He met up with his brother and my niece and nephew. Interestingly enough my son was content sitting in a radio flyer wagon with his cousin lol. He really has no interest in TOT'ing.

Posted 11/1/17 12:41 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/10

996 total posts



DS is very into Halloween. I think he likes it more than Christmas b/c you run around with a group of kids- house to house. DS doesn't even like candy but he loves to TOT.

I'm thrilled b/c this is the first year he picked out a costume himself and it was an actually costume- not pjs that look like a costume.

Posted 11/2/17 9:11 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/16

989 total posts


Re: Halloween

Posted by lightblue

My husband took our DS because I had to work. He met up with his brother and my niece and nephew. Interestingly enough my son was content sitting in a radio flyer wagon with his cousin lol. He really has no interest in TOT'ing.

This was my son 2 years ago. Zero interest in actually TOT. Nothing wrong with that. Less candy to tell them they can't have.

Posted 11/2/17 9:18 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/16

989 total posts


Re: Halloween

Posted by JDandMe

DS is very into Halloween. I think he likes it more than Christmas b/c you run around with a group of kids- house to house. DS doesn't even like candy but he loves to TOT.

I'm thrilled b/c this is the first year he picked out a costume himself and it was an actually costume- not pjs that look like a costume.

That's awesome. I'm cheap so I buy the pajama costumes as long as I can. But now he recycles the costumes and plays superhero through the year and wears them, so money well spent I suppose. He would wear his costume everyday if I let him. DS doesn't really like candy either. He has a few favorites but the rest of it will sit around the house til next year when I eventually throw it away. He did not even have any the next day. Totally forgot about it.

Posted 11/2/17 9:20 AM

My 3 little guys!

Member since 12/10

2943 total posts


Re: Halloween

Posted by lightblue

My husband took our DS because I had to work. He met up with his brother and my niece and nephew. Interestingly enough my son was content sitting in a radio flyer wagon with his cousin lol. He really has no interest in TOT'ing.

This made me laugh bc this is totally my son! DH pulled him around in the wagon while his brothers went door to door. He came to every house with us, just sat in the wagon. Lol. I went to the door with the bucket with my twins. And my LO’s bucket got filled. Which I have no idea why I did that bc he doesn’t eat candy and we have so much in the house anyway. But all in all, success! No meltdowns or crying. Just happy plugging along people watching.Chat Icon

Posted 11/2/17 7:31 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/17

2249 total posts


Re: Halloween

Posted by Dolphinsbaby

Posted by lightblue

My husband took our DS because I had to work. He met up with his brother and my niece and nephew. Interestingly enough my son was content sitting in a radio flyer wagon with his cousin lol. He really has no interest in TOT'ing.

This made me laugh bc this is totally my son! DH pulled him around in the wagon while his brothers went door to door. He came to every house with us, just sat in the wagon. Lol. I went to the door with the bucket with my twins. And my LO’s bucket got filled. Which I have no idea why I did that bc he doesn’t eat candy and we have so much in the house anyway. But all in all, success! No meltdowns or crying. Just happy plugging along people watching.Chat Icon

Yup, a success for me is a meltdown free day lol

Posted 11/3/17 11:50 AM

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