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boys will be boys =)
Member since 9/05 7205 total posts
Name: :)
Holding a child back...
This is for a 3rd grader in NYC schools.
Is this done very often any more ?
What rights does a parent have if this is suggested/advised ?
What are the pros and cons to a child being held back or going forward (while struggling academically)...
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I dont want to post details for privacy reasons, but I can FM anyone that has experience or advice.
thanks ladies !
Posted 5/16/08 3:10 PM |
family is all that matters

Member since 6/06 6513 total posts
Name: browneyes
Re: Holding a child back...
i don't know about nyc but on LI it's really only done in extreme circumstances OR in kindergarten as a maturity thing. some kids are too young and immature in kindergarten and need to repeat it--doesn't mean they're not smart--they're just not ready for a full school day.
so much depends on the child and what the situations are. if it's a special education student i would say no way to retention. if it's a child who is failing in all subjects--a complete evaluation should be done immediately to rule out learning disabilities. if it's not some type of LD situation, then there's something else going on--possibly no support at home.
going forward struggling academically is traumatic for a child and his family. some type of intervention needs to be done--tutoring, evaluation, extra help, intense work by the parents at home, etc.
i would generally say no to retention in 3rd grade, but if there are special circumstances, then i don't know. that's a case by case basis.
if you want to fm any other info, i'd be glad to give you my opinion. good luck!
Posted 5/16/08 5:18 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 2/07 1424 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: Holding a child back...
i teach in nyc. ive only ever seen a student get held back 2x out of 40+ plus possible cases ive been involved with.
from my experience, the student must get a 1 on the ELA and Math to be considered. the portfolio will go down to the office for review by the principal and superintendent. child is then usually referred for summer school. if the parent refuses summer school they are held back, if they go to summer school they are usually promoted.
if they get held back, they usually transfer to another school the day before school starts. new school doesnt realize they are a hold over until its too late, and they "get promoted" anyway.
do i sound jaded?
Posted 5/16/08 5:36 PM |
Stop and smell the flowers

Member since 7/06 1538 total posts
Re: Holding a child back...
i am a 3rd grade teacher in nyc. i have a current year grade 3 holdover in my room this year. i had one last year too. so i don't think it is that uncommon. if they get a 1 on either the math or ela exam they are given some additional tests, a portfolio is put together and administration makes a decision. i agree with the above teacher, typically the child changes schools. sometimes because the parents are trying to sneak a promotion. but both the kids i mentioned above came from another school just to make it easier for them socially. the child i had last year got extra help and showed a lot of improvement. the child i have this year has shown very little improvement even with extra help, i refered him for special education and he is now receiving special services. in my experience the kids that i've seen heldover really needed to be and benefited from it. but if it's a close call then the parents and teacher should be really involved in putting together some evidence that the child would be able to succeed in the next grade. hth
eta - kids who are heldover are offered summer school and a chance to pass the exam they failed at the end of the summer. from what i've seen, if the child performed that poorly the first time, there is a real problem and they don't typically improve enough over the summer. sorry if that is a negative view - just what i've seen.
Message edited 5/16/2008 6:11:38 PM.
Posted 5/16/08 6:07 PM |
BLUE times 2!

Member since 11/05 1884 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Holding a child back...
In my experience, if I child received a 1 on either test, it's really hard for a parent or a teacher to push them forward. They have to pass the test in summer school. Like a pp said - they may try a different school and that could work.
The only time these same rules don't apply is if the child has an IEP or if the child is ELL. If the child has an IEP, they may have modified criteria for passing the grade. If they have standard criteria then they have to pass the same test as everyone else.
If the child is ELL, they can fail the test, and you can still move them on. In my school, you can leave them behind, as long as the parent agrees. If they disagree, they can fight you on it.
I have 2 students in my class this year because they failed the ELA last year. I don't think leaving either of these children behind solved either of their problems.
Posted 5/18/08 11:47 AM |
Don't eat me, hippo!

Member since 5/05 9252 total posts
Name: Deb
Re: Holding a child back...
I know we usually don't hold kids back after k or 1. I have a child who honestly has not mastered the 5th grade curriculum. Nor did she 4th. Or 3rd.... but we just keep promoting her. Honestly, don't think holding her back would really help her at all. We've worked with her hard this year, but she has no interest in school, no motivation, and no home support.
I wouldn't hold a child back in 3rd unless it was absolutely necessary.
Posted 5/18/08 11:52 AM |
The Lazy Days of Summer

Member since 10/06 1413 total posts
Re: Holding a child back...
From what I understand principals are really taking a hit this year because of the number of hold overs. I went from 5, then 3, because 2 of the girls met the Level on E-Clas,so I understood this. But when we had our hold over meeting those 3 became 1. 1 OUT OF 5... THOSE POOR TEACHERS! oh wait it will be happening to me too.
Posted 5/18/08 5:03 PM |
BLUE times 2!

Member since 11/05 1884 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Holding a child back...
Posted by happytobreathe
From what I understand principals are really taking a hit this year because of the number of hold overs. I went from 5, then 3, because 2 of the girls met the Level on E-Clas,so I understood this. But when we had our hold over meeting those 3 became 1. 1 OUT OF 5... THOSE POOR TEACHERS! oh wait it will be happening to me too.
My admin is very hesitant to leave kids over as well. Before kids reach third grade, admin tries to rationalize that they just haven't matured yet! This is sad because I feel that the only benefit of leaving a child behind is when it is in the lower grades. Once a child reaches third grade though, they are subject to the NYS exams and there is only so much a principal can do to push that child forward if they failed.
Message edited 5/18/2008 5:48:33 PM.
Posted 5/18/08 5:47 PM |
New Year!

Member since 5/05 13729 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Holding a child back...
In my school.. We have to keep a list of promotion in doubt and submit it a to adminstration.Letters go out letting parents know.If a student gets a 1 on either test they go to summer school...If they still cannot pass in summer school they are held back
Message edited 5/18/2008 9:10:00 PM.
Posted 5/18/08 9:09 PM |
boys will be boys =)
Member since 9/05 7205 total posts
Name: :)
Re: Holding a child back...
wow, thanks for all the feedback, input and advice. I truly appreciate it.
I know they are going to be meeting with teachers/principal, etc, to discuss this further.
I will post back with questions if I have any.
thank you so much
Posted 5/19/08 6:58 PM |