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HELP! I'm not getting any sleep!

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My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


HELP! I'm not getting any sleep!

It's only been 2 nights since we had to put the crib mattress on the floor in Caiden's room. It's only temporary until we can get him his big boy bed. Well, he's been waking up soooo much during the night and then won't go back to sleep. He tries, but I have to be with him in his room. When I think he's asleep I go to sneak out and then he wakes up screaming and trying to get out of the room. I don't know what to do because when he was in his crib, I would just put him down in it say goodnight and leave the room. If he cried it was brief and he went to sleep. Some nights he would wake up, but then he cried for about a minute or so and would go back to sleep on his own. Now, he wakes up all night long and cries and tries to get out of the room. What do I do? I can't just put him on the mattress and leave the room, he'll never lay down that way? I'm sooooo tired. Any ideas? So far this freedom thing is NOT working. Thanks!

Posted 9/21/05 9:01 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: HELP! I'm not getting any sleep!

Sounds to me as if he is not ready to be out of the crib. Did you try putting him back in there?

Posted 9/21/05 9:19 AM


Member since 5/05

2314 total posts


Re: HELP! I'm not getting any sleep!

Can you put him back in the crib with the rail down, so if he climbs out he wont get hurt? Seems like he still needs the security of the crib.

Posted 9/21/05 9:34 AM

My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


Re: HELP! I'm not getting any sleep!

I tried putting the rail down, but when he tries to climb out he puts his leg over and just free falls. He WON'T hold on to guide himself out of the crib. I know he knows how to, he just won't. I'm scared that he'll hurt himself. The way I caught him climbing out the other day if I didn't catch him he would of broke something. He literally would of landed on his head and who knows what else? Believe me, I would love for him to go back in the crib, but I just can't risk him getting hurt! Chat Icon

He's always cried just a little bit on most nights when I put him in bed, but since he was in the crib he couldn't come running for me. I can't say that he's not ready, but I just can't figure out how I can just leave him alone when he starts crying for me when he's not confined to anything. When he was in his crib he's stand up and get upset, but soon after he would just go to sleep knowing that there's nothing he can do and mommy wasn't coming back in.

You don't think he just needs to adjust? Thanks!

Message edited 9/21/2005 10:09:22 AM.

Posted 9/21/05 10:01 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: HELP! I'm not getting any sleep!

I don't know if this would help but what about putting a bunch of pillows around the mattress so it seem like the bumpers on the crib that might help. Or surounding him with alot of blankets so he seems secure.

I know marissa likes to be up against the bumpers and even when she falls asleep on the floor she has to be up against someting soft

Posted 9/21/05 3:11 PM

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