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HAs anyones Sono Been WRONG?

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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


HAs anyones Sono Been WRONG?

I overheard a conversation at the Dr office on Monday about how the tech was wrong a couple of times....

My best friend said if she didn't know we were having a girl, she'd guess Boy since it's all belly.Chat Icon

Posted 10/11/05 8:49 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: HAs anyones Sono Been WRONG?

My SIL was told that her first child was a girl- they bought tons of pink. And it turned out to be a boy! He was good at hiding his lil winkie! Chat Icon

Posted 10/11/05 8:57 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: HAs anyones Sono Been WRONG?

Posted by MrsProfessor

My SIL was told that her first child was a girl- they bought tons of pink. And it turned out to be a boy! He was good at hiding his lil winkie! Chat Icon

OH NO!!Chat Icon

Posted 10/11/05 9:01 PM

so outrageous

Member since 7/05

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Re: HAs anyones Sono Been WRONG?

I think if you have a good tech and up to date machines its hard to mistake. I have a girl and a boy and its clear that with a girl you see the 3 white lines between the legs. I think it happened alot in the past with the technology today it happens alot less. My tech told me she would not say unless she was 100% sure

Posted 10/11/05 9:01 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: HAs anyones Sono Been WRONG?

I know it dosent happen as much as it use too... but it does happenn...

I know they are more likely to make a mistake when they say girl (because they can tuck the lil winkie inbetween there legs) but if they see a "package" and say boy...most likely they are correct!

I wouldnt worry- when you go for your last sono I would just say-make sure shes still a girl...Chat Icon

Posted 10/11/05 9:21 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: HAs anyones Sono Been WRONG?

My girlfriend was told she was having a boy, and had her shower and got everything blue and in primary colors.. and the baby was a girl... We had to go and exchange and rebuy stuff while she was at the hospital...

B/C of this, i was a little paranoid.. I made them take a pic and confirm again... and the second sono showed much clearer the sex!! Chat Icon If you are worried ask them to re-confirm..Chat Icon

Posted 10/12/05 12:47 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: HAs anyones Sono Been WRONG?

Posted by btrflygrl

I overheard a conversation at the Dr office on Monday about how the tech was wrong a couple of times....

My best friend said if she didn't know we were having a girl, she'd guess Boy since it's all belly.Chat Icon

Shana - Everyone says the same thing to me too - That I look like I'm carrying a boy. I've had 3 sonograms - and they all say girl. I really doubt that a good tech would be wrong!

Posted 10/12/05 7:56 AM

2 Girls For Me!

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Re: HAs anyones Sono Been WRONG?

Shana, I agree with the girls - I really don't think a good sono tech would be wrong. You've had the sonogram twice and both times it revealed "girl" - you even had some wonderful shots of your little girl - I wouldn't worry.

At your next sono (probably in a few more weeks or so) - I would just have them confirm again to ease your mind.

edited for spelling.

Message edited 10/12/2005 9:46:08 AM.

Posted 10/12/05 9:45 AM


Member since 5/05

2536 total posts


Re: HAs anyones Sono Been WRONG?

I had an emergency sono at 17 weeks I was told by the Midwife Jack was a Girl. I went for a free sono at 17 weeks and 5 days just because I had that planned at an ultrasound school to find out the sex for the holidays and I just went for the heck of it and my little girl baby was now a BOY!! Poor dh was so confused because he had just gotten really used to having a little princess! lol

A good friend of mine was told all along her pregnancy that her son was a girl and at 35 weeks she did a 3d/4d (her husband was deployed and she wanted to send him the keepsake) well his little girl had boy parts!!! She now has a son! I think what happened with her was they told her at 18 weeks it was a girl and then just really didn't look to hard at the rest of the sono's.

BTW, my emergency sono was done by a Midwife for the past 10 years so I believed she was good. My sono at the Ultrasound school was done by a first month student... lol So I don't know how much I trust experience!

Posted 10/12/05 10:00 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: HAs anyones Sono Been WRONG?

I have actually heard that sometimes when they tell you it is a girl it could be a boY. If you sono was clear then I am sure you are fine. What a surprise that would be!!!!! It did happen to my neighbor but that was like 15 years ago.

Posted 10/12/05 10:09 AM

Happy Birthday baby girl!!

Member since 5/05

1663 total posts


Re: HAs anyones Sono Been WRONG?

Our friends were told they were having a girl...they did the whole girlie theme for the room and the shower and than low and behold 2 weeks before she gave birth the found out they were having a boy. They always tell you their is no guarantee you trust have to trust them and hope they are correct

Posted 10/12/05 10:09 AM


Member since 6/05

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Re: HAs anyones Sono Been WRONG?

Even thought I still have a few weeks before my level 2, it was a concern of mine and that why I didn't want to find out. My hubby on the other hand thinks 9 months is to long to find out the sex

Posted 10/12/05 7:00 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: HAs anyones Sono Been WRONG?

The sono tech told me that I had a lot of meconium ( when the baby poops inutero) in the amniotic fluid. This made me so nervous! But it turned out that she was wrong.
Leave it to the professionals to get you nervous. At least she was right about the sex.Chat Icon

Posted 10/13/05 8:12 AM

Making big changes

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Re: HAs anyones Sono Been WRONG?

Just for this reason, I double-checked at the next sono Chat Icon

Posted 10/13/05 9:26 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: HAs anyones Sono Been WRONG?

I was all belly too and I had a friend was all belly and she had a girl too...I made sure they checked every time to make sure she was still a girl.

Posted 10/13/05 11:44 AM

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