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Has anyone had an Ultrascreen?

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I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Has anyone had an Ultrascreen?

I have to have an Ultrascreen done what I'm 13 weeks PG (because of my family history).

Has anyone had one of these? What should I expect?

Posted 10/5/05 1:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Brady's mom too!

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Re: Has anyone had an Ultrascreen?

I did -- at about 12 weeks. It was just an ultrasound and blood work. I didnt mind; the more sonos the better for me!

Posted 10/5/05 1:14 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

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Re: Has anyone had an Ultrascreen?

I wanted to get one done for my kids (out of my own paranoia) and all it is is a sono (they measure the skinfold behind the baby's neck) and they prick your finger. I hope your lil one keeps still and is in a good position or you will be there for a bit.Chat Icon

Posted 10/5/05 1:18 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Has anyone had an Ultrascreen?

Yes aka Nuchal test. I did skip out on the 16 week AFP test due to a high false positive rate.

Posted 10/5/05 1:22 PM

My Girls

Member since 10/05

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Re: Has anyone had an Ultrascreen?

Its like a mini ultra sound they do it to make sure that the baby and fluids are all good... It doesn't take long at all.. They may also do genetic counseling which is asking some questions re: family history..

Posted 10/5/05 1:30 PM

Spring Baby06
My two loves

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Re: Has anyone had an Ultrascreen?

Yes, I just had it done at 13 weeks. It's just a blood test and an ultrasound. They measure the skinfold in the neck for Down Syndrome.

Posted 10/5/05 1:33 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Has anyone had an Ultrascreen?

Yes, I am having mine done at my 12 week visit.

Posted 10/5/05 2:57 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: Has anyone had an Ultrascreen?

Good to know its simple and safe. Thanks girls!
My family has a history of Spina Bifida, Fragile X and open skull (I cant remember the name of this) my doctor is making sure she runs a lottt of tests to make sure everything is OK with the baby.

I'm going to have the amnio too, she isnt forcing me but I would like to have it done because I want to make sure everything is OK.

Posted 10/5/05 3:01 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: Has anyone had an Ultrascreen?

Posted by kelleherkm

Good to know its simple and safe. Thanks girls!
My family has a history of Spina Bifida, Fragile X and open skull (I cant remember the name of this) my doctor is making sure she runs a lottt of tests to make sure everything is OK with the baby.

I'm going to have the amnio too, she isnt forcing me but I would like to have it done because I want to make sure everything is OK.

Did your RE pick this up when they did the genetic testing??

Posted 10/5/05 3:02 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: Has anyone had an Ultrascreen?

Posted by Diane

Posted by kelleherkm

Good to know its simple and safe. Thanks girls!
My family has a history of Spina Bifida, Fragile X and open skull (I cant remember the name of this) my doctor is making sure she runs a lottt of tests to make sure everything is OK with the baby.

I'm going to have the amnio too, she isnt forcing me but I would like to have it done because I want to make sure everything is OK.

Did your RE pick this up when they did the genetic testing??

Yes I went over my family history with my RE and she did a ton of blood work for testing. But my OBGYN wants to retest certain things and is sending me for additional testing.

Posted 10/5/05 3:04 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: Has anyone had an Ultrascreen?

I hope it all works outChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
How are you feeling, any better??

Posted 10/5/05 3:05 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: Has anyone had an Ultrascreen?

Posted by Diane

I hope it all works outChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
How are you feeling, any better??

Thank you!
I felt better for about 3-4 days and now I'm sick all over again. It pretty bad but I know it's all worth it. I just wish I didnt feel so sick all the time.

Posted 10/5/05 3:27 PM

Stop kissing me!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Has anyone had an Ultrascreen?

I had one at 12 weeks. They took bolld and did an sonogram. Good Luck!

Posted 10/5/05 4:09 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Has anyone had an Ultrascreen?

I had one at 14 weeks....after high AFP. They wanted a amnio but the risks were too high. Its not me, but I would suggest waiting for the ultrascreen and AFP( if you choose to) do it before deciding to do the amnio...If those tests are opk, there is no real reason for the amnio, unless the results would determine your continuing with the PG, the amnio is usally used to confirm the ultarsound, afp test results, but if those are normal, and Im praying they are, make sure you get all the risks of the amnio...the miscrriage rate is so high...After seeing Doodles lose CJ, Im very sensitive to it, and my friend went into pre term labor after hers, her daughter was born at 29 weeks, survived but has some problems.

I hope I didnt scare you, you know a lot and do a lot of research so Im confident you will make the best decision for you and your baby of course, and my opinion is just mine, so dont take offense if I worded it wrong. With your family history I too would be worried and want to make sure the baby was ok, I cant imagine how scary waiting is...

I will of course be praying your little Pea is gonna be 100% healthy and happy.

Message edited 10/5/2005 5:56:27 PM.

Posted 10/5/05 5:50 PM

2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Has anyone had an Ultrascreen?

I had mine done at around 12 weeks, they did a blood test and ultrasound and took measurements - she told me everything looked normal from the measurements she took and my blood work results came back the same week.

It was a great opportunity to see the baby again - and it was wonderful to see how much it had formed since my last one sonogram at 7 weeks.

Posted 10/5/05 6:42 PM

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