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Hesitant about joing Mommy and me classes

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Member since 5/05

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Hesitant about joing Mommy and me classes

I want to join a Gymboree or a Mommy and me class because I know Kevin needs to start socializing and getting out in the world.

The thing is is that I'm sorta quiet and introverted and I'm afraid that all the other moms will not be friendly and I'll end up feeling like an outsider.

I know that's not a good enough reason for keeping Kevin from these kind of classes but the thought of it is making me uptight.

Anyone else feel this way?

Posted 2/28/06 7:07 PM
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Re: Hesitant about joing Mommy and me classes

I did a little. I was also afraid dd would cry through the whole class.

But you should do it anyway. I started Gymboree- I really like it. Nobody is unfriendly, but you don't have to talk to anybody if you don't want to.

Posted 2/28/06 7:09 PM

My love.

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Re: Hesitant about joing Mommy and me classes

When I first started joining different classes/groups I was so worried - it kind of felt like high school again - but it was NOTHING like that.

All new moms are in the same boat, and the women I have met are all wonderful, and so nice. We enjoy going out - asking eachother for advice, etc... - and the kids LOVE to play together.

I really feel I have made some good friends, I have NO regrets about anything I signed up for. Now the moms I have become friendly with and I sign up for classes together - it's so fun!

ETA: most places will allow you to take a free trial class - so why not start there - what do you have to lose?

Message edited 2/28/2006 7:13:11 PM.

Posted 2/28/06 7:12 PM

boy mamma

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Re: Hesitant about joing Mommy and me classes

actually Im the same way the only good thing is that I have 2 very close friends that have babies- both are very out going and one invited me to her play group and the other one is signing up for swimming with me. Do you have any friends that have babies- you could latch on to what there doing or just sign up and give it a shot- thats what I was going to do before my friend voluntereed to sign up with me the way I figure it is more for the baby than me so I try to push my self further than I would normally.

Posted 2/28/06 7:18 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Hesitant about joing Mommy and me classes

Most of my friends basically moved to NJ and Conneticutt ( although they all are from LI) so I was hoping if I take classes and mommy and me I would meet people.. I used to be shy but I figured there must be many moms who are first time moms in the same boat as me...

I was right... The best thing I did was go to these classes.. I have met very nice people and I have formed great friendships with them already. From these classes I have formed playgroups which helps when the classes become expensive. It is not only good for me it is good for the baby too...

Yes,It is like being in college for the first time and meeting people, but you have nothing to lose and maybe you will click with some mommies who will become the best friends you will ever never know...

I say do those trial classes to see if that is what you really want to do, again you have nothing to lose and much to gain....Chat Icon

Message edited 2/28/2006 7:34:30 PM.

Posted 2/28/06 7:33 PM

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Re: Hesitant about joing Mommy and me classes

Posted by MrsR

When I first started joining different classes/groups I was so worried - it kind of felt like high school again - but it was NOTHING like that.

All new moms are in the same boat, and the women I have met are all wonderful, and so nice. We enjoy going out - asking eachother for advice, etc... - and the kids LOVE to play together.

I really feel I have made some good friends, I have NO regrets about anything I signed up for. Now the moms I have become friendly with and I sign up for classes together - it's so fun!

ETA: most places will allow you to take a free trial class - so why not start there - what do you have to lose?

I agree 100%. I am also shy when it comes to meeting new people but I have also found all the mommies to be wonderful.

Posted 2/28/06 7:56 PM

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Re: Hesitant about joing Mommy and me classes


Posted 2/28/06 8:35 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: Hesitant about joing Mommy and me classes

I didnt want to go for the germ factor lol

I have been to a few parties now and stuff at the Lil gym and such and Kids Court now that she is older but when she was younger, I figured she wouldnt do much and might get sick. I still like playdates better in mine or friends houses but I will venture to these places more now.

Posted 2/28/06 8:59 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Hesitant about joing Mommy and me classes

I think that maybe a Gymboree where they control the groups better to make sure the age mix is appropriate would be good.

I used to take Sarah to the Mother Goose group at my local library. It's supposed to be kids aged 8-12 months, but there were kids that seemed much older and were very aggressive with the younger babies. During the toy playing time they'd come right up to Sarah and take away the toy she was playing with. Their moms would say stuff like "Oh, my little Johnny is just so advanced. He likes getting his way." It got to the point where Sarah would just sit in my lap looking terrified if another kid came near her. I stopped going since I figured it wasn't worth stressing her out so much.

Posted 2/28/06 9:03 PM

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Re: Hesitant about joing Mommy and me classes

I did a trial class at Gymboree when Andrew was a few months old. I just wanted him to have some sort of activity out of the house and I wanted to get out of the house too.

I pretty much kept to myself (with Andrew) and of course participated in everything. Some other mothers were very chatty and most wanted to exchange information in terms of what everyone's baby was doing.

I decided it really wasn't for me, but I think you should definitely try it. You won't feel like an outsider and you just might meet some wonderful people...

Posted 3/1/06 9:41 AM

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