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Hey there MRS-BOOP!

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My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


Hey there MRS-BOOP!

Hey around??

Hows work going? Seems like you get home SO early..LUCKY! Everything there still the same??

Update me and lets see when we can get together!!!!! Chat Icon

Posted 7/14/05 12:04 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


Re: Hey there MRS-BOOP!

Now your not here???

Posted 7/14/05 12:27 PM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Re: Hey there MRS-BOOP!

I'm here!! I was visiting LIW for a bit!! Gotta split my time!!Chat Icon

Posted 7/14/05 12:30 PM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Re: Hey there MRS-BOOP!

Posted by nycchic24

Hey around??

Hows work going? Seems like you get home SO early..LUCKY! Everything there still the same??

Update me and lets see when we can get together!!!!! Chat Icon

I was home by 11 today, Eric was picke dup at 10:20..NICE!!!
Yes, we definitely have to get together. Can't this weekend, its my b-day tomorrow and we have my stepson this weekend. What are you doing next weekend??

Posted 7/14/05 12:31 PM

My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


Re: Hey there MRS-BOOP!

Vacation next weekend baby!

American idol concert next Friday though...I cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am such a geek! But I get to see my baby Con! LOL

I had no idea your birthday was this weekend!!!!!!!!! Now we really gotta get together..actually I am gonna try to stop by work one day next'll be there every day??

Posted 7/14/05 1:39 PM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Re: Hey there MRS-BOOP!

Where are you going on vacation??? I will be there all next week, Unless of course if I hit the lotto!!

Yeah, we have to get together to celebrate my b-day and your DH's test passing and hey my DH's b-day is next month. You have anything to celebrate?? Oh, we can celebrate your american idol trip. And I am taking my sandwich making exams next week, so if I pass we can celebrate that!! We gots a lot to celebrate!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/14/05 4:01 PM

My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


Re: Hey there MRS-BOOP!

You already passed that I thought!

Lets celebrate the fact that I have no accomplished ANYTHING as of late. That sounds good to me! LOL

Going upstate for a bit..cant wait! I need to get outta here and forget everything exists! So...are you ordering breakfast tomorrow for your special day?? I miss my bacon! LOL

Any gossip from work?? I need gossip!

Posted 7/14/05 4:03 PM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Re: Hey there MRS-BOOP!

Christine is buying me breakfast tomorrow for my b-day. She's so sweet. No new gossip, except for the fact that there are 4 poeple helping with the older kids in the front room and poor Christine had 20 kids with 2 people. A new person started volunteering today, in the front room and her little daughter was put in Christine's room. I feel so bad for her. She REALLY needs more help in there. It is ridiculous. There are friggin babies in that room. If I were her, I seriously would have QUIT already. it really is so unfair. That room is crazy!!

Posted 7/14/05 4:07 PM

My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


Re: Hey there MRS-BOOP!

Hence the reason why I refuse to work there in the summer. Id rather be broke than deal with that in the heat. During the regular school year its bad enough but at least Marlene and I whip them into shape pretty easily. Without Marlene there though, I refuse to do it. We play good cop, bad cop too good! LOL

Yea Chris is a sweetheart. I cant wait to see what happens in September though. So your not gonna be there at all in September right??! I am so upset! Also, I am going to talk to Gin about our little angel being in there again...I am not too sure I can handle him another time around...anything change with that situation at all??

Posted 7/14/05 4:24 PM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Re: Hey there MRS-BOOP!

Posted by nycchic24

I am going to talk to Gin about our little angel being in there again...I am not too sure I can handle him another time around...anything change with that situation at all??

Noreen, he has really been very very good. No major incidents at all. He seems to have grown up a bit. He is in underwear now too. He doesn't bother any of the other kids, except Michael (nancy's brat) and well, I like that. Little Michael doesn't have mommy there to protect him!! But he has been extremely good. You'll see next week if you stop up. He seems to have calmed down a lot. He's always asking me to come over and watch movies at his house, telling me he loves me. I think he is getting a lot of much needed love and play time with mom and dad lately. He is constantly telling me things he is doing.

Don't count him out yet!!

Posted 7/14/05 4:32 PM

My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


Re: Hey there MRS-BOOP!

Oh I adore him actually..I always have but another entire year in my room just to get a "thank you note" at the end, makes me angry! Especially if your not there...I dont get paid extra to deal with that ya know?? I hope he continues to do better and I hope they continue to interact with him because its exactly what he needs! I really do love him..hes adorable and I really wanna see him although I am sure he will pull the shy act with me at first! LOL

Posted 7/14/05 5:57 PM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Re: Hey there MRS-BOOP!

I may take his mom up on her offer of me staying with him a couple hours a week and her paying out of her own pocket. I have to see if she offers it again. Also depends what my schedule will be in September. I just don't think she understands how much I make and how much it will cost her to keep me. I am not cheap baby!!Chat Icon

Posted 7/14/05 6:51 PM

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