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Has anyone done air travel with a toddler?

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Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Has anyone done air travel with a toddler?

I am going to see some friends in Atlanta in 2 weeks and am taking my daughter with me. She's 2 years old and will be sitting in her carseat on the plane. Anyone else traveled with a child and carseat in tow? My DH will be at home with our boys so its just going to be me and a 2 year old in tow. How the heck do I get her and the Marathon to the gate? Does anyone know if the airline will allow me to bring my double stroller to the gate. I figure I can put her in one seat and the carseat in the other. Its a Graco duoglider so its not a small double stroller. How do people do this when it comes to getting to the gate and onto the plane?? I can only imagine how people are going to be annoyed as traffic backs up down the aisle of the plane while Im trying to secure her carseat and the look of fear on peoples faces, hoping you arent going to sit next the them with a kid!! It seemed like a good idea when I was booking the trip.....

Anyone have any tips or advice?

Posted 7/21/06 11:25 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Has anyone done air travel with a toddler?

I've traveled alone with Andrew to FL. It was real simple. Do you have a single stroller (I can lend you one), that might be much easier! I also have a canvas car seat bag that you can put the car seat in if you were to check it, but in your case it can also work as a carry (it has a strap to hang it over your shoulder).

So to now answer your questions. I have not used a double stroller, but have seen plenty at the gate. With a child, you will have priority boarding over everyone else, so that makes it easier.

Let me know, I can bring the stuff with me Tuesday. Hang your carry-on bag over the stroller handle, put T in the stroller, and sling the car seat over your shoulder. I did it twice with Andrew when he was 10 months and 18 months.

Message edited 7/21/2006 11:52:51 PM.

Posted 7/21/06 11:41 PM


Member since 5/05

6079 total posts


Re: Has anyone done air travel with a toddler?

yeah, what she said! Chat Icon

I also have one of those canvas carseat bags which I thought was a great idea... but DH refused to use it so he carried the Marathon all around the airport. Chat Icon

But you won't have that extra set of hands so Trish's advice is perfect!

take lots of snacks and maybe a new small toy to amuse her, don't worry about the people who have no patience!

have a nice trip!

Message edited 7/21/2006 11:50:45 PM.

Posted 7/21/06 11:47 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/06

323 total posts


Re: Has anyone done air travel with a toddler?

I don't have advice about carrying carseat, etc., just sympathy-Chat Icon .

When I took DS on a plane at the same age, a friend suggested I go to the dollar store (or somewhere similar) and pick up a bunch of new things to amuse him (little toys, coloring/sticker books, etc.) Every time he started to get antsy, I just pulled out something new to play with. Worked like a charm! Just remember to save some new things for the return trip. I hope this helps.

Posted 7/22/06 3:12 AM

We made it to 8 years

Member since 5/05

1134 total posts


Re: Has anyone done air travel with a toddler?

I have traveled alone.. but i have a friedn with a two year old and she just came home from floirda.. she told me that on the way home they just put her daughter in a seat belt.on the seat and she was fine...they actually cheacked her car seat witht he luggage and it still came out on time...they put it oin a box as luggage and the she used her stoller... I do not think there are any laws for children and car seats on a airplane..I found this
• The FAA requires airlines to allow the use of a certified car seat if the child has a ticket. The FAA strongly recommends, but does not require, that children under age 2 ride in a car seat. Not all flight attendants are well informed, so take FAA inf

Also good luck! and akso if you are nor flying and airline with a tv then bring your DVD player if you have one...

Posted 7/22/06 8:00 AM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Has anyone done air travel with a toddler?

JJ Cole (I believe its the brand) sells a backpack that fits the car seat. that's what we used and we pushed DD in a lightweight stroller. It was well worth the $40. If you get this you could bring a much lighter weight stroller instead of lugging a double.
You can bring your stroller all the way to the door of the plane and they check it for you and have it when you get off.
Also anyone with children get to preboard so definitely take advantage of that. Make sure to have the instruction book on your car seat so you know how to install it on an airplane.

Posted 7/22/06 8:29 AM


Member since 10/05

4796 total posts


Re: Has anyone done air travel with a toddler?

Well, since I hate to fly, I have no advice!! Chat Icon I'm so excited that you're getting a little vacation (well, not a *real* vacation, since you won't be alone Chat Icon)

I must say I'm impressed that Derek will be home w/ the boys!! What a guy!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

See you soon!!! Maybe? Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/22/06 8:47 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: Has anyone done air travel with a toddler?

Bring a portable DVD Player!

Posted 7/22/06 3:29 PM

My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


Re: Has anyone done air travel with a toddler?

I just came back from FLA with Caiden by myself and he's 2.5 yrs old. He didn't sit in a carseat though. He would of hated it. He loved being able to just sit in his seat and use the seatbelt. As far as the stroller is concerned you have to fold it up to go through security, but then you get to wheel it right up to the plane and fold it up at the bottom and leave it there. Then when you get off they'll bring it to you. I don't have any suggestions about the carseat I've always checked mine? Chat Icon

Good luck!

Posted 7/22/06 4:00 PM

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