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Here’s what I don’t get...

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Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


Here’s what I don’t get...

What on earth are these right wing nuts so mad at that they need to storm the capitol and “take back” the country?

Is it healthcare? Are they upset that poor and underserved might get quality healthcare?

Are they afraid they will get their guns taken away? Because they said Obama was going to do that for 8 years and nothing happened.

Is it because they think all the “liberal snowflakes” don’t support police? Because that isn’t true at all.

They also think democrats are protecting sex trafficking and running wild child pornography rings. I mean I’ve seen it all...

I honestly don’t understand what they are so fired up about? Like what did anyone ever do to them? They are so angry they they resort to vandalism and violence, but condemn the same actions that occurred in response a black man being killed in broad daylight by the police, on camera??? I know there’s extremist on both sides and the most reasonable people do not condemn violence on either side, but I just do not understand...

Posted 1/11/21 5:18 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/20

1189 total posts


Here’s what I don’t get...

They were told a lie. Over and over. And now they believe it. That the election was rigged and stolen. That, plus all the Q anon stuff = a perfect storm.

I will say that the majority of the extreme people seem to have something wrong with them mentally. They all seem very “off”. So maybe an underlying mental health issue is further exploited.

There’s a great video I watched that summed up your post. I’ll try to find it.

It’s this video on YouTube:

Hey Proud Boys and MAGA “Patriots”... what the f*** is it that this country hasn’t given you? By corey ryan forrester

Message edited 1/11/2021 5:30:29 PM.

Posted 1/11/21 5:26 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Here’s what I don’t get...

Posted by Mrs213

What on earth are these right wing nuts so mad at that they need to storm the capitol and “take back” the country?

Is it healthcare? Are they upset that poor and underserved might get quality healthcare?

Are they afraid they will get their guns taken away? Because they said Obama was going to do that for 8 years and nothing happened.

Is it because they think all the “liberal snowflakes” don’t support police? Because that isn’t true at all.

They also think democrats are protecting sex trafficking and running wild child pornography rings. I mean I’ve seen it all...

I honestly don’t understand what they are so fired up about? Like what did anyone ever do to them? They are so angry they they resort to vandalism and violence, but condemn the same actions that occurred in response a black man being killed in broad daylight by the police, on camera??? I know there’s extremist on both sides and the most reasonable people do not condemn violence on either side, but I just do not understand...

ALL of this plus they have been brainwashed to follow a mentally ill man down his rabbit hole of lies, hate, misinformation and conspiracy theories. They have lost their ability to see reality, understand facts, respect science or appreciate the very important role that a free press plays in our democracy. They are sheep.

Need proof?

Trump supporters are STILL continuing to defend a "man" that just led an insurrection while they try to convince you with a straight face that it isn't what it looked like, it was Antifa, it was extremists, it was not their fault, it was not Trump's fault, the left made us do it, it was an overthrow, it was peaceful, and on and on and on.

The reality of all of this is that Trump supporters stand for NOTHING. Losing an election and incessantly whining about it for months like a bunch of "butthurt snowflakes" (as Trumpies would say) is not a cause worth fighting for. They all look so stupid as they continue to reject the results of a fair election of which there has yet to be ZERO credible proof or evidence of fraud.

I am embarrassed for all of them, it's sad that the most important thing in some of these people's lives is to fight day in and day out for a man who doesn't give one $hit about them. Just move the eff on already. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/11/21 5:53 PM


Member since 2/09

5674 total posts

Me speaks pirate!

Re: Here’s what I don’t get...

Trump has been hammering a nail in their head since 2016 that the 2020 election would be rigged against him. He's been telling them he's the only thing protecting them from and standing in the way of the global takeover of the "deep state". He's been telling them that the evil democrats are trying to steal this country away from them and take their guns and force them to accept transgendered people and their preferred pronouns. These people that stormed the capitol think right now, right this very second, countries across the globe are in "black out" while trump is heroically exposing the "deep state". They believe JFK Jr. was to resurrect on Jan 6th to partner with Trump and help him expose and take down the "deep state". Never mind the fact that a) JFK Jr has been dead over 20 years and b) he's the deceased son of an assassinated DEMOCRAT president who comes from a prominent DEMOCRAT family so by what logic would he be helping Trump even if he could rise from the dead? (Logic escaped these people a long long time ago. Maybe they never had any?) and c. They keep changing the date of his resurrection. When the nearest date passes and JFK Jr doesn’t present himself they move the date a few weeks ahead on the calendar. They're obsessed with JFK Jr. They swallow whatever BS conspiracies and lies Trump and Q feed them. The guy with the horns is a "Q Shaman". These people show us firsthand how people get brainwashed into cults. You can't argue with stupid and crazy people. The ironic part is they call anyone who doesn't follow Q sheep.

