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Hi ladies new to the site with baby fever

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LIF Infant

Member since 8/07

188 total posts


Hi ladies new to the site with baby fever

I just got married 7/21 me and DH have been together for about 6 years. And we want to have a baby. We have been trying way before the wedding but no luck and we have not been that serious about it but just trying to see what happens.

Now Im really serious about it. Im 30 and really starting to worry if there is something wrong with me. I have been to the doctor and she has given me a few test Im getting ready to take but any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Posted 8/4/07 2:12 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Love my babies!

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Re: Hi ladies new to the site with baby fever

First, Congrats on your recent wedding, many good wishes for a lifetime of happiness!

Have you been using ovluation kits to time when you are most fertile? If not, you should, that would help tremendously! If you have been doing all in your power and still no luck, then you can consider speaking to a doctor. Since you are only 30, they might not rush you into testing, but you never know. What many doctors will do is send your husband for testing first to rule that out - it's a simple test and much easier to rule out the male first before anything. You say you have been trying "way before" the wedding, but don't specify how long? If it's been a few months only, I would not worry....if it's been well over 6 months, then possibly consider seeing a dr. It's not a big deal and very common. This board is so helpful and you will receive many tips.

I am 35, so it's even more challenging for me - I did get pregnant in May after 5 months of trying, but unfortunately just had a miscarriage. However, knowing I can get pregnant does give me some hope. The funny thing is that I had my husband go in for a semen analysis and that same month I got pregnant! In fact, I think we conceived that same day or the next! Since I'm 35, they say if it's been 4-6 months with no luck, you should get tested...Best of luck to you.

Message edited 8/4/2007 6:02:28 AM.

Posted 8/4/07 6:01 AM

Momma's Boy & Lovin' it!!

Member since 5/06

2579 total posts


Re: Hi ladies new to the site with baby fever

Congratulations to you and Dh on just getting married Chat Icon and Welcome to the madness that TTC is Chat Icon
There is so much great stuff here and I LOVE all the info and feedback from the other girls. GOOD LUCK!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/4/07 8:27 AM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

9764 total posts


Re: Hi ladies new to the site with baby fever

Congrats on the wedding. I have no real advice. You could try temping or OPK kits. Fertility has been useful in tracking for me.

Good Luck...Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/4/07 9:58 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/07

806 total posts


Re: Hi ladies new to the site with baby fever

Welcome to the TTC board. You will learn a lot here. My recommendation to all newbies is to read Taking Charge of Your Fertility. It's a great book that teaches you all about how to identify the signs your body gives you to indicate fertility. I also recommend OPK's to help pinpoint ovulation each month. I hope your stay with us is short. Chat Icon

Posted 8/4/07 11:23 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/07

188 total posts


Re: Hi ladies new to the site with baby fever

Thanks so much ladies for all the words of encouragement. I will start the OPK soon and then Im going for some test.
so we shall see what happens.

Posted 8/5/07 1:32 PM

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