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has this happened with anyone else?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

501 total posts


has this happened with anyone else?

we had our level 2 on monday night.....the doctor said that the baby has a little bit of fluid in one of his kidneys. he said it COULD be a detection of downs, but that it is unlikely. he said we could have an amnio (which i don't want) if we wanted to know for sure. but he wasn't all that concerned. this was my high risk doctor who is usually very concerned if he thinks theres an issue- and he wasn't....just curious if anyone else had this. our ultrascreen and afp were perfect. which means theres a 1 in 800 chance for downs.

i looked it up also and they said its more common boys bc their "plumbing" doesn't always work as well- and that they could always do an ultrasound on the babys kidneys once he is born.

just thought i would check and see if anyone else had this since of course now i'm worried about him!! i do trust my doctor though so i'm hoping all is ok!! sorry for the long post- thanks for reading!!

Posted 2/8/06 10:51 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 7/05

272 total posts


Re: has this happened with anyone else?

I didn't have the same thing, but my baby had two cysts on the brain, that they said could mean downs or other chromosomal things. I had not had the triple screen. BC of the size of the cysts, my doctor really pushed for the amnio. I had it and everything was fine. He said he pushed me bc he knew me, and that thinking that there was even a 1/1000 chance that the baby had downs for the rest of the pregnancy would drive me nuts. In the end I was glad I had it.

Posted 2/8/06 11:24 AM

I luv My Daughter

Member since 9/05

1192 total posts


Re: has this happened with anyone else?

My sister had this with my nephew..they said nothing about downs they just said it was common in boys and basically told her she was having a boy when she did not want to know the sex. I also had a friend who has a son who had it. I would not worry I knowthey told my sister it can be treated after birth.

Message edited 2/8/2006 11:33:33 AM.

Posted 2/8/06 11:33 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

501 total posts


Re: has this happened with anyone else?

thanks girls!!! i spoke to the doctor and he stressed again that he's not concerned. he did say if i wanted the amnio he'd give it to me- i think i'm going to let nature take its course and keep up my prayers!!! hopefully my little guy will be ok!!!

Posted 2/8/06 5:17 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/05

671 total posts


Re: has this happened with anyone else?

At the last sono, the tech said that they have written down that my baby had some sort of cyst. Nobody had mentioned it to me prior but she said it appeared to have disappeared and its very common but its gone now so not to worry. Then at my next dr appt, the dr said that a marker had come back for possibly downs because of something with the kidney but it cleared up so not to worry. I am assuming it is something very common that goes away on its own. The tech also said both times they think I am having a girl so there goes that boy theory you talked about. I guess its common on either sex.

Posted 2/9/06 12:42 PM

where's winter?

Member since 11/05

2209 total posts


Re: has this happened with anyone else?

this did not happen to me, however if at any time my dr. had expressed a concern for downs based on test results and screening,(even if remote) i would have elected to have the amnio.

IMO if you would not terminate a pregnancy for any reason, then i wouldn't bother with the test.

Posted 2/9/06 1:24 PM

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