These folks are the reason mental healthcare needs to be taken seriously in this country.

Posted 1/11/21 6:03 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/09

3672 total posts


Here’s what I don’t get...

It has mystified me for years.
How people are so in thrall to this con man is beyond explanation - people care so much about Donald Trump that they were willing to DIE for him. It truly is a cult.

Not everyone is so extreme, but even folks that wear MAGA hats but don't attend rallies - he has done nothing to help his supporters. His policies have directly benefitted the top 1%. He did absolutely nothing on healthcare, something that every day Americans care deeply about.

Message edited 1/11/2021 6:06:05 PM.

Posted 1/11/21 6:03 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: Here’s what I don’t get...

They are losing their power or their perceived power. He gave permission to be openly racist. Openly homophobic, openly anti sematic. Openly sexist. He tapped into the part of them that feels they are better then the rest and that by being a white, typically male, is ENTITLED to more.

Posted 1/11/21 6:24 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: Here’s what I don’t get...

When Trump yells "America First" they (typically white men) believe that means them and they get to be first as it has always been.

Posted 1/11/21 6:26 PM


Member since 2/09

5674 total posts

Me speaks pirate!

Re: Here’s what I don’t get...

Posted by CookiePuss

They are losing their power or their perceived power. He gave permission to be openly racist. Openly homophobic, openly anti sematic. Openly sexist. He tapped into the part of them that feels they are better then the rest and that by being a white, typically male, is ENTITLED to more.

This is exactly it. In a nutshell, he's exploiting their fears that white cisgendered males are becoming a "minority". This is what they mean by Make America Great Again.

Message edited 1/11/2021 6:34:19 PM.

Posted 1/11/21 6:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/20

1831 total posts


Re: Here’s what I don’t get...

Posted by Mrs213

What on earth are these right wing nuts so mad at that they need to storm the capitol and “take back” the country?

Is it healthcare? Are they upset that poor and underserved might get quality healthcare?

Are they afraid they will get their guns taken away? Because they said Obama was going to do that for 8 years and nothing happened.

Is it because they think all the “liberal snowflakes” don’t support police? Because that isn’t true at all.

They also think democrats are protecting sex trafficking and running wild child pornography rings. I mean I’ve seen it all...

I honestly don’t understand what they are so fired up about? Like what did anyone ever do to them? They are so angry they they resort to vandalism and violence, but condemn the same actions that occurred in response a black man being killed in broad daylight by the police, on camera??? I know there’s extremist on both sides and the most reasonable people do not condemn violence on either side, but I just do not understand...

They are angry over the results of the election as they feel it was stolen.
I am not going to start a debate on this just pointing out why they did it as it seems no one who has answered gave the real answer.

Posted 1/11/21 6:36 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Here’s what I don’t get...

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by Mrs213

What on earth are these right wing nuts so mad at that they need to storm the capitol and “take back” the country?

Is it healthcare? Are they upset that poor and underserved might get quality healthcare?

Are they afraid they will get their guns taken away? Because they said Obama was going to do that for 8 years and nothing happened.

Is it because they think all the “liberal snowflakes” don’t support police? Because that isn’t true at all.

They also think democrats are protecting sex trafficking and running wild child pornography rings. I mean I’ve seen it all...

I honestly don’t understand what they are so fired up about? Like what did anyone ever do to them? They are so angry they they resort to vandalism and violence, but condemn the same actions that occurred in response a black man being killed in broad daylight by the police, on camera??? I know there’s extremist on both sides and the most reasonable people do not condemn violence on either side, but I just do not understand...

They are angry over the results of the election as they feel it was stolen.
I am not going to start a debate on this just pointing out why they did it as it seems no one who has answered gave the real answer.

