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LIF Infant
Member since 12/06 140 total posts
Help new mom with 3 month old
Anyone have any suggestions on how to try to start a routine with him and my day. I just feel that I get nothing done and feel somedays he doesn't sleep enough and somedays to much. And how much should he be sleeping. I BF and try to pump so DH can help with feedings, but somedays and don't even get to pump. Please Help.
Posted 1/9/07 11:53 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Re: Help new mom with 3 month old
I understand. I have no advice. Just . Note the time that I am on here. My baby is just not sleeping.
It's hard to get things done and get a routine started. But eventually, you will.
ETA: He's takes top priority now. He needs you more than the dust needs to be cleaned.
Message edited 1/10/2007 1:45:08 AM.
Posted 1/10/07 1:44 AM |
My lil Princess... ;)

Member since 7/06 1590 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Help new mom with 3 month old
We are all in the same situation My DD is 4 months old, and I dont get anything done, I have to do the things when my kids are sleeping and sometimes it sounds crazy I pull an all nighter to get caught up and have some me time... Can you believe this. Also it will get a little easier I am not going to lie it gets easier and its gets harder. Easy in a way that they can sit in the swing and play a little with the toys. Hard is when now they know what it is to have youre attention and sometimes they dont want to be put down.
Posted 1/10/07 2:18 AM |
Praying for a miracle!

Member since 5/05 1536 total posts
Re: Help new mom with 3 month old
First off COngrats!
Ok- my dd is 5 months and we just now started getting into a routine. I think your little peanut may be a bit too young for a routine- JMO.
I remember asking the ped when DD was 3 months about a routine and she said to follow Emily's lead....
I noticed around 4 months, I was able to start Emily on a routine and now everything is slowly falling into place...
This is just my opinion... do what you feel is best.
Again, congrats on your little !
Here are some hugs....
Posted 1/10/07 6:41 AM |
Making big changes

Member since 5/05 16541 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Help new mom with 3 month old
I'm having the same problem. With my son, he was so well-behaved and easy-going that getting into a routine with him was really easy. With my daughter, we're not having the same luck. In fact, now that there's two kids, it feels like getting my daughter into a routine is impossible. She usually goes to bed around the same time, but wakes up at completely different times and the rest of the day we just do whatever whenever. I'd be much more comfortable if I could get her into a schedule too.
Posted 1/10/07 7:25 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 1/07 78 total posts
Re: Help new mom with 3 month old
My DD is now 6 mos. and she was colic until 4 mos. it was very hard to get things done. I just kept telling myself this to shall pass! but when your dealing with it in the here and now, it may feel like it will never end. It will all fall into place. good luck
Posted 1/10/07 9:22 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 1977 total posts
Name: Cassie
Re: Help new mom with 3 month old
The sleeping thing probably wont be consistent for a while. YOu can start a routine bedtime that works for you and a consistent routine like bath, bottle, book etc. whatever you choose. In the AM it helps if they get up around the same time each day and you can then try a nap every 2 hours from waking time...3 months is early to have anything set in stone, I thought we did but it totally changed once he got sick. Good luck!!
Posted 1/10/07 9:34 AM |
Just a mommy ...
Member since 10/10 2665 total posts
Name: M
Re: Help new mom with 3 month old
try starting a routine around his sleeping pattern. my little one sets the routine that way. it's wake up, get a diaper change, eat, then either sleep or play (depends on how tired he is) if it's play, usually about an hour into it he tires himself out and i put him to sleep. he naps for about two hours and then we repeat. also, try a walk. that knocks my dh out right away!
for nighttime, we start with bath around the same time (7:30 pm for us) followed by feeding and then bedtime. (he's learned to fall asleep in his crib listening to his soothing mobile so we're lucky that way)
good luck!
Posted 10/26/10 11:09 AM |