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Hey "2 under 2 -To -Be" Mommies...

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The Boys!

Member since 5/05

2065 total posts


Hey "2 under 2 -To -Be" Mommies...

How is everyone feeling?? I am 24 weeks and never got that energy boost in the second trimesterChat Icon Other than being very tired, I feel good and am starting to look forward to holding an infant again. There are so many of us, I thought maybe we could start a thread. God knows there are a lot of thoughts/worries going through my head right now.Chat Icon

Posted 4/30/07 8:16 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Hey "2 under 2 -To -Be" Mommies...

I am soo exhausted too!! I never got that energy burst either, now the 3rd trimester tiredness and achiness is setting in.

I am getting really excited, I can't wait to hold a cuddly newborn baby again. All DD wants is down and is everywhere!

We haven't started the nursery for #2 at all, I haven't even ordered a crib yetChat Icon So not like me!
DD runs me ragged during the day. I am getting nervous about juggling 2 under 2 when DH goes back to work after the baby is born.

I will 30 weeks on Thursday.

Posted 4/30/07 8:20 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

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Re: Hey "2 under 2 -To -Be" Mommies...

I also never experienced any energy boosts. I am in my 31st week. We aren't doing a separate nursery yet, since my BIL rents out our upstairs for now. So for about another year or so they will both be in the same room. we rearranged the furniture so DD's bed and crib can both fit.

We picked out bedding, but we still have to purchase a mattress and the set.

I am always so tired. DD is getting very active, but she isn't very independent yet. She still likes to be held and played with ALL the time, which is really catching up to me!

Posted 4/30/07 8:27 PM

<3 my family

Member since 1/06

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Re: Hey "2 under 2 -To -Be" Mommies...

I am 17 weeks now. I am not as tired as I was in the first trimester but I am so lazy!Chat Icon

Posted 4/30/07 8:27 PM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: Hey "2 under 2 -To -Be" Mommies...

I feel great still. I try and not let my belly get in the way. I am always running after DS when we are home becuase their are places he shouldn't be but he is really good about playing independently. I feel like if I start to think about being tired then it will be down hill. I try and go out with him everyday or if we don't go out we go for a 2 mile walk. Today we did both.

I actually felt really good with DS's pregnancy but this time it feels better because I am so much more active. I can't believe I am 30 weeks already. It is getting bitter sweet though the closer I get to the due date because I feel like my time alone with DS is getting shorten.

Posted 4/30/07 8:32 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Hey "2 under 2 -To -Be" Mommies...

Thank you so much for asking Erin!

33 weeks 2 days today and utterly EXHAUSTED. DD runs me around like crazy all day long (in a good way of course). I'm carrying LOWER with this one, so I can barely lift my legs to shave them in the shower.

My upper thighs hurt so much from the going up and down the stairs and the floor and carrying her PLUS the babys' weight.

Not sleeping well AT ALL....I am so freakin' uncomfortable each and every night. All I want for mother's day is to SLEEP!!!

Definitely getting nervous about having 2 little ones and having enough of me to go around and the money aspect, but I know everything is for a reason and it will all work out.

Trying hard to drink lots of water and I got the good news today that if my cervix "cooperates" I can actually choose to be induced (works SO well for us with DH schedule and all the OOT family that will come to visit plus arranging for someone to help with DD).

Posted 4/30/07 9:11 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: Hey "2 under 2 -To -Be" Mommies...

I guess I'm next! Chat Icon

I am feeling very well, all things considered...I am 39 weeks tomorrow! Heartburn is the worst part now. I love being pregnant and even with a little one running around, I can't really complain.

I stopped work (permanently Chat Icon ) on 4/20, so I've been pretty busy preparing stuff--making freezable meals, doing laundry, buying last minute stuff.

Otherwise, I am totally FREAKING out--I wake up early every morning with a lot of anxiety...
I have a c/s scheduled for 5/8--hated my first one, so...let's hope I go early!
Also worried about going into labor.
Worried about missing Katherine for 4 nights.
Worried about her schedule getting all screwed up in my absence.
Worried about how she's going to react to a baby.
Mostly worried about how *I'm* going to handle 2!!

Overall, though, I am sooo excited, especially to find out the gender. I made it this far, but now the anticipation is unbearable--everyone says boy...we'll see!!!!

8 days....wheeeee....!!!!!!!

Posted 4/30/07 9:19 PM

The Boys!

Member since 5/05

2065 total posts


Re: Hey "2 under 2 -To -Be" Mommies...

Its comforting to know that there are a bunch of us here going through the same feeling...exhaustion!!! I am also in panic mode over transitioning Logan into a new room and turning his world upside down. I feel like I am finally at a point with him where his eating and sleeping are great and we are communicating with each other so well. I am worried that I will not be able to handle both children, naturally, but my biggest anxiety is heading back to work. I guess all my fears from the first pregnancy are just more pronounced!!!Chat Icon

Posted 4/30/07 10:04 PM

The Boys!

Member since 5/05

2065 total posts


Re: Hey "2 under 2 -To -Be" Mommies...

Posted by Eireann

I guess I'm next! Chat Icon

I am feeling very well, all things considered...I am 39 weeks tomorrow! Heartburn is the worst part now. I love being pregnant and even with a little one running around, I can't really complain.

I stopped work (permanently Chat Icon ) on 4/20, so I've been pretty busy preparing stuff--making freezable meals, doing laundry, buying last minute stuff.

Otherwise, I am totally FREAKING out--I wake up early every morning with a lot of anxiety...
I have a c/s scheduled for 5/8--hated my first one, so...let's hope I go early!
Also worried about going into labor.
Worried about missing Katherine for 4 nights.
Worried about her schedule getting all screwed up in my absence.
Worried about how she's going to react to a baby.
Mostly worried about how *I'm* going to handle 2!!

Overall, though, I am sooo excited, especially to find out the gender. I made it this far, but now the anticipation is unbearable--everyone says boy...we'll see!!!!

8 days....wheeeee....!!!!!!!

Good Luck! I read one of your pp's about missing work, you will now be a SAHM right?

Posted 4/30/07 10:06 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: Hey "2 under 2 -To -Be" Mommies...

Posted by emc

Good Luck! I read one of your pp's about missing work, you will now be a SAHM right?

Thanks! Yeah, I'm officially a SAHM now--I don't know whether to laugh or to cry! Chat Icon

Posted 5/1/07 9:03 AM


Member since 9/05

8660 total posts


Re: Hey "2 under 2 -To -Be" Mommies...

I will be 24 weeks tomorrow and so far I feel great.

Posted 5/1/07 9:49 AM

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