You know it's not that simple, right? It's not just about the delusion of a stolen election. These people have been spoon fed lies, propaganda, misinformation and conspiracy theories for FOUR YEARS and at Trump's urging, it all finally came to a head on January 6th.

Had Trump done the honorable and presidential thing by conceding, telling his supporters to stand down and participate in the peaceful of power this would have NEVER happened.

Posted 1/11/21 6:42 PM


Member since 2/09

5674 total posts

Me speaks pirate!

Re: Here’s what I don’t get...

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by Mrs213

What on earth are these right wing nuts so mad at that they need to storm the capitol and “take back” the country?

Is it healthcare? Are they upset that poor and underserved might get quality healthcare?

Are they afraid they will get their guns taken away? Because they said Obama was going to do that for 8 years and nothing happened.

Is it because they think all the “liberal snowflakes” don’t support police? Because that isn’t true at all.

They also think democrats are protecting sex trafficking and running wild child pornography rings. I mean I’ve seen it all...

I honestly don’t understand what they are so fired up about? Like what did anyone ever do to them? They are so angry they they resort to vandalism and violence, but condemn the same actions that occurred in response a black man being killed in broad daylight by the police, on camera??? I know there’s extremist on both sides and the most reasonable people do not condemn violence on either side, but I just do not understand...

They are angry over the results of the election as they feel it was stolen.
I am not going to start a debate on this just pointing out why they did it as it seems no one who has answered gave the real answer.

There were a few posts that talked about the "rigged" election including mine.

Posted 1/11/21 6:43 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

3986 total posts


Re: Here’s what I don’t get...

I think this op ed does a really good job of explaining the phenomenon that addresses a lot of the excellent points in the OP.


Together with that are the changes in the media regulations in the 80s along with un fact checked social media that allows the spread of falsehoods and lies that people believe.

Posted 1/11/21 6:49 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Here’s what I don’t get...

Posted by JennP

I think this op ed does a really good job of explaining the phenomenon that addresses a lot of the excellent points in the OP.


Together with that are the changes in the media regulations in the 80s along with un fact checked social media that allows the spread of falsehoods and lies that people believe.

Excellent read. Thanks for sharing. Chat Icon

Posted 1/11/21 6:58 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/17

142 total posts


Re: Here’s what I don’t get...

Posted by Mrs213

What on earth are these right wing nuts so mad at that they need to storm the capitol and “take back” the country?

Is it healthcare? Are they upset that poor and underserved might get quality healthcare?

Are they afraid they will get their guns taken away? Because they said Obama was going to do that for 8 years and nothing happened.

Is it because they think all the “liberal snowflakes” don’t support police? Because that isn’t true at all.

They also think democrats are protecting sex trafficking and running wild child pornography rings. I mean I’ve seen it all...

I honestly don’t understand what they are so fired up about? Like what did anyone ever do to them? They are so angry they they resort to vandalism and violence, but condemn the same actions that occurred in response a black man being killed in broad daylight by the police, on camera??? I know there’s extremist on both sides and the most reasonable people do not condemn violence on either side, but I just do not understand...

I think racism. Did you look at the people at the rally? How many POC were there? Mostly white men.

Who do I fear? It's not terrorists from other countries or people of color. It's young white boys who are going to go into my kids school and shoot people. (Is it ever a young girl or person of color)?

These "protestors" are the people in my nightmares.

Message edited 1/11/2021 8:27:09 PM.

Posted 1/11/21 8:26 PM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19461 total posts


Re: Here’s what I don’t get...

Posted by MC09

Posted by CookiePuss

They are losing their power or their perceived power. He gave permission to be openly racist. Openly homophobic, openly anti sematic. Openly sexist. He tapped into the part of them that feels they are better then the rest and that by being a white, typically male, is ENTITLED to more.

This is exactly it. In a nutshell, he's exploiting their fears that white cisgendered males are becoming a "minority". This is what they mean by Make America Great Again.

yes, it is fear coupled with either feeling that they are owed more from society by virtue of being white and male. That they see their parents way of life or grandparents way of life and think I got less. It is old people who naturally get more afraid by virtue of being old. It is being afraid minorities will treat them like they have treated minorities. It is the fear of being obsolete.

Posted 1/11/21 9:12 PM

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