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Head banging

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LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

434 total posts


Head banging

My 1 year old has recently began banging his head when he is angry, tired, or bored. He keeps head butting me whenever I hold him and I am at my wits end. Is anyone elses child doing this...need advice...nothing is workingChat Icon

Posted 7/27/06 7:02 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Head banging

I'm sorry you are going through this. My DD is only 5 mts but I am a teacher and worked with young kids. The only advice I can give you is to redirect and ignor. Walk away even if it's so painful for you to see your son do this. When he does this to you don't react. He is looking for a reaction. This won't work overnight but you will see improvements. Talk to your ped. too. He will have a lot of insite to this. If you think it's hurting him too much (head trama) I would call your Dr. immediately for advice. Children at thsi age are doing this for a reaction and know it's going to get one out of you. I know it's hard but try to ignor and praise him when he's acting better.

HTH!Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/06 7:38 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: Head banging

MY son was king head butter. He started about the same time and has recently slowed down to hardly ever (he is 17 months now). It did get worse before it got better. And I thought I'd have a broken nose before it ended but luckily it sopeed before that!!

I talked to my ped about it. They called it good parenting (joking around) and said it is 100% normal. My son mostly did it for me and my DH though. She said he knows right and wrong and is testing us. He did it when he was told no, upset, tired, bored, frustrated with a toy or something. My dr said to ignore as much as possible, do not punish, move him to a safe spot when he does it, use the art of distraction, if he is doing it in a dangerous spot (my son even would do it in the tub on the tub) - stop it, of course.

It is very frustrating and painful to us. My son had little bruises on his forehead for months!!

Posted 7/28/06 8:48 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

434 total posts


Re: Head banging

Thanks for as I picked him up out of his crib...mind you he was smiling at me and seemed to be in a good mood...he did it and almost knocked my teeth out! He seems to do this more to me than anyone else in the family.....I do not punish and I do move him to a safe place if what he's banging on is hard...he does have little bruises......I just wish that this would end already.....ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 7/28/06 9:12 AM

My children are a blessing!

Member since 5/05

2598 total posts


Re: Head banging

Sorry you're going through this. We are too and Andrew just started it at 17 months. He head butted his day care teacher who although not pleased, told us it's normal.

When I see his little head coming at me I try to dip him so that he can't, but he has clocked me and gotten little bruises many times now.

Good luck and I hope it ends soon!

Posted 7/28/06 9:49 AM

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