My bag was stolen and I can't find a replacement I love
I was using a 5yo black leather coach bag they no longer make

I don't think I'm being super picky in my requirements but here goes...
-I prefer a soft/hobo style bag (not a bag that holds its shape if that makes sense)
- it has to have a zip top
-black leather

I'm not one to care about labels - I care about function and quality. I literally have (had) one black bag I use and one white it needs to hold up.

This is a bag I got but don't love bc the hardware is loud and heavy. But it gives you an idea on my taste
Michael kors Fulton
The size if this bag is perfect - actually the bag is perfect if it didn't have the hardware

Anyone know of any similar bags that weigh less/have less hardware?
Any brands I should check out?