help with feeding/sleeping schedule-3 1/2 months
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LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05 421 total posts
Name: Amy
help with feeding/sleeping schedule-3 1/2 months
My son is 3 1/2 months old. He was a month early and sometimes is a little behind so we think of him as just turning 3 months...
Anyway, his schedule seems to be off and he eats very often, but then seems to want to be asleep for good at 5:00PM...but then gets up twice. This is a typical day here....
5:00AM wakes up - 5 oz formula-goes back to sleep 7:00AM 5 oz formula/play/sleep a little 9:00AM 5 oz formula/play/ goes back to sleep for a 2-3hr nap 12:00PM 5 oz formula/play/won't sleep in the afternoon.
If I am lucky he will take a quick nap in the stroller or car if I go out and if I am home...maybe 45 minutes.
4:00 very fussy and overtired....will take 5 oz and then will cry/fuss until passing out at 5:00PM. Then he will sleep either until 1:00AM or if I wake him at 10:00 - he will take 5 oz and then sleep until 2 or 3 AM, but is ALWAYS up at 5:00AM.....
Any suggestions on how to get him to last until an 8:00PM bedtime? maybe he will be more likely to just need one feeding....
I am going back to work in a month and was hoping to have him a little more stable for the nanny.
Edited to say- he weighs 12 lbs and gets 6-7 bottles of 4-5 ozformula/breastmilk per day. no cereal yet.
Message edited 5/10/2006 10:46:55 AM.
Posted 5/10/06 10:42 AM |